After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 396 390. In this world, there are always people who want to wear masks.

Chapter 396 390. In this world, there are always people who want to wear masks.


live house.


Standing at the door after a long absence, Mogami Kazuto lamented the passage of time, and this place is still as it is in memory.

Kazuto Mogami hadn't been here since that confession night.

He looked at the girl next to him. The girl's eyes exposed outside the mask were showing nostalgia.

For lead singer Aimi Terashima, her hometown is the starting point of her music.

For professional singer Amy, this is the starting point of everything.

Here she met many people, good people, bad people, and people she liked.

"Let's go in."

she says.

Walking into the live house, the little girl at the front desk heard footsteps and said without raising her head, "The live will be after six o'clock in the evening."

Aimi Terashima took off her mask and smiled slightly: "Xiao Xiang."

The little girl was taken aback for a moment, and finally raised her head.

"Huh? Huh? Amy-chan?! Why are you here?"

"I'm free today, so I came to see you. This is a gift, although it's just wagashi bought in front of the station."

After being slightly stunned, the little girl turned to show a happy smile: "Thank you ~ wait a minute, I'll call Miss Asano."

Xiao Xiang held the gift from Aimi Terashima and bounced to the lounge.

Aimi Terajima stood quietly in the rest area, looking at the posters of various well-known bands on the wall.

"What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking to see if there will be an album poster of me and you."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry.

She looked at it for a long time, and finally showed a slightly regretful expression, thinking that she couldn't find it.

"Amy-chan, Mogami-san, long time no see."

In the lounge, Ms. Asano, whom I hadn't seen for a long time, came slowly.

Aimi Terashima burst into a charming smile, and went up to hold Ms. Asano's hand. Unbeknownst to Kazuto Mogami, this girl was also trying to change.

The unsmiling and indifferent girl who used to be, has now grown into a being who can touch other women as if nothing happened.

"Amy-chan, I went to see the concert last month. I didn't expect that the former Yeliangmao could grow to this stage. I am really touched."

"Thank you~ I really appreciate Miss Asano for taking care of me and causing you a lot of trouble."

"I'm the one who forcefully asked you to join Blessing Star. I'm really sorry."

Aimi Terashima couldn't stop laughing, and she really did laugh.

"Speaking of which, Amy-chan." Ms. Asano hesitated to speak.

"Huh? What's the matter, Ms. Asano."

"Can you let go of my hand?"

"Ah...sorry, I touched it out of habit as soon as I didn't pay attention."

What are your criminal habits?
Mogami Kazuto thought secretly.

Ms. Asano quietly pulled away the hand held by Aimi Terashima, and turned to look at Kazuto Mogami.

"Should I call you Mogami-san, or Totsuka-san?"

"Anywhere is fine. Long time no see, Ms. Asano."

Ms. Asano covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Then Mogami-san, I'm used to it."

"it is good."

"Mogami-san, I have listened to all the songs released during this period, and bought the CD."

"With great love."

"Would you mind signing my autograph?"

"Of course not, I'd love to."

Ms. Asano found a poster of Kazuto Mogami from somewhere. If it was an ordinary album cover, he wouldn't say anything.

It happened to be the "gay" photos taken with Miyano Mamoru during his NG period, which made him especially embarrassed.

"Can't we change one?" Mogami Kazuto smiled wryly.

"I think this one is very eye-catching. There are more girls who come here to watch live, and they all like this."

Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to sign his name.

Ms. Asano looked at the poster contentedly: "You have to find a prominent place to frame it."


Kazuto Mogami still wanted to say something, but the movement from the side gradually attracted his attention.

Terajima Aimi didn't know when, she cornered the girl named Xiaoxiang, propping up the wall with one hand, while stroking her chin with the other hand, praising her for being so cute.

I said, has your personality changed a bit?

What exactly had to happen to turn such a lonely girl into the uncle she is now?

After all, doesn't she hate that kind of idiot uncle the most?
This is the so-called becoming the person you hate the most?

Mogami Kazuto's brain couldn't turn the corner for a while, but instinctively, he stepped forward and grabbed her by the back collar, dragging her backwards.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Aimi Terashima was indifferent, showing a dazed expression.

"But Xiaoxiang is really cute."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the girl who was leaning against the wall with a flushed face. Those eyes were flustered by the handsome guy. Kazuto Mogami hadn't seen it too many times.

"Anyway, apologize quickly."

"It's okay, it's okay, I don't mind." Xiaoxiang waved her arms shyly.

Aimi Terashima heard the words, showing a very handsome smile, and looked at Kazuto Mogami proudly.

"You see."


Kazuto Mogami had every reason to suspect that someone had led her into trouble.



After the nonsense, Aimi Terashima explained her intentions for coming, but it wasn't really a big deal, she just wanted to watch a live.

Ms. Asano naturally agreed wholeheartedly. With their friendship, naturally they would not charge the entrance fee, and by the way, Mogami Kazuto was also exempted.

Mogami Kazuto was actually a little hesitant, after all, there was a rice bug at home.

But after talking on the phone, Shimizu Yousha said that he had to go back to his parents' house today, saying that he was going to be trained.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't understand, and she didn't explain too clearly.

In short, she will not come back tonight.

So, Kazuto Mogami went out to have a simple dinner with them tonight, and it was time for the live.

There were many audiences in the audience, and countless girl bands took turns on the stage.

The scene was dim, and Mogami and Aimi Terajima were wearing masks, so no one could recognize them.

Aimi Terajima cheerfully supported the bands on stage, just like those who were here to support her.

Mogami Kazuto didn't understand the meaning of her coming to the live.

If it was just to enjoy this music time, Kazuto Mogami did not see the most important emotion in her eyes.

There is no throbbing for the singer, just expressing the full emotions mechanically.

Under the glamorous appearance, in the crowd, she will show the same loneliness as before.

Became a professional singer, achieved a dream, and is chasing even bigger dreams.

This should be the most perfect prologue, why she still looks full of sadness.

Kazuto Mogami will soon know the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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