Chapter 394 388. Annoying June.

Kazuto Mogami flicked the sandy forehead with his fingers.

"Stop making trouble, you go upstairs to bed early."

"how about you?"

"I went to take a shower, and I smelled of alcohol, and I couldn't bear it myself."

"Who made Kazumi Sang Mingming know how to drink, but drank so much?"

"Sorry, I can't refute it."

Qingshui Yousha smiled sweetly: "Then... this gentleman, do you need back rubbing service?"

Mogami Kazuto ignored her, threw her on the sofa, walked to the bathroom, and locked the door by the way.

In the living room, the sweet smile on Qing Shui Yousha's face gradually receded.



At night, Mogami and Kazuto went upstairs, gently pushed open the door, and Shimizu Yousha was sitting on the bed playing with his mobile phone.

"Why are you still not sleeping?"

"Can't sleep, waiting for you."

"I'm here, you won't be able to sleep anymore."

"Hey hey~~ You know all of this."

Mogami Kazuto showed a helpless expression.

Just turned off the light and lay down on the bed, the clear water around me was filled with sand like octopus.

Mogami Kazuto has become accustomed to it.

"Yousha, thank you for today."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"It was Yousha who took me home, thank you for your hard work."

Shimizu Yousha blinked her eyes, the room was dim, Mogami Kazuto couldn't see what kind of expression she had at this moment.

"Because I'm Heren-sang's lover, I just did what I should do."

Kazuto Mogami smiled.

Shimizu Yousa didn't mention Sakura Ayane's name, even though he might find out that he wasn't the one who brought him home after a while.

She also didn't want to mention other women's names on this occasion.

Possessive, competitive, jealous...

Which kind of emotion is more, she herself can't say clearly.

Just don't want to let go.

After confirming a certain decision, she will try her best to implement it, even if she will lose a lot of things.

"Yousha, can you relax a little bit, I'm almost out of breath."

"I do not."


Back at the door of the house, Sakura Ayane was still sitting in the car, unable to get out of the car immediately.

The car was still running, and the windshield wipers kept scraping, sweeping away the endless rain.

In the narrow compartment, there seemed to be a slight trace of his breath.

It seemed that as long as he turned his head, he could see the sleeping profile of that person.

Sakura Ayane is a strong girl.

She's an adult who can suppress her emotions, a wonderful mature woman who doesn't cry in front of others.

Well, if I shed a few tears in a place where no one else is present, no one will blame me.

However, I will not cry.

Just a man.

You are just a scumbag, so don't cry for that kind of person.

Compared with him, the servant is cuter and ten thousand times more likable.

Even when she was alone, Sakura Ayane would never let her tears flow.

As long as I was with him, I would be sad for a while and feel at ease for a while, such an uncertain self was like a fool.

What do you really like about that person?

That person... obviously never looked at me directly, obviously never treated me as a girl.

What is so good about such an excessive man?

It's so annoying.

I hate this...myself.



the next day.

There is sand in Qingshui. I have work in the morning, so I left the house early.

After the clear water and sand left, Kazuto Mogami silently washed the dishes at home, and then nestled in his room to write.

After a night's rest, he is now full of energy and his brain is working very fast. It would be a pity not to take advantage of this time to create.

After thinking for a long time, I sent messages to Miyano Mamoru and Shimada Nobunaga respectively, apologizing for my gaffe last night.

Mamoru Miyano said that he had a great time drinking and hoped to continue drinking with Kazuto Mogami next time.

Shimada Nobunaga didn't mention what happened last night, but he also expressed his willingness to drink with Mogami Kazuto again.

Kazuto Mogami thought, maybe he really ushered in a life where he could have male friends.

He was somewhat exhausted physically and mentally from being always caught among those female voice actors.

Men still have to play with men to be interesting.

At noon, I made a simple lunch and went out after eating.

Came to the headquarters of King Records, and confirmed the work arrangement for this month with Dai Qiuhui.

In addition, regarding the concert held by Mamoru Miyano, if nothing unexpected happens, Kazuto Mogami will be a special guest on stage.

In addition to Kazuto Mogami, there are also several seiyuu friends in the circle of Miyano Mamoru who will also be on stage. Kazuto Mogami can't help but sigh that the profession of seiyuu is really hard.

In the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami was out of work for the time being, and Kazuto Mogami had two meetings every three days. Kazuto Mogami only attended the first time, and Yuta Natsuki took care of the rest.

For animation production, Mogami Kazuto is a layman after all, and handing it over to the production company is his only choice. After all, the expression forms of novels and animations are completely different.

Although the title of original author sounds very grand, there are very few things that can really be printed by him.

Now that the animation has started, he will attend the audition when the voice actors audition, but that will be in the second half of the year at the earliest.

May is not a good or bad season. There are no more cherry blossoms falling on the streets, and there will be continuous drizzle from time to time. Without the enthusiasm of April, the heat of July and August has not yet ushered in.

In such a state, May slipped away.

At this time, a whole year had passed since Kazuto Mogami first came to this world.

A year ago, he was a nomad with no name, no friends, no affiliation.

A year later, he found his dream, found his lover, and when he came back to his senses, there were already many people around him.

It can't be said how excellent a person he has become, at least he should be a little different from his original self.

He is still on the road and will not stop moving forward.



In June, the rainy season is lingering, and early summer has arrived.

Compared with May, which was neither high nor low, it was a little restless.

After the broadcast of "Totsuka Dining Hall" and "GANGANGA Channel", the outside world has become more and more unscrupulous about the rumors between Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura.

Everyone seems to be acquiescing to their relationship.

Kazuto Mogami wanted to explain it, but the company said it could be popular.

In short, Mogami Kazuto didn't like this way of handling it very much.

Presumably for her, most of them will not be happy.

Kazuto Mogami has not seen Ayane Sakura for a long time, and he has never received any annoying calls from her during this period of time.

It's not that he doesn't get used to it, it's just that he's somewhat surprised. He doesn't mind being friends with Sakura Ayane, but if the other party doesn't want to, he won't bother her.

It's better to be a passerby than an enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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