After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 380 374. Kazuto Mogami hates drunken girls.

Chapter 380 374. Kazuto Mogami hates drunken girls. (Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month!)






Saying "Cheers", whether it was Saori Xiaoxi or clear water with sand, he just took a sip of the beer in his life.

Only Sakura Ayane.

Swallowing mountains and rivers, high-spirited, he poured down half a cup of translucent Calpis, belching like an uncle.

"Huh~~Calpis after an adult's work is simply an addictive crime." Ayane Sakura licked her lips happily.

"Shouldn't adults drink beer?" Xiao Xi Saori complained.

Sakura Ayane pretended not to hear it.

"Neru-san, children should go home and sleep early."

"Why even Qi said that!"

Saori Konishi and Yusa Shimizu laughed at the same time, and Ayane Sakura angrily bit the end of the straw until it was full of tooth marks, as if to vent her dissatisfaction.

When the bottom of the glass was empty, Sakura Ayane gritted her teeth, raised her hand to greet the clerk with determination, and ordered a glass of beer.

"Caiyin, don't force yourself."

"Neru-san, I don't want to carry you home."

The more they said that, the more stubborn Ayane Sakura became.

Until the clerk held a beer mug as big as her face and slapped her in front of her with a "boom", Sakura Ayane felt regret in her heart.

Seeing this, Saori Konishi raised her wine glass and smiled kindly at Ayane Sakura.



Shimizu Yusa also imitated Konishi Saori's movements, showing a sweet smile that Sakura Ayane's lily soul could not refuse.

Sakura Ayane looked timidly at Shimizu Yusa: "Qibao, will you really carry me home?"

Qingshui Yousha ignored her, and gulped down the swaying beer in the glass.

Ms. Sakura's heart thumped, she raised the wine glass in her hand, and poured herself a drink with the mentality of looking forward to death.

Coughing a few times, Sakura Ayane wiped the liquor that flowed down her neck and into her chest.

Sure enough, Calpis was the drink she should drink, and things like alcohol were too far away for her.

"Neru-san, the capacity for alcohol is really too weak."

"Is there any way, I don't know how to drink."

"Please don't get drunk, I'm too small to carry neru-san on my back."

"If Qibao can get drunk, I'm very welcome, hehehe~~"

Ms. Sakura stared at Shimizu's pretty face, and opened the uncle's speech. Even her eyes were the same as that of the seductive uncle on the tram.

"How dare you say it, can Neru-san drink me down?"

" do you know if you don't try?"

Miss Sakura was still stubborn.



5 minute later.

Looking at Ayane Sakura who was already sleeping soundly on the table, Saori Konishi helplessly held her forehead.

"What the hell is going on by getting her drunk, Yousha?"

Qingshui Yousha curled his lips: "Anyway, someone will carry her home."

Xiao Xi Saori was stunned: "You are not talking about me, are you? I can't recite it."

Qingshui Yousha heard the words, and silently drank the last sip of beer in his glass.

"If it were you, Saori, you would probably be willing to listen to what I have to say."


"Yesterday, I saw..."

"See?" Xiao Nishi Saori was puzzled.

"Hmm, Neru-san... the scene with Naruto-san."


Xiao Xi Saori was at a loss for words, but for some reason, she was not surprised.

It's not surprising that a girl as awkward as Ayane Sakura would be attracted to that person.

Rather, based on her understanding of Sakura Ayane, this is nothing more than a normal thing.

An arrogant girl who is prejudiced against men, defiant, and has never felt throbbing in a boy, she can't stand it when she meets that kind of man.

Presumably he couldn't stand her troubles either.

Like a bad encounter like a girl comic, after getting to know each other deeply, they have a different kind of affection for each other.

If it's really a shoujo manga, maybe it's not bad.

But looking at the clear water and sand in front of him that gradually became silent, Xiao Xi Saori couldn't say a word of comfort.

"Neru-san had a great smile, I've never seen her smile like that.

He Rensang is still the same as before, even though he finds it troublesome, he is not stingy with his gentleness.

That tenderness never belonged to anyone alone.

Saori does not belong to you.

It doesn't belong to me either. "



Moon Island.

eight pm.

Kazuto Mogami finished writing the complete outline, stood up from the chair, and stretched.

Just as she was about to go downstairs to take a shower, her phone rang.

When he saw the note name displayed on the phone, he frowned slightly, hesitated for three seconds, and connected it.



After hanging up the phone, Kazuto Mogami picked up the coat hanging on the back of the chair and went out the door.

Taking the tram, I came to the izakaya that Ayane Sakura had brought her to before. As soon as I entered the store, I saw a trio of female voice actors in the corner.

Two of them were already unconscious, and the only one who was still awake was also blushing and groggy, obviously not much better.

Mogami Kazuto walked over and glanced at the two big men lying on the table.

"What's the matter with them?"

"What else can happen, drunk."

"How do you drink like this?"

Saori Konishi pointed to Ayane Sakura: "This one is drunk."

Pointing to the clear water with sand: "This is because I got drunk."

Mogami Kazuto looked confused, completely confused about what the situation was.

Konishi Saori stared at Mogami Kazuto's bewildered face, and couldn't help sighing.

"What a sinful man."

"I don't know the meaning. If you have time to make sarcastic remarks here, don't hurry up and think about how to deal with these two guys."

"I just called you when I couldn't figure it out."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

He shook Shimizu's sandy shoulder, and then patted Sakura Ayane, without exception, neither of them responded.

"Anyway, let's send them back first. Do you know where they live?"

"Aren't you dating Yousha? Don't you know where she lives?"


Well, it does.

"Miss Sakura, I'll leave it to you, I'll take the sand back."

"Please, I've been drinking too, it's still unknown whether I can walk steadily."

Kazuto Mogami ignored her at all.

Mogami Kazuto squatted down and stared at Shimizu's flushed cheeks for a few seconds, he was indeed drunk and passed out.

Just as he was about to lift up Shimizu's sandy arm, Sakura Ayane who was beside him suddenly fell ill and remained asleep, waving his arms wildly, mercilessly grabbed Mogami Kazuto's sleeve, and moved towards her pull.

"Oh! Oh! Vomit~~~~"

The colorful rainbow waterfall, the breach of the embankment and the lapel of Mogami Kazuto.

Kazuto Mogami was stunned.

Ayane Sakura opened her eyes in a daze, shaking her head and looking at Kazuto Mogami's face.

"Hi'er~Where...where is the handsome guy from, Hiccup~~
What, take a closer look, isn't this Jun Renjun?

At this time, Ms. Sakura had lost her usual arrogance, she stretched out her hands with a smirk, and squeezed Mogami Kazuto's gradually gloomy face.

"A mere scumbag, don't... don't disturb my sweet dreams, hehe~~"

 Double monthly pass at the end of the month!
  Oh oh oh!



(End of this chapter)

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