After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 393 387. She didn't think she was wrong.

Chapter 393 387. She didn't think she was wrong.

Neru-san left.

I left the house of Kazuto-san and me.

I went out to see her off, she waved to me with a difficult smile, got into the car, and walked away without any hesitation.

It's like running away.

Do you feel guilty?
There are more or less, but I don't think I'm wrong.

I am Kazuto-sang's aboveboard lover, and I have the right to rule out rivals in love for myself.

If Neru-san said something like "I like him too" on the occasion just now, I would look down on her instead.

But I knew in my heart that Neru-san wouldn't say that kind of thing.

She doesn't want to see me sad, and she doesn't want to be a third party.

The Sakura Ayane I know is just such a straightforward and clumsy girl.

Neru-san, if a girl wants to be happy, she should do whatever she can.

However, you, who are born with integrity and have the heart of a child, will definitely not be able to become a scheming girl like me.

I envy your integrity.

Thinking about it this way, I may be a little cunning for taking advantage of your mentality.

I could have walked away when I saw them enter the house, but I didn't.

I choose to defend my love.

No one can accuse me.

Because Kazuto-san told me.

"Yousha, I like you."

It is enough to have this sentence, for this sentence, it does not matter what I become.

Whether it is a lie or gratitude.

I don't care what the original intention is.

I will definitely make the "like" in that population become real.

So... sorry, Neru-san.

Sure enough, I still couldn't let him go.



Back in the house, I received a call from my father, and I had to tell him that I would not be going home tonight.

I just finished dealing with Neru-san, and I was really tired, and it really made me sick to say that to my best friend.

I no longer have the energy to lie to my father.

He just said that he still had something to do, then hung up the phone.

That's not polite, as for the apology, leave it to tomorrow's me.

I walked over to Kazuto-san who was lying on the sofa in the living room. He was sleeping soundly and seemed completely unaware of what had happened before.

Based on what I know about Kazuto-san, he must have been completely unaware of Neru-san's feelings for him.

He is such a person.

If he was the person involved, he would be very hated for this.

But from the standpoint of my girlfriend, I feel relieved from the bottom of my heart.

I brought a hot towel from the bathroom and wiped his body lightly, maybe it hurt him when I turned his body, and he gradually opened his hazy eyes.

"You're awake, Kazuto-san."

"Is there sand?"


He Rensang rubbed his head with his hands, he seemed to have a headache, so I lifted him up and fed him some hot water.

"Hey... it hurts."

"Who told Kazuto-sang you to drink so much wine?"

"No, you grabbed my shoulder too hard."

"... Kazuto-san, do you prefer girls who have no strength?"

"Huh? I don't know the meaning."

"I know that boys like weak girls, preferably the ones who can't unscrew the bottle cap."

"Where did you hear all this?"

"Love Divination Book."

"Read less of these unnutritious books in the future."




Kazuto Mogami sat on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling.

There is sand in the clear water to take a bath, it seems that I am going to live here today.

At this time, Mogami Kazuto had already sobered up more than half of his alcohol, and he was able to think without hindrance.

But he has no memory of how he got home.

I sent a message to Miyano Mamoru, but there was no reply after 10 minutes, and it was still unread.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly remembered that Nobunaga Shimada's line had been added before, so he sent a message.

It didn't take long for Shimada Nobunaga to reply.

"Shimada-san, are you the one who sent me home?"


"That's Miyano-senpai."

"Anossa, Totsuka-san, it doesn't matter if you don't need to hide it, we all know it."


"We've all seen it after all, and you two should be together by now."

Both of us?
Mogami Kazuto suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the bathroom. Could it be that Shimizu Yousha came to pick him up from the izakaya?

"Don't worry, Miyano-san and I have a very tight mouth and won't tell others."

After finishing speaking, he also sent an emoticon package with very ambiguous eyes, which said "I understand everything".

Mogami Kazuto vaguely had his own answer.

"...I'm sorry for causing you trouble, but I hope Shimada-san can keep this matter a secret from me."

"It's okay, it's okay, I understand, it should be a popular voice actor."

Kazuto Mogami still believed in Nobunaga Shimada for the time being. After all, it would not do him any good to tell such a thing, and he could only say that he could not fight against this person in the future.

Thinking of this, Kazuto Mogami felt a bit of a headache, drinking would really cause trouble.

I can't drink it anymore.


Suddenly there was the sound of clear water and sand in the bathroom.

"what happened?"

Kazuto Mogami responded loudly.

"I forgot to take my pajamas. It's in the drawer in the lower right corner of your bedroom wardrobe. Please help me."

Mogami Kazuto sighed helplessly, she is really a fool.

"I see."

Walking up the stairs with a "thump, thump, thud", in the drawer that Shimizu Yousa mentioned, Mogami Kazuto only found a pure white, almost translucent mesh lace thin cloth.

Could this be what she called the pajamas?

Mogami Kazuto imagined the scene of Shimizu Yousa wearing this thing and lying in the same bed with him.

Immediately shudder.

This girl wants to do something tonight.

Kazuto Mogami would not let her succeed, so he hid it directly, after thinking about it, took out a white shirt and cropped pants that he usually wears, and went downstairs.

"Sorry, I didn't find the pajamas you mentioned, you can wear this first, I put it outside."

Standing in the washroom, Kazuto Mogami yelled at the frosted glass, and left quickly.

Not long after, the wet Miss Shimizu came out of the bathroom, looked at the white shirt on the washing machine, and puffed up her cheeks silently.

Kazuto-san, it's really watertight, it's really abominable!
However, no matter who Miss Shimizu is, she threw the cropped pants aside.

After putting on the aqua-blue underwear and Mogami Kazuhito's white shirt, with bare legs and hair not even dried, he walked into the living room.

Kazuto Mogami, who was in a daze, caught a gust of fragrant wind unexpectedly, and sat on his lap with clear water and sand, clasped his neck with both hands, and looked up at him.

Mogami Kazuto looked at her attire, Bai Jie's legs were soft as jade, and the faint aqua blue under the shirt, frowned slightly.

"Where are your pants?"

"Too long and you'll trip over it."

"Aren't your legs cold?"

"You'll know if you touch it."

Shimizu Yousa stuck out her tongue, and immediately took Mogami Kazuto's hand and placed it on her thigh that was exposed in the air.

 Ask for a monthly ticket (whisper)
(End of this chapter)

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