After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 383 377. Tonight, something is destined to change.

Chapter 383 377. Tonight, something is destined to change.

Xiao Nishi Saori also failed to escape the fate of being drunk, lying unconscious on the table, Kazuto Mogami shook her shoulder slightly, but did not get any feedback.

Just as he was about to take her away, the boss suddenly came over and said that he hadn't paid yet, so Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to pay the bill obediently.

"Hey, can you stand up? Can you walk?"

Seemingly hearing Mogami Kazuto's voice vaguely, Xiao Nishi Saori stood up tremblingly, her eyes were still closed, her steps were weak, and Mogami Kazuto had to help her up.

When we came to the street, Kazuto Mogami chose a taxi, and he was already so drunk that he probably didn't have such a thing as motion sickness or not.

When the driver asked him where he was going, Mogami Kazuto suddenly didn't know how to answer.

He didn't know where little Nishi Saori lived now.

After hesitating for a long time, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to report his home address.

Sitting in the back row, Xiao Xi Saori closed her eyes and slept peacefully.

She is much quieter than Ayane Sakura, who loves to talk nonsense after drinking.

"Brother, your girlfriend drank a lot."

The driver master smiled and chatted with Kazuto Mogami.

Mogami Kazuto's expression remained unchanged: "It's not a girlfriend."

The driver master glanced at Xiao Xi Saori's drunken appearance in the rearview mirror, and smiled ambiguously: "It will be after tonight."


Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

So conceivable, why not write a novel?
"It's the ex-wife."


As expected, the driver did not speak.

Mogami Kazuto wasn't interested in observing his reaction, anyway, the driver didn't talk to him again after that.

As the car drove on the street at night, the neon lights around it gradually faded, and they came to a dim residential area.

Stopping in front of his house, Kazuto Mogami paid the fare and got off with Saori Nishi.

Leaning on Mogami Kazuto's arm, Nishi Saori opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was a letter with the word "Mogami" written on the wall.

She was half asleep and half awake, and after watching for a long time, she murmured softly as if talking to herself:

"It's... already home."

Kazuto Mogami led her into the room without saying a word, and finally took off his shoes by instinct, seeming to tidy up the shoes subconsciously.

Mogami Kazuto didn't let her succeed, he directly dragged her to the living room, and after a lot of effort, he let her lie on the sofa.

Once upon a time, it seemed that something similar happened in this family.

Just switch roles with each other.

At that time, what kind of mentality did she have to bring him back from the izakaya?

Kazuto Mogami has come into contact with all kinds of girls so far.

A determined girl.

A girl who is good at attacking.

A naughty girl.

Kazuto Mogami can always think of various adjectives to describe the girls he meets.

There was only the girl in front of him who he met and kissed for the first time after he came to this world.

He still couldn't find the words to use to talk about her.

Compared to himself at that time, he thought he had become much calmer. At that time, he would be indulging in her pretentious virtuousness and feel a little bit of reluctance and nostalgia. It was not a shameful thing.

At least it's out now.

From the cage that imprisoned him.

But deep down in Mogami Kazuto's heart, there may be a certain mood.

trying to figure it out.

Want to know what she really thinks.

Even with the passage of time, these things have lost the meaning of learning.

Behind those things, what kind of truth is hidden.

After knowing, what can we do?

Is it a reason worthy of his forgiveness, or will it only make him hate her more?
Humans are indeed contradictory creatures.

Even if she knew about that, she would still be Saori Konishi after all, and she would never turn back to Saori Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami walked to the bathroom without a word, took off the shirt with the vomit left by Ms. Sakura, rinsed briefly, and put on a loose T-shirt.

After this, Kazuto Mogami went into the kitchen to boil water, and he could have done more while the cold tap water was heating up.

For the usual Mogami Kazuto, he would boil water as soon as he entered the house, and then do other things.

That is more in line with Hua Luogeng's law of boiling water.

But Mogami Kazuto didn't do that.

He just stood quietly in the cooking table, listening to the series of messy sounds produced by the rising water temperature, trying to empty his head, enjoying the silence that only lasted for a few minutes.

Wherever the eyes passed, people who should not have appeared in this house were automatically skipped.

The water gradually boiled, and Mogami Kazuto poured a cup of hot water and let it cool down.

There was a muffled "dong" sound from the living room. It seemed that Xiao Xi Saori fell on the carpet when he turned over.

Mogami Kazuto walked over, sighed helplessly, and tried to help her up.

She is wearing a pure white T-shirt today, with light blue denim suspenders on the outside.

In the process of supporting her, the clothes were pulled, and Mogami Kazuto accidentally saw the shallow marks under the back of her neck.

A woman covered in enigma, full of mystery and danger.

Kazuto Mogami didn't want to get close to her. The last man who got too close to her had already lost his soul, leaving only a useless shell.

He didn't want to follow in that man's footsteps.

Go to the closet in the guest room to get a blanket and cover Xiao Nishi Saori.

Without taking another look, Mogami went to take a bath with someone.

In the bathroom, steam was boiling, and Mogami Kazuto was soaking in the bathtub except for his head.

What I think about in my heart is how to explain to Qing Shui Yousha tomorrow.

Kazuto Mogami didn't do anything against his will, he just told the truth and believed that clear water and sand could understand.

She is not an unreasonable girl.

If Mogami Kazuto left Xiao Nishi Saori today, Qingshuiyousand would be angry with him instead.

However, Mogami Kazuto will inevitably feel uncomfortable because of this. He obviously already has a girlfriend, but he still brings his former wife home.

Tomorrow is still better, it would be better to apologize to Yousha.

He thought so.



Putting on pajamas, drying his hair, Kazuto Mogami came to the living room.

Xiao Xi Saori still fell asleep peacefully, and he put the hot water he poured just now on the coffee table beside him.

There was no room for her in this house, and Mogami Kazuto had no intention of wiping her body or going to bed for her.


At that time, it was because he thought Saori Xiaoxi and Qingshui Yousha were lovers, so it was inappropriate.

Now, he already has a girlfriend.


Not suitable.

Kazuto Mogami was about to leave when Saori Nishi, who was supposed to have fallen asleep, suddenly moved her tightly closed lips and murmured something softly.

The crystal clear drops of water, contrary to the owner's wishes, wrapped her emotions in the dream, along the cheeks, all the way unimpeded, and slipped from the corners of the eyes.

Are they the tears of hypocrisy, or the truth hidden under her smiling mask?

"Kazuto, I'm sorry~"


He couldn't tell.

 In addition to making the Q layout, Ms. Sakura also has a custom gift for the character card page. I think carbonated drinks and spicy curry are more suitable xs
  Which is easier to persecute?
(End of this chapter)

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