After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 372 366. "GANGANGA Channel"

Chapter 372 366. "GANGANGA Channel"

"Hi everyone, I'm Totsuka Kazu, I'm sorry to trouble everyone today, please give me your advice."

"Please advise."

"Please advise."

In the recording studio, Kazuto Mogami routinely greeted each other with the on-site staff.

Nobunaga Shimada went to another floor. After greeting the people, Mogami looked around and saw Dai Qiuhui at the scene.

"Totsuka-san, have you read all the scripts?"

"Well, I've practiced it, no problem."

Dai Qiuhui pulled Mogami Kazuto aside and began to whisper.

"The other host this time is Ms. Maaya Uchida, a newcomer voice actress from IM Agency.

According to what IM said, she is planning to let her take the route of idol seiyuu, so remember to keep some distance from her.

As for Miss Sakura, you can figure it out yourself. "

"No matter which one, I will keep my distance." Mogami Kazuto replied decisively.

"That would be great."

"Miss Dai, you should also talk to them, and let them keep a distance from me."

When Dai Qiuhui heard this, she first laughed out loud, and stared at Kazuto Mogami's handsome face for three seconds, then realized that the problem seemed rather serious, and couldn't laugh anymore.

She sighed slightly: "Anyway, you can handle it yourself. I won't talk about Ms. Sakura's side. You are old partners."

"I have it in my mind."

Saying goodbye to Dai Qiuhui, Kazuto Mogami found a room called the lounge, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Mogami Kazuto saw someone's beautiful but squishy face.

The short hair, which was slightly longer than before, was tied into a small braid with a water-blue floral headband, and it was tucked neatly at the back of the head.

The speed of makeup today is really fast.

Ms. Sakura is wearing a water-colored dress today, and a pure white knit jacket on her upper body. There is no trace of rain on the clothes.

It is really convenient for those who have a car.

Mogami Kazuto thought enviously.

"Yahoo! Mr. Scrap! I'm the first to take the lead today! Hmph!"

Mogami Kazuto looked at her inexplicably, not knowing what she was so proud of.

Uchida Maaya, who was sitting next to Sakura Ayane, looked at her with a face full of surprise.

He even called the other party "He Renjun". The relationship between these two people is really extraordinary.

Of the three present, Uchida Maaya was the least experienced. Although it was not the first time for her to appear on this show, she was far inferior to the two in front of her in terms of the number of broadcasts she participated in.

So she stood up and nodded to Kazuto Mogami as a matter of course: "Hello, Totsuka-san."

Uchida Maaya was wearing a dark blue sleeveless dress with an elegant and virtuous demeanor, which was in striking contrast with Miss Sakura over there.

"Hello, Miss Uchida."

"Hey, don't ignore me!"

"After you learn to say 'hello'. "

Kazuto Mogami said calmly.

"Hey! Another point will be deducted from you!" Sakura Ayane glared at him viciously.

Mogami Kazuto didn't take it seriously at all, anyway, he couldn't see the intimacy of Ayane Sakura now.

And as far as Ayane Sakura is concerned, a number like 1 point is not her usual style, so she is obviously not really angry.

I don't know when, Mogami Kazuto has been able to calmly deal with this troublesome woman.

The lounge was not big, so Kazuto Mogami took off his coat which was slightly wet by the rain, and found a corner to read the script quietly.

Although it is a reading table, it is actually just a daze. The behavior of watching the table book can effectively prevent others from talking. This is the experience of most people.

But this kind of experience is obviously not applicable to Sakura Ayane.

She didn't care at all that Uchida Maaya was also there, and laughed and ran to sit next to Mogami Kazuto, disturbing Mogami Kazuto's wandering thoughts.

On the side, Uchida Maaya watched Sakura Ayane silently, her mind racing.

Sure enough, as rumored in the industry, their relationship is really good.

I heard that they were also witnessed by fans going out to eat together, and I have personally seen the scene of them together.

Are you dating secretly?
But it doesn't look like it.

On the contrary, it is more like a primary school student who likes to tease his classmates.

Uchida Maaya couldn't help thinking, is she really a senior in the industry?

Miss Sakura shook the notebook in her hand.

"Hey! Hey! Mr. Xiaoren, look at this paragraph."

Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to move his eyes to where her finger was pointing.

I really want Ms. Dai to see this scene too. He obviously didn't do anything, but this woman has already entangled her.

I also want Shimada Nobunaga to take a look and let him know what is really causing trouble to others.

Sakura Ayane pointed to the script in her hand, smiled and said:

""It's good to be a cheerful person who matches the summer atmosphere.

It would be nice to be as cool as a toothpaste commercial.

Or someone like a cool drink in early summer.

Let's look forward to his gorgeous smile. ""

Sakura Ayane laughed unscrupulously, and the mountains shook.

"and then?"

Kazuto Mogami asked.

"Can you really do it? A gorgeous and refreshing smile."

"Whether you can do it or not is another matter. I have seen the template just now."

"what is that?"

Kazuto Mogami was referring to Nobunaga Shimada, but he didn't want to explain too much.

"Miss Sakura is the one, it's better to worry about yourself than me."


"Today's show also has a food tasting session. Anyway, I don't do much of the show, but you, if you do too much of this kind of show, your weight will become ugly."

"Hey! Mogami, Tieba! The weight of a lady is a forbidden word!"


Kazuto Mogami pretended to be dazed, and immediately showed a dazed look.


Miss Sakura was furious, her distinctive nose let out a "hum", and she ran to kiss Uchida Maaya.

Their interaction and dialogue, as well as the helplessness in Mogami Kazuto's eyes, were all seen by Uchida Maaya, and her thoughts changed again.

Could it be that their relationship is actually not good?

As for Uchida Maaya who just entered the society, she still can't tell the difference for the time being, but in her impression, Mogami Kazuto is a calm and quiet person, while Sakura Ayane is a gentle and kind senior.

And what she saw now, whether it was Kazuto Mogami's sarcasm or Ayane Sakura's gossip, made her doubt her own judgment.

The only thing she can be sure of is that these two people seem to understand each other better than she imagined.



Recording studio.

Ayane Sakura and Maaya Uchida had already sat at the table, and Kazuto Mogami, as a guest guest, was temporarily sitting in a small set on the other side, and a camera was also facing him.

The scene is undergoing the final confirmation before the shooting. Ayane Sakura looks back at him from time to time. Although her expression is normal, Kazuto Mogami still finds a trace of provocation in her eyes.

Really, a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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