After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 384 378. The calm Miss Shimizu and the fried-haired Miss Sakura.

Chapter 384 378. The calm Miss Shimizu and the fried-haired Miss Sakura. (Ask for a monthly pass!)

After turning off the light in the living room and returning to the bedroom, Kazuto Mogami couldn't fall asleep immediately.

Lying on the bed and reading a book for a while, the black fonts are densely packed together, like cumbersome scriptures, just knowing the pronunciation, without any sense of picture in my mind.

It seems that tonight is not suitable for reading.

Rubbing between his eyebrows, Mogami and Ren turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Many things happened tonight. Ms. Sakura's mother euphemistically hinted to stay away from her daughter, was nagged by Shimizu Yusa's father, and finally brought back her long-lost ex-wife.

If it was my former self, I would definitely not be able to bear such a high intensity of mental exhaustion.

Close your eyes slowly, hoping that when you wake up tomorrow, the world will still be peaceful.



The next day, Kazuto Mogami woke up to the sound of birds chirping on the telephone pole outside the window, and glanced at the time, it was almost nine o'clock in the morning.

It was very rare for him to sleep until this hour.

Kazuto Mogami didn't work in the morning, so waking up late wasn't a big deal, it's just that his routine had given him the habit of waking up early.

After going downstairs, Kazuto Mogami looked at the sofa in the living room for the first time.

There was no one on the sofa, and the blankets were neatly folded.

Mogami Kazuto walked over and picked up the post-it note left on the blanket.

"Thank you for taking me in last night, I made breakfast as a thank you."

Neat handwriting, distant honorifics.

What reverberated in Kazuto Mogami's mind was the image of her crying and apologizing in her sleep.

Now, what's the use of saying this?
With a sigh, he crumpled the note paper and threw it into the trash can.

Eating the breakfast wrapped in plastic wrap on the dining table is not as good as my own craftsmanship, but it has the delicious bonus of memory.

Perhaps, there really is magic in the world that can make food delicious.

Lost, irretrievable, impressive.

Always be superior to others, so that latecomers can't catch up.



At 09:30, Mogami Kazuto reckoned that he should have woken up with sand in the clear water, so he called.

The phone rang a few times and was connected.

Mogami Kazuto was worried that it was Shimizu's father again, so he didn't take the initiative to speak out.

Fortunately, the sound of clear water and sand was the first to sound out.

"Hello, Kazuto-san?"

Kazuto Mogami breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yousha, are you okay?"

"Huh? I'm fine. What's the matter?"

Her voice was full of vitality as always, which reassured Kazuto Mogami a lot.

"I was supposed to pick you up last night, but you went home later, so I'm a little worried about you."

"Ah... that, I'm sorry, because my father called me and found that I was a little drunk, and he wanted to come and take me home no matter what.

Just now I heard from him that you talked to him on the phone last night, did he say something very rude?
I'm so sorry. "

"It's okay, I didn't take it to heart."

"Hey hey~~ I knew Kazuto-san would say that."

Well, there is no difference from the usual Usha.

Mogami Kazuto was finally completely relieved.

"Well, there is something I want to tell you. I'm worried that you will have an idea, so I apologize to you first."

"Um... what is it?"

"You were all drunk last night. After I sent Ms. Sakura home, when I returned to the izakaya, only Saori was left. She was so drunk that she passed out..."


"I didn't know where she lived, so I took her back to my house to rest."

Shimizu Yousa on the other side of the phone was silent for a couple of seconds, Mogami Kazuto was a little worried that she would be delusional, and there would be a gap between Saori Xiaonishi.

"Saori just called to explain this matter, really! Why are you two worried that I will be angry?"


"Kazuto-san, am I such an unreasonable girl? Saori is drunk outside alone, of course you are responsible for her safety, you are also childhood sweethearts after all."

"Uh...that's true, but Yousha... don't you mind?"

"Kazuto-san, you don't like Saori at all, do you?"

"Well, of course."

"That's fine. Believe in your boyfriend. It's a super bonus. I won't let go of this good opportunity."

She was saying something Mogami Kazuto couldn't understand again.

"But I'm very happy. Heren-sang took the initiative to tell me about this, which means that Heren-sang cares about my thoughts."


"Hey hey~"

Hearing Shimizu Yousa's silly smile, Mogami Kazuto felt a little reassured, and after the two chatted casually, Shimizu Yousha said that it was time for him to go to work, so he hung up the phone.

Kazuto Mogami was thinking about how to spend the morning when his phone rang, and a string of numbers that he had memorized appeared on the screen.



"Calling and not talking, is it a prank by a primary school student?"

"Who is a primary school student!"

Kazuto Mogami rubbed the bridge of his nose, his high-pitched and arrogant voice made him miss her soft voice from last night.

"What's the matter? Miss Sakura."

"...I heard from my mother that last sent me back?"

Her voice was shy and a little unnatural.

"Yes, the fare is 6750 yen, how do I pay?"


Ms. Sakura was silent for a while, and then she burst into a roar full of anger.

Early in the morning, she was so energetic, it seemed that she had a good sleep last night.

Kazuto Mogami took the phone away and thought to himself.

"I said, this amount of money should be a drop in the bucket for you, Miss Sakura."

"I didn't say no! It's bad! The most scumbag!"

What a long-lost name.

After a long time, Sakura Ayane lowered her voice again, and asked falteringly, "I didn't say anything strange last night, did I?"

"Strange words? Haven't you always been weird?"


"Do you want to hear something interesting instead of this?"

"Interesting things?"

"You bastard, the wine quality is really bad. Not only did you talk in your sleep, but you also vomited all over me. Remember to give me the laundry fee as well. It's [-] yen for you."

"Bastard... bastard! Who would believe you! I'm not like that!"

"Saori saw it, if you don't believe me, ask her."

Hearing Kazuko Mogami's tone of voice was determined, Ms. Sakura suddenly didn't know what to say. At this time, her face was already flushed, but luckily he couldn't see it.

"No matter! Bastard! Liar! Die!"

"Shall I say something more exciting?"

"kill you!"

Through the phone, Kazuto Mogami even felt the intent to kill, and the image of Miss Sakura gnashing her teeth appeared in his mind.

Honestly, it's kind of funny.

"Hey, why didn't you talk all of a sudden?" Sakura asked.

"It's nothing, as long as you're fine, don't drink if you don't know how to drink. If you are photographed and posted on the Internet, you will be persecuted again."

" don't mind me! Talk like you can drink!"

"I can't drink, so I can restrain myself from drinking."

"I, I don't just drink when I want to. Who told them to provoke me?"

Her voice became smaller and smaller, Kazuto Mogami helplessly raised his forehead, so it turned out that those two people were the culprits.

"Hey, did I really not say anything strange yesterday?"

 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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