After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 401 395. What is being careful! (back

Chapter 401 395. What is being careful! (back
To be honest, on this occasion, it is really stupid to keep yourself and the birthday star in the dark.

Mogami Kazuto was neither standing nor walking, which made him unable to climb up or down.

Hidaka Rina is a very social girl, and she easily sees through Mogami Kazuto's embarrassment.

After smiling, she walked over to Kazuto Mogami.

"Totsuka-san was as surprised as I was."

"Huh?... Mmm."

"Everyone didn't say anything, so I didn't know how to react."

Hearing what Hidaka Rina said, Mogami Kazuto's embarrassment eased a lot.

If it were Sakura Ayane, Kazuto Mogami could already imagine the proud expression on her face when she unrulyly reached out for a gift.

"Sorry, I didn't know today is Miss Hidaka's birthday."

"Mr. Totsuka don't need to worry about such things, but I think it would be a little embarrassing if I received a birthday present from Mr. Totsuka.

You see, we are actually not very familiar with each other. If I receive an expensive gift, I will definitely be very hesitant.

Fortunately, I'm glad Totsuka-san didn't do that kind of thing.

Thank you. "

Did this little girl really just graduate from high school this year?
For Kazuto Mogami, who is surrounded by troublesome seiyuu, Hidaka Rina's behavior simply shattered his stereotype of female seiyuu.

In short, what he wanted to say was that this little girl with captivating eyes was really amazing.

"Miss Hidaka is really mature, I feel more at ease when you say that."

"There is no such thing. Mr. Totsuka is much older than me, and I have many things. I would like to ask you to teach me a lot in the future."

With this proficient honorific speech and elegant etiquette, Kazuto Mogami finally realized what it means to be a lady of every family.

The rich lady he met before must be a fake lady from a great family.

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while, walked around the shooting site, and walked over to speak a few words with the staff.

Two minutes after the staff left, Kazuto Mogami brought a classical guitar.

Hidaka Rina blinked her beautiful eyes and looked straight at Kazuto Mogami.

Beside him, Yui Ogura seemed to realize something, and nervously tugged on his friend's sleeve, for fear that the lolicon in front of him would suddenly fall ill in public.

"Sorry, everyone, I didn't prepare anything, just play a song, and wish Miss Higao a happy birthday."

"Oh? Can you hear Totsuka-san's live playing? It seems I'm lucky today."

The friendly supervisor let out a hearty laugh.

Kazuto Mogami smiled modestly, sat on the chair, plucked the strings gently, and twisted the twist neatly, completing the tuning.

Ogura Yui immediately covered Hidaka Rina's ears.

"You can't listen, Li Caijiang."

"what happened?"

"Totsuka-san is really good at playing the piano."

"I've heard of it."

Ogura Yui approached Hidaka Rina's ear vigilantly: "I heard that Totsuka-san has a lot of female voice actors who are close friends, Rina-chan, you have to be careful."

Hidaka Lina was stunned for a moment, and then showed a gentle and sweet smile.

"Who cares who, I don't know yet."


Seeing Ogura Yui stunned, Hidaka Rina burst out laughing.

"Just kidding you, idiot-chan Yui."


Kazuto Mogami played and sang calmly, there was no sound in the studio, only the soothing and melodious sound of the piano, and Kazuto Mogami sang with tenderness.

This was the first time Kazuto Mogami played and sang in front of so many people. Although it was a whim, he didn't feel any burden.

If it is simply playing and singing a song, this kind of insignificant gift probably fits the standard of Hidakali Cuisine.

Although the other party is still a child under 20 years old, and Mogami Kazuto's psychological age has reached 29 years old, he is very calm when talking, and he does not have to deal with the embarrassment of those female voice actors in the past.

Kazuto Mogami is also doing his best to make friends he recognizes in this world.

Miyano Mamoru counts as one, Shimada Nobunaga counts as one, Sakura Ayane... counts as half.

Others include manager Dai Qiuhui, editor-in-chief Yuta Natsuki, all kinds of people are his friends.

Saying goodbye to the lingering loneliness that once haunted him, his vision broadened.

He doesn't object to being friends with women like Hidaka Lina.

One day, he will build a circle of friends who truly belong to him in this world, and integrate into this society naturally.

Presumably that day will not come too late.

After playing and singing, there was applause in the studio, and Ms. Hidaka had the happiest smile. Although Yui Ogura next to her looked like she wanted to say something, she had to admit that this guy's skills really have nothing to say.

If it weren't for that incident and what he said later, Yui Ogura might really have gone to ask him as a senior because of his relationship with the company.

Kazuto Mogami thanked the staff member again, and Hidakari dish was full of praise when he came over.

She didn't show too much intimacy and blatantly, but at the same time, Kazuto Mogami felt her gratitude, like an old friend who has known each other for many years, a few simple words are enough, and the social distance is quite in place.

After the work officially ended, Kazuto Mogami declined to eat the cake, saying that he still had something to do, so he left first.

Hidaka Lina did not show any disappointment, and said goodbye to Mogami Kazuto simply and politely, then turned around and chatted and laughed with the other staff members.

Going far away, you can hear her joyful laughter.



After leaving the recording building, Kazuto Mogami did not go to the station, but went to a nearby shopping mall to pick out a birthday present for his father.

After shopping in the mall for a long time, I have not been able to find a suitable gift. Mogami Kazuto is not good at choosing gifts.

He had that person with him last year, but this year he had to come alone.

Originally, I wanted to come with clear water and sand, but I couldn't get away because of work.

The reason why she said this was because she wanted to take advantage of the birthday of Mogami Kazuto's father to visit Mogami Kazuto's parents.

Mogami Kazuto did not refuse, and accepted it very calmly, as if it was a matter of course, without any hesitation.

If this is what Qingshui Yousha expects, as a "lover", he should fully support it.

What's more, it can also reassure parents.

After all, he wants his parents to see him happy.


Well, he is very happy now.

With a lot of money, a beautiful and lovely girlfriend, and harmonious parents, what is there not to be happy about?

Compared to a year ago, Chen He who had nothing.

Today's Mogami Kazuto already has too many things.


It's better not to be too greedy.

(End of this chapter)

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