Chapter 367 361. Signing session.

"Hey, Mogami-san, there's something I've wanted to ask for a long time. If I made a mistake, I'd like to say sorry first."

Uchida Maaya said suddenly.

"Mogami-san, do you still remember the cleaning activity organized by the town last year? I met Mogami-san at that time, right?"

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

"At that time, Mogami-san later left with a girl, because she was wearing a mask at the time, so I couldn't confirm it.

But looking back now, the girl at that time was probably Sakura-san. "


She can't even remember such a long time ago.

Although Mogami Kazuto is a Tokyo native who loves to lie, but in this matter, he didn't think it was necessary for him to lie, so he nodded and admitted.

"Then...the recent rumors are indeed true." Uchida Maaya's eyes dimmed.


"Recently everyone is talking about Mogami-san dating Sakura-san."


Mogami Kazuto suddenly showed an expression of extreme headache, and could not help but let out a long sigh.

"Where did this inexplicable rumor come from?"


Uchida Maaya looked at him in surprise: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not. Ms. Sakura and I are just ordinary friends, but we have more intersections at work."


"There is no business or not. In the final analysis, I have no intention of doing business with her at all. It's just the fans' imagination."

"But even people in the industry are saying, not just fans."

"Then they are quite free."

Uchida Maaya nodded with a vague understanding.

In short, this matter has been very strongly denied by Mogami Kazuto himself.

After that, the two chatted about some unimportant things, and when it was nearly four o'clock, Uchida Maaya got up to say goodbye to him, and was about to change clothes and go to work.

Kazuto Mogami watched the fading rain outside the window, and prepared to go home.

As soon as she walked out of the door, Uchida Maaya, who had already changed into her overalls, chased after her and handed Kazuto Mogami a transparent umbrella.

Kazuto Mogami hesitated for a while, but still took it, thanked him, and left the cafe.

After returning home, Kazuto Mogami made a simple dinner. After eating alone, he went back to his room to write. It has been two months since the last volume was released.

The progress that has fallen has to be made up quickly. With the increase in the singer's work, Kazuto Mogami's writing time has been shortened helplessly.

The release time of the fifth volume is tentatively scheduled for next month. Fortunately, the fifth volume has reached the final finishing stage, and it will be completely finished in about a week.

Shimizu Yousha has been staying at her parents' house these days. According to what Kazuto Mogami knew about her, she must have gone to vaccinate her parents.

Kazuto Mogami reckoned that it would not be long before he would be able to visit Shimizu's house as a boyfriend.

It's not that he doesn't want to, at this point, he has no room for turning back, what Qingshui Yousha wants to do, then it's up to her.

For this girl who has been by his side all the time, he just wants to fulfill her wish as much as possible.

In this relationship, Mogami Kazuto's own will is not important.



It was sunny on March 4.


It was just after noon at this time, and there was already a long queue in front of the bookstore. Such a situation is very common in Akihabara.

Kazuto Mogami stood on the other side of the street, watching the queue in front of the bookstore, put on a mask and hat, and walked quietly to the place where the "Last End" sign was held.

Standing at the end of the line were two female high school students. Even on weekends, they were wearing beautiful sailor uniforms, so they were easy to spot.

"I actually came here on impulse. What should I do? I haven't even finished the first volume."

"What does it matter, I haven't read a single word yet, and it doesn't affect my liking for He-chan."

"He Jiang, will you be angry?"

"No way! In contrast, I bought ten of his CDs."

"It would be great if I could hear He-chan singing live."

"Idiot, this is a signing event. As long as you wait, there will be a day when the concert will be held."

The two girls in sailor suits were discussing with each other, without paying any attention to Kazuto Mogami who was standing behind and eavesdropping silently.

Kazuto Mogami listened for a long time before he realized that the "Japanese sauce" they were talking about was actually himself.

Somewhat made him smile a little wryly.

I wanted to quietly listen to readers' comments on him, but I didn't expect to meet two heavyweights as soon as I came up.

But he had expected this kind of thing long ago. In the long queue in front of him, apart from the glasses nerds carrying backpacks, the most indispensable thing was young girls like them.

Obviously, these girls may not have read Mogami Kazuto's novels, but they are all fans of Mogami Kazuto.

Mogami Kazuto's mood is very complicated, and it's not that it's bad, but after all, it gives him the illusion that he is opportunistic.

In short, it is better not to think too much.

In any case, those who appeared on this occasion are his fans and readers of Totsuka Kazu, and the only thing he can do is to meet their expectations.

Other than that, he didn't need to delve into it.

Not long after, a young girl appeared behind Mogami Kazuto, looking at the long queue in front of her with a melancholy expression, as if complaining that the queue was too long.

To Mogami Kazuren's surprise, she took out a novel from her bag and stood silently flipping through it. It was the first volume of "Departure".

She turned two pages and played with her phone for a while.Kazuto Mogami thought about it, and guessed in his heart that she was also one of the fans and had no interest in light novels.

Kazuto Mogami stepped aside, and the girl behind him looked at him in surprise, said "take a rest", and took the place Kazuto Mogami had just stood on.

Kazuto Mogami didn't understand what was to be thanked for, so he walked towards the entrance of the bookstore without saying anything.

"Hey, that person just now, doesn't he look a bit like Kazuki?"

" say that, it seems that there are indeed some similarities."

Kazuto Mogami couldn't hear the conversation between the two girls in sailor suits. He had already left the team at this time, and walked into the bookstore together with ordinary customers who just came to buy books.

As soon as he entered the bookstore, Mogami Kazuto saw Natsuki Yuta standing next to the cashier, and Mogami Kazuto walked over to say hello.

"Totsuka-sensei? You're here."

"Sorry, it's a little late."

"Nothing, there are still 10 minutes before the start."

Mogami Kazuto nodded, took off his hat and mask, combed his hair a little, and sat down at the desk prepared for him in the bookstore.

On the long table opposite him, there are two bookstore clerks who are sorting out cardboard boxes, which are full of library copies of "Journey to Death".

Readers would go there to buy books first, and then come with the book and wait for Mogami Kazuto's autograph.

The girls at the front of the line were already waving at him, but without exception, they didn't make a sound.

Following the opening announcement by the staff present, the team entered the bookstore in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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