Chapter 379 373. She hates pestering girls.

Natsuki Yuta generously explained to Kazuto Mogami what it means to be "No. [-] in the world".

Just last night, GA Library released the preview of the "GANGANGA Channel" recorded that day, and cut many interesting scenes to increase the popularity of this issue.

The scene that was supposed to be officially broadcast in June has become a famous scene in the circle just relying on the preview.

Whenever these two people appear on the show together, it becomes a carnival for those people.

Mogami Kazuto was stunned for a moment, and he figured it out. These guys are crazy about CP speculation.

If Ms. Sakura found out, she would have to laugh at herself again.

Mogami Kazuto thinks.

After lunch, Mogami Kazuto bid farewell to Natsuki Yuta and returned to Tsukishima's home alone.

On a rare day off, he plans to spend the whole day on writing.

As soon as he got home, the first thing Mogami Kazuto did was to boil water in the kitchen.

The hot water pot with heat preservation function is full, and after pouring a cup, it is still steaming.

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while, and sent a message to Shimizu's sofa, asking if she had been here this morning.

After a long time, Qingshui Yousha told him that he went home in the morning to get his clothes, thinking that he might go home today, and boiled hot water in advance.

Mogami Kazuto didn't think much, and went upstairs to his room with hot water.

Kazuto Mogami immersed himself in writing throughout the afternoon.

He didn't know if Qingshui Yousha had a job today, he didn't even ask.

Kazuto Mogami is still not good at playing the role of a lover. For the kind of couple who want to stick together all the time, he really can't understand from the bottom of his heart.

But if Qingshui Yousha took the initiative to ask him to do something, he would definitely do it with all his strength.

Even if it is the requirement of "you must send me a line every hour", Kazuto Mogami will fully abide by it when he is not sleeping.

But if he is allowed to spontaneously think about what Qing Shui Yousha is thinking and what he longs for.

Kazuto Mogami hasn't reached that level yet.



Recording studio.

A certain love drama is being recorded.

"I saw."


"Fortunately, I still regard you as my best friend, you sneaky cat!"


"Obviously I did it first! Whether it's a kiss or a hug! It's obviously me who did it first!"

"So what! There's no such thing as first-come, first-served in love!"

"Calm down, both of you!"

"Shut up, loser!"

"Shut up, loser!"



Recording ended.

Shimizu Yousha was sitting in the lounge, and confirmed the line that hadn't received any news.

Sakura Ayane took the drink she just bought from the vending machine and stuck it on Shimizu's sandy and soft cheek.

"Hey! Look at the trick!"

Shimizu Yousha was taken aback, but he was relieved when he saw Miss Sakura's face.

Pressing the lock screen button of the phone instantly, she puffed up her cheeks: "Really, Neru-san, it's really childish."

"Hey~ Because Kiyosuke is so cute, I can't help but want to play a prank on you."

Today, Ms. Sakura, the lily power in her body is still fully activated.

Saori Nishi, who was sitting opposite, looked at Ayane Sakura: "It's too cunning, only Saori has a share, what about mine?"

"I can't forget you."

Ayane Sakura gave the drink to Saori Konishi, Saori Konishi smiled and said thank you.

Sitting down on the chair, Ayane Sakura opened the ring of the sparkling water can with a "thud" and, listening to the crisp bubbling sound, took a sip.

For the next ten seconds or so, her closed legs trembled.

"What a devilish smell."

After taking a sip, Sakura-san put the sparkling water on the table and pushed it away.

People are addicted to vegetables, so to speak of her kind of person.

"Caiyin, is your leg alright?"

Sakura Ayane glanced at her leg, slightly twisted her bandaged ankle, and nodded.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury, and it doesn't affect walking anymore."

Before today's dubbing, when Saori Konishi and Yusa Shimizu saw Aya Sakura limping into the recording studio, they were all dumbfounded.

After some questioning, it was learned that she had sprained her foot yesterday, and both of them expressed their concerns.

Xiao Nishi Saori kept saying that she was not careful when walking, and Shimizu Yousha just kept looking at Sakura Ayane's foot injury.

As a result, Ayane Sakura insisted on pestering her to perform the magic of "flying away in pain", but Shimizu Yusa disliked her for a long time.

Sakura Ayane is a very nervous guy. Even though she is a wounded person, she is still as stubborn as ever in front of her friends, emphasizing that this small injury is nothing at all, and selectively forgets about letting someone carry her on her back yesterday. .

"Saori, Qibao, do you have work tonight? Do you want to have dinner together?"

"I'm fine. Yousha seems to have a job later."

Qingshui Yousha thought for a while, and said, "There is another broadcast to be recorded later, and it should end before five o'clock."

Sakura Ayane smiled smugly, and made a decision for them without authorization: "At six o'clock that night, we will meet at the old place."

"Is your foot okay? My suggestion is to go home and rest." Saori Konishi glanced at Sakura Ayane worriedly.

"Hey~~~ I don't want it, it's rare to be able to stick with my prayer!"

Ayane Sakura hugged Shimizu Yousha next to her when she disagreed with her. Apart from her usual helplessness, Shimizu Yousha seemed to have a strange emotion in her eyes.

"Well, I haven't eaten with Neru-san for a long time, let's go together."


Unlike Ayane Sakura's joyful smile, Saori Konishi glanced silently at Shimizu Yousha.

She thought that after finally getting along with Kazuto Mogami, Shimizu Yousha would want to go back to the world of Tsukishima and Kazuto Mogami even more every day.

But what does this matter have to do with her as an outsider?

With the cooperation of Kazuto Mogami, they have reconciled, but once they say something, they will never have the chance to take it back.

The friendship between them stops here and cannot go any further.

Saori Xiaonishi is not dissatisfied with this status quo, and also believes that she is not qualified to do so, so she should keep a proper distance from Qingshui and sand, so as to avoid options that will hurt her again.

It was the only way she could think of.

But why?

Obviously, I will no longer intervene between them, why is there still the same sad eyes as before when there is sand in the clear water?
Even though Ayane Sakura clings to herself, Shimizu Yousa shows helplessness.

"Really, Neru-san is too obsessive, you will be hated if you are so obsessed."

"Hey~~ I don't want to be hated by Qi Bao!" Sakura Ayane began to yell, but instead hugged the clear water and sand around her even more tightly, unwilling to let go.

Qing Shui Yousha smiled without saying a word, his eyelids drooped slightly, and his eyes fell on the desktop, and the mobile phone that was not moving at all.

That's why I said, Neru-san, you are very good at pestering people.

Don't lose to my entanglement.

(End of this chapter)

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