After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 402 396. Between a good woman and a good man, there will be a mysterious atmosphere.

Chapter 402 396. Between a good woman and a good man, there will be a mysterious atmosphere.

Inside the studio.

Ayane Sakura is recording a broadcast with a male senior from the same office.

The last time she had a fever, Ayane Sakura suspended her work for three days, and many broadcasts that required her participation were delayed.

Therefore, during this period of time, Sakura Ayane has been busy recording the broadcast.

At this time, sitting opposite the recording desk was a male voice actor with an exaggerated afro, who belonged to a very senior senior.

The afro head, which is not thick, looks like a puppet's round headgear. Its diameter is almost shoulder-width, and Sakura Ayane couldn't help but glance at his head several times.

At this time, the topic is talking about various situations that will happen when boys date girls.

"All in all, when you're dating, try your best to make the other person laugh, and you will have an inexplicable sense of pride. The frequency is about three to 10 minutes to make the other person laugh."

"Wow... that's too bad, it's better for seniors to be more mature."

"I still consider myself a mature male, age-wise."

"Hahaha! Isn't there such a saying that a mature man should have a little more mystery."

"My mystery is only this hairstyle."

Sakura Ayane was amused: "Your hairstyle is not mysterious at all."

"That's right, afro, this is me."

"I've seen it on variety shows before. How should I put it, there will be an atmosphere full of mystery between a good woman and a good man."

"Mystery? Ah...I see! You mean..."

Senior Afro was stunned for a moment, and then showed a clear look.

On the contrary, Sakura Ayane couldn't help saying "Huh?"

Senior Afro hesitated to speak: "Ayaneru, are you..."

"What's wrong?" Ayane Sakura asked in confusion.

"...Forget it."

After a long silence that was enough to cause a broadcast accident, Senior Afro still stopped talking, but if he just said nothing like this, he always felt a little reconciled.


"Aren't you talking about Totsuka Kazu-san?"

He still said it.

The staff at the scene suddenly burst into laughter, like a girl who is dating a senior with an afro.

Only Sakura Ayane couldn't laugh, she was stunned for half a second, and then frantically waved her hands in denial.

"No, no, there's no need to be so awkward as him."

Ayane Sakura, who can be said to have experienced many battles in the broadcasting job, did not show any strange expression, and complained sophisticatedly.

The microphone can pick up the lies she utters easily, but cannot pick up her inner voice buried deep inside.

What is that guy doing now?



At this time, Kazuto Mogami finished recording the song and was sitting in the coffee shop drinking coffee.

Not far away, Uchida Maaya was greeting guests at the front desk.

After a while, she walked towards Mogami Kazuto. At this time, she had already changed into her private server, presumably she was off work.

"Mogami-san, he has completely become a regular visitor here."

"Well, it's nice here."

"Did you just finish recording?"

"Well, Ms. Uchida is off work already?"

"Yeah, I'm going to record a show soon."

"Looks completely used to it."

"Thanks to Caiyin senior's guidance."

Kazuto Mogami nodded, as a junior in the same firm, it is natural to take care of him like this.

"Speaking of which, Cai Yin-senpai has stopped talking about Mosami-san at all on the set recently."

"Anything like this?"

"What happened to you two?"

"It shouldn't be in my memory."

"Really? There were other female voice actors talking about Mr. Mogami on the set.

At that time, when someone asked Cai Yin-senpai what kind of person Mogami-san thought he was, he said super coldly, "That kind of guy has nothing to do with me", and I was still wondering if you two had a fight. "

Isn't that the usual Sakura Ayane?

Mogami Kazuto thinks.

"You guys imagined my relationship with her too well."

Uchida Maaya nodded half-understanding, but after all, she felt something was wrong.

Because of the office, as a junior, she often follows Ayane Sakura to the set, and she can see the changes in Ayane Sakura at a glance.

Mogami Kazuto will have to go home later to buy vegetables and cook. Shimizu Yousha will come to stay overnight tonight, so he has to go back early, so after a brief chat, he got up and left.

Tomorrow is his father's birthday, Kazuto Mogami specially spared three days of rest time, and Yusa Shimizu's work will end in the afternoon tomorrow, so he made an appointment to go to Tsukishima together.

I went to the supermarket, and after Mogami Kazuto finished dinner, Shimizu Yousha opened the door.

"Yousha, come back..."

Kazuto Mogami looked towards the entrance, and the sound stopped abruptly, like a crow that was roaring, its beak suddenly blocked by the wind.

Qingshui Yousha was brimming with her usual smile, and the young woman beside her, with apologetic eyes, said cautiously as a guest:
"excuse me."

The astonishment on Mogami Kazuto's face gradually subsided, and he said calmly, "Welcome."

Saori Xiaoxi nodded in embarrassment, glanced at the friend next to her without any trace, and remained silent.

"Kazuto-san, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, I invited Saori to our house today."

"Well... If Yousha thinks that's okay, I won't say anything."

"Hey hey~~ That's great, I knew Kazuto-san wouldn't be angry."

She put on her exclusive rabbit slippers, like a hostess, and placed the guest slippers in front of Xiao Xi Saori.

Xiao Nishi Saori thanked her softly, bent over to put on her clothes, lightly stroked the hair hanging down her cheeks, and quietly walked into Mogami Saori's former home.

Qingshui Yousha ran into the kitchen immediately, smelled the aroma of cooking in the pot, and showed an intoxicated expression.

Taking advantage of this gap, Mogami Kazuto gave Konishi Saori a suspicious look, and Konishi Saori shook his head slowly.

Thinking about it, no matter how outrageous this woman is, she probably wouldn't intentionally do such annoying and troublesome things.

Then, the instigator of this operation is clear water and sand.

So what is the purpose?

Shimizu Yousa came out of the kitchen with a smile: "Some time ago, the matter between me and Saori caused Kazuto-san a lot of trouble, so today we are here to thank you together."

"Then why am I cooking?"

Mogami Kazuto's words made Shimizu Yousha slightly stunned, and immediately burst out laughing: "What's the matter, Kazuto-san is my boyfriend, so it doesn't matter if you let me be self-willed."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

I always feel that there is sand in the clear water in front of me, and under the innocent smile, there is an unreachable anxiety hidden.

Mogami Kazuto didn't understand what she was so anxious about.

He obviously complied with all her requests.

What is she still afraid of?

After a long absence, he felt a little tired.

The atmosphere between the three of them was far from mysterious, but rather strange.

In such an atmosphere, today's meal at Mogami's is going on.

(End of this chapter)

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