After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 371 365. Under the continuous rain, the lazy May came quietly.

Chapter 371 365. Under the continuous rain, the lazy May came quietly.


The season of laziness.

There was a drizzle of rain falling outside the window, and the raindrops hitting the window flowed down the glass one by one, crystal clear.

Kazuto Mogami sat at the computer desk in the bedroom, quietly writing the outline of the novel.

The fifth volume of "Journey to Death" has been completed and delivered to Empress Xia Muyu. The editorial department has begun to proofread and typesetting it, and it is about to enter the printing stage.

The number of first prints this time is 15 copies, and the cumulative number of printed copies of the entire series has exceeded 95 copies.

Assuming that there is no inventory and all are sold out, the cumulative sales amount has exceeded [-] million yen.

After achieving this achievement, the editorial department made concessions for Kazuto Mogami.

Counting from the sixth volume that has not yet been written, the 8% royalties of Mogami Kazuto have been raised to 10% on their own initiative, in order to keep Mogami Kazuto in Denki Bunko in the future.

Kazuto Mogami made his debut as a light novel writer in less than a year, and his total after-tax income exceeded 4000 million yen, enough to buy a decent house in a remote area of ​​Tokyo.

Of course, like the Chiyoda mansion where Ms. Sakura lives, I am afraid that the down payment is reluctant.

After all, there is a gap between people's families, and Mogami Kazuto never thought about living a rich life.

He felt that Yuedao was very quiet and comfortable to live in.

In addition, he has long heard that Ayane Sakura's annual income exceeds 2 million yen, and she is a veritable rich daughter and rich woman.

All in all, as far as Mogami Kazuto is concerned, writing novels is more profitable than being an artist.

After all, in the job of an artist, the real way to make money is to accept various endorsements, attend business events, and hold concerts. Mogami Kazuto is not yet at that level.

Even so, he has no intention of giving up his job as an artist.

His current life is very fulfilling, although it is always full of all kinds of troubles, but these are the enlightenment that enriches his life.

After a quiet morning, Kazuto Mogami fried himself fried rice with eggs. With the blessing of Lv4 cooking skills, just ordinary fried rice with eggs can bring extraordinary enjoyment to the taste buds.

After twelve o'clock, Mogami Kazuto went out with an umbrella and headed for the station.

He took the train, left the station in Nishi Shinjuku, and walked all the way to the recording studio. What awaited him in the afternoon was to participate in the video recording of GA Bunko.

Kazuto Mogami stopped by a nearby convenience store and bought a bottle of carbonated water.

Kazuto Mogami is actually not very addicted to carbonic acid, but discovered by chance that this stuff is very suitable for opening his voice.

Therefore, before recording programs and songs, he would have a drink or two.

Walking out of the convenience store, Mogami Kazuto looked up at the sky where the rain was getting heavier, and the man standing beside him was complaining to himself that the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

Mogami Kazuto looked sideways and found that this person looked familiar.

Tall and thin, with clean facial features, he looks like a refreshingly handsome guy.

Kazuto Mogami remembered who he was.



The man turned his head and found Kazuto Mogami who appeared next to him. Without any hesitation, he called out Kazuto Mogami's name in an instant.


"it's me."

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet Totsuka-san in such a place."

To be honest, the two didn't have much interaction before, and it took Mogami Kazuto a long time to remember his name, and he already admired his own memory in his heart.

But he was able to recognize Mogami Kazuto in an instant, probably because of the gap in social skills.

Mogami Kazuto is still far behind in this respect.

"Why is Shimada-san sheltering from the rain here?"

Shimada Nobunaga pointed to a building in the distance, and said with a wry smile: "I was reading a book in a nearby coffee shop not long ago, but I accidentally got the time wrong, and I have to go to record later.

If I got wet and went to the recording studio, I was worried about giving a bad impression, so I went to the convenience store to buy an umbrella, and I happened to run into Totsuka-san. "

"So it is."

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while: "I brought an umbrella, if Shimada-san doesn't mind, we can go together."


Nobunaga Shimada stared at Kazuto Mogami in surprise for a while, hesitating in his heart.

Mogami Kazuto saw his hesitation, and smiled lightly: "I just stopped by to record the broadcast, if Shimada-san has other important matters, I will go first.

Sorry for the rude words. "

"Wait a minute, Totsuka-san."

Kazuto Mogami who had just taken two steps looked back at him.

"Since Totsuka-san said that, I won't be polite, let's go together."

Mogami Kazuto nodded, tilted the handle of the umbrella slightly, and the two walked towards the recording building in the distance together.

The young woman who had just walked out of the convenience store, after witnessing this scene, frantically tugged at the sleeves of her companions beside her, enjoying this magnificent scene in the May rain together with her friends.



"Yeah~ To be honest, I was really taken aback."

"What do you mean?"

"Totsuka-san is more approachable than I thought."

"That sounds a bit rude."

"Ah, sorry! I didn't mean that."

"It's okay, I was joking."

"Ah this..."

Shimada Nobunaga always thought that the unsmiling Mogami Kazuto was a more taciturn person, but he didn't expect him to take the initiative to make jokes.

"Because Shimada-san looked worried about causing trouble for me, I wondered if it would be better to leave just now."

"Shouldn't it be natural to worry about causing trouble to others?"

Well... Mogami Kazuto himself had the same opinion about this, but he just took an umbrella along the way, and he didn't think this kind of thing was troublesome.

Even though the essence of being afraid of trouble is the same, Mogami Kazuto's definition of "trouble" is indeed subtly different from those of islanders like them.

"Helping others is also a matter of course."

"It feels like the lines spoken by the protagonist of the manga." Shimada Nobunaga praised.

"Really? I think it's very ordinary."

"Totsuka-san, surprisingly, is a very interesting person, and I know a good thing."

Shimada Nobunaga showed a hearty smile, Mogami Kazuto glanced at him: "Do all of you male voice actors only speak this line?

Also, "accident" is redundant. "

"Who else said that?"

"Senior Miyano."

Shimada Nobunaga suddenly said: "That person... There should be nothing wrong with that, Mr. Miyano has always been very accurate in seeing people."

Kazuto Mogami didn't understand where the basis for this came from, but they are both voice actors, presumably the intersection between the two should be much more than him, and Kazuto Mogami is not interested in asking.

Chatting all the way to the building, Kazuto Mogami put away his umbrella, brushed off his shoulders that were slightly soaked by rain, and said goodbye to Nobunaga Shimada coldly.

"Wait a minute, Totsuka-san."

"Anything else?"

"If possible, can you tell me your line?"

Kazuto Mogami looked at him silently for a while.

"Yes, yes, but why?"

"Huh? Why?"

"If you want to thank you in the future, I don't think it's necessary, it's just a trivial matter."

"Totsuka-san is really a strange person." Shimada Nobunaga smiled.

"Didn't you just say I was funny?"

Shimada Nobunaga smiled, his smile was completely different from Mogami Kazuto's, like the warm sunshine emerging after the rain in May.

Kazuto Mogami felt that he would never have such an expression in his life.

"That's right, because Totsuka-san is very interesting, I want to make friends with you. Is this a good reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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