After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 378 372. No. 1 in the world of Shenying.

Chapter 378 372. Shenying is number one in the world.

"Is Leo's skill too ordinary? In the early stage, he was almost always protected. Wouldn't it be better to add some special abilities?"

"It's not Leo, it's Terry."

"Oh, sorry."

"Terry's setting lies in his eye of prophecy. In the final battle of the fourth volume, the real body of his ability will be revealed, and he has the ability to fight."

"What I mean is to advance this combat ability a bit, and it's best to be able to fight in the third episode."


"Also, regarding the plot where the heroine can't speak, my suggestion is to modify this setting appropriately, and advance the plot of Xie...uh, Xie's shy opening, so that the audience will be happier.

Invite a popular and popular voice actor, and sell more peripherals and CDs, wouldn't it be a hit? "




To be honest, Mogami Kazuto's blood pressure has almost gone up.

It's just that on this occasion, he has to restrain himself somewhat.

The person who said these words was the person in charge of another investor, in his 40s, bald, and heard that the company specializes in the production of animation peripherals.

Already thinking about making a removable plastic figurine.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't bear these laymen the most.

However, except for this one, the rest of the members were discussing seriously, which somewhat became a little bit of consolation for Kazuto Mogami.

"I think the plot of the original work unfolds very well, although for some audiences, there is no such a raging unfolding, the positioning of the original work is a gentle, slow, healing journey.

To change this point, to be honest, I think it is too unwise. "

"Then can I still be the heroine?"

"I don't think the two conflict."

"Oh, I'm fine with that then."

What on earth are you here for?

In short, most people tend to faithfully restore the novel, and add the animation team's own understanding on this basis.

Kazuto Mogami has no objection to this, animation production still has to be handed over to professionals, and appropriate deletions and changes are within his tolerance.

In the end, the first 13 episodes of TV animation were finalized at the end of the third volume.

The reason why it ends here is because it happens to be the plot where the heroine speaks, and it will solve a complete plot from the second volume to the third volume, which is a more suitable point for ending.

Kazuto Mogami never expected to use a full 13 episodes to perfectly describe the plot of the first volume, which is a super treatment that even top bosses can't ask for.

Chapter 13 is a three-volume novel, of which the second to third volumes tell the same story, which is already an ideal state.

In addition, one of the things that Mogami Kazuto is more concerned about is how much money he can make from animation.

Kazuto Mogami is a commercial light novel writer after all, and the ultimate purpose of writing is nothing but money.

This is not shabby.

Kazuto Mogami's income is collected according to the number of times each episode of animation is broadcast.

The TV station will pay Mogami Kazuto for the use of the work. Each broadcast is 13 yen, a total of 104 episodes, and a TV station is [-] million.

The price of each TV station is different, and there are naturally differences.

In addition to this part of the use fee, the publishing house will also get 10% of the profit for each copy of the BD released in the future, of which Mogami Kazuto's profit is 2%.

The use of TV stations, sales of CDs, and peripherals such as figures will all become sources of income for Mogami Kazuto.

But as a light novel writer, the largest proportion of income must be the royalties from the original work.

The popularity of animation will bring unusual popularity to the original work, which is bound to increase the sales of the original work.

This is the income that only the publishing house can enjoy, skipping the sponsor and the animation group.

It is precisely because of this magical power that there are so many light novelists. Even if the work is bad, they will still make a lot of money because of the popularity at that time.

According to Mogami Kazuto's expectation, if he can earn another 3000 to [-] million yen after the animation is broadcast, that would be great.

If this continues, maybe the day will be long enough to buy a luxury house in Chiyoda.

Although, he is not interested in it.



After the meeting, Kazuto Mogami and Yuta Natsuki went to a nearby family restaurant for dinner.

Natsuki Yuta has been complaining about the man who works on anime products, Mogami Kazuto has the same mentality as him, but he is not as outspoken as he is.

"Then...Mr. Xia Mu, if Shessel's hands-on model really came out, would you buy it?"

"Buy! Buy it!"

Mogami Kazuto laughed, but he was quite honest.

"Totsuka-sensei, with all due respect, when will the sixth volume be finished?"

"Isn't the fifth volume just finished?"

"You see, after all, the general public will not know the news of the animation until the sixth volume is officially published. I certainly hope that this news will be known to readers as soon as possible."

"Isn't it written on the cover of the fifth volume that there will be a major publication in the next volume? Many readers on the Internet have already guessed it.

The comics and radio dramas have all been completed, and what the next major announcement will be can be more or less guessed. "

"That's what I said, but I'm still looking forward to that day."

"me too."

"Speaking of which, the voice actress of the TV version will be Ms. Sakura, right?"

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback when he heard the words, and then remembered that Natsuki Yuta in front of him seemed to be a fan of Sakura Ayane.

Kazuto Mogami didn't answer his question directly, but instead asked, "Then what, Mr. Xia Mu, can I ask you a question?"

"of course can."

"From the eyes of Sakura-san's fans like you, do I seem to have a good relationship with Sakura-san?"

"I'm fine, but in my circle, there are already many people urging marriage again."

Kazuto Mogami was stunned: "Who are you urging?"

"You and Miss Sakura."

Kazuto Mogami was stunned for three seconds, and then smiled unnaturally: "Please don't be joking."

"No kidding, really."


Xia Mu Yuta suddenly thought of something, took out his mobile phone, opened a certain group chat, and showed the chat history inside.

Kazuto Mogami looked at it, and asked in confusion, "This..."Shenying is the best in the world", what does it mean? "

It's okay not to mention it, but when this topic was brought up, Xia Mu Yuta immediately became excited.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have surpassed all the cultists, and was talking to them, the source of artificial void medicine.

Xia Muyu rubbed his hands shyly, and explained to Kazuto Mogami in a low voice.

After Mogami Kazuto heard this, his face immediately turned dark.

What a mess.

While Mogami Kazuto was deep in thought, Natsuki Yuta posted the words "I am eating with God" in the group.

Of course, no one would believe it at all.

But this does not prevent this group of people from making medicine in the void.

Phrases such as "I'm having a wedding, aren't you?", "Is Ms. Sakura in a wedding dress beautiful?"

The atmosphere inside and outside the group is full of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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