After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 395 389. There are always girls around Mogami.

Chapter 395 389. There are always girls around Mogami.

Sitting in the coffee shop downstairs of the recording studio drinking coffee, Mogami Kazuto was sitting in the corner, quietly reading a novel.

Occasionally, a young woman would come across him who recognized him and asked for his autograph.

Mogami Kazuto basically would not refuse, and thanked each other after politely signing their names.

If it is only this level, Mogami Kazuto will not feel repulsed, he can feel the love from fans.

Even though the real self may be a little different from what they imagined, Kazuto Mogami doesn't mind playing their favorite Kazuto Totsuka.

Uchida Maaya, who was wearing a store uniform, came over and brought desserts to Mogami Kazuto, and Mogami Kazuto gave her a suspicious look.

"This is from the store manager."

Kazuto Mogami looked up at the bar, where the female store manager was making coffee with her back on her back.

"I also just found out that our store manager seems to be the most Shangsang's fan."

"Is that so? I can't see it at all."

"The store manager is not very talkative. I only found out after seeing the CD she accidentally left in the dressing room."

Mogami Kazuto nodded: "Please say thank you for me."

"it is good."

"Mogami-san, you probably don't hate sweets."

"Well, sugar helps me think, so it shouldn't be a nuisance."

"Puchi... Mogami-san's speech is still so rigid, I'm not talking about such uninteresting things as sugar."

Kazuto Mogami could not understand the difference between the two.

"Speaking of which, after the last video broadcast, the response was really great. Did Kazuto Mogami watch it?"

"I haven't watched it, the program I participated in recording is nothing interesting."

Uchida Maaya covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "What about the emoji?"

"Oh, I've seen that one. Light novel writers send me private messages all day long. It's so annoying that I almost want to block him."

Mogami Kazuto suddenly showed a helpless expression.

Uchida Maaya took advantage of the opportunity and sat down in front of Mogami Kazuto, and said, "I also watched "Totsuka Dining Hall".

"Just that earthy blue T-shirt?"

"There are also tableware, I think it is very cute."

"If Ms. Uchida likes it, I can't say anything, but I still think it's just a money-making thing."

Uchida Maaya was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Don't say that. I heard that many people like this show. When will the second episode air?"

"The recording hasn't started yet."

"I heard that the guest for the second round is Ms. Sakura."

"Well, the company decided that way."

"That's great, I want to go and have a look too."

"Talk to the office?"

"Huh? Totsuka-san, please don't tease me. I'm still a newcomer, so I'm useless." Uchida Maaya waved her hands in fear.

"Didn't you also do the video broadcast before, I heard that im is very optimistic about you."

"Well... If there is such an opportunity, I will definitely fight for it."


"Miss Uchida."

"what happened?"

"The store manager seems to be staring at you all the time."


Uchida Maaya immediately looked back.

"Oops! I'm still at work! I'm so sorry!"

Uchida Maaya bowed in panic, then ran to the front desk immediately, and continued to bow.



In the afternoon, I participated in a simple magazine interview in the recording studio. Although it is not a popular magazine, I heard that Kazuto Mogami will be released as the cover of the next issue, so I changed a few outfits for shooting.

After finishing his work, Mogami Kazuto returned to the company, and met Hidaka Rina at the company gate after a long absence.

If Kazuto Mogami remembers correctly, she should not be an entertainer of the company.

"Miss Hidaka, hello."

"Ah, Totsuka-sensei, long time no see."

"Didn't I say it before, don't call me a teacher."

"Yes, Totsuka-san."

"Miss Hidaka is going to King Records?"

"No, I'm waiting for Yui-chan, that's Ogura-san. We made an appointment to have dinner together at night, but I always feel that it's not good to enter other companies without saying hello, so I'm waiting here."

"I don't think so many things should be taken into account. Everyone knows you. Do you need me to take you there?"

"Eh? Is that okay? Will you bother Totsuka-san?"

"Just by the way."

Hidaka Rina only hesitated for three seconds, then nodded slightly to Mogami Kazuto: "Then thank you Totsuka-san."

Mogami Kazuto didn't dislike such a polite little girl.

He didn't associate her with the troublesome female voice actress in his heart. He once made a broadcast with Hidaka Rina, and he admired this little girl who was only in her teens but had outstanding business and etiquette.

What's more, she is a senior in the industry.

When he came to the company, Kazuto Mogami took Hidaka Rina to the room where Yui Ogura was staying. Unexpectedly, he saw Aimi Terajima, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Now she no longer wears a gray sweater, she is dressed in fashion, with light makeup, short wine red hair, and a little mature temperament.

It was very different from the down-and-out wandering singer back then.

I heard that she held her first concert last month. Kazuto Mogami did not go to the scene, but occasionally heard news about her from other people.

The industry is that big.

After that, Mogami Kazuto went to discuss things with Dai Qiuhui, and when it was over, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and he had just walked into the elevator, and was about to find a place to spend the rest of the time.

A girl hurried into the elevator, brushed her slightly curly short red hair, and smiled slightly at Kazuto Mogami.

"If you don't mind, let's go down together, Mogami-san."

"it is good."

As the elevator descended slowly, Kazuto Mogami glanced at the girl standing beside him, wondering if he should take the initiative to say something.

He hasn't been in touch with Aimi Terashima for a long time.

"I often hear rumors about Mogami-san on the set recently."

In the end, it was Aimi Terashima who spoke first.

"About me?"

"Yeah, and Ms. Sakura's."

"So that's the case, I already understand."

"Is the truth?"

"It's a rumor."

"I guess so."

Mogami Kazuto raised his eyebrows: "Why do you say that?"

"Although Ms. Sakura is a very gentle senior, she is not very friendly to men. I think Mogami-san should not be able to chat with her very well."

"You know me well."

"Don't underestimate the woman you dumped."

Kazuto Mogami had nothing to say.

He casually glanced at the piano case on her back, it was the one he gave her.

"Hey, Mogami-san."


"Do you want to go to a place with the woman you dumped?"

"I said, can you stop using such a self-proclaimed name? It's very awkward."

Mogami Kazuto frowned slightly, troubled on his face.

Aimi Terashima stared at him for a long time, then suddenly laughed.

"What, you have already become a popular singer, and you still don't seem to have changed much."

The elevator door opened slowly, and the girl took the lead, then turned to look at him.

"Let's go, uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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