After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 403 397. Being taught about love by his ex-wife was beyond his expectation.

Chapter 403 397. Being taught about love by his ex-wife was beyond his expectation.

Before I met Heren-sang, I never thought of myself as a cunning girl.

Even in getting along after this, I tried my best to avoid that kind of situation from happening.

It is precisely because I don't want to be a cunning girl that I incite him to travel with Saori and let him confirm his heart.

At that time, there was sand in the clear water, so she must be a kind, innocent and beautiful girl.

She is by no means a bad woman like she is now.

If I was at that time, would I be disappointed to see the clear water with sand in it?

See me doing anything for love, hurting my best friend for love, and ruling this deceitful relationship as a dictator.

Will you... look down on me?



Shimizu Yousha sat side by side with Mogami Kazuto, and Xiao Nishi Saori sat alone at the other end of the dining table. This viscous atmosphere was like a tripartite meeting in school days.

Saori Xiaoxi could understand Qingshui Yousha's intention, and it was because of her understanding that she could not refuse.

If this is the way to soothe her restlessness, Nishi Saori is willing to help her.

However, deep down in her heart, she still believed that it was wrong to have sand in clear water.

What she did would only push that man away from her side, just like she used to do.

It's not that Xiaoxi Sazhi didn't say these words before, but Qing Shui's answer made her speechless.

"I'm different from you, Saori. Kazuto-santa... will pamper me."

There are more or less.

But more of the mood is an intolerance to the status quo of friends.

From childhood to adulthood, all the girls who tried to get close to him, no one ushered in a happy ending.

Even if he becomes different from when he was a child, the alienation he can show towards women is the same.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was harmonious.

Qingshui Yousha and Xiaoxi Saori chatted about interesting things that happened at work, and had a good time.

Mogami Kazuto was buried in cooking and couldn't get in the conversation. He would only speak a few words when Qing Shui You Sha took the initiative to chat with him.

Little Nishi Saori didn't know when it came from his heart, but he still complimented you on the improvement of your craftsmanship.

Mogami Kazuto said thank you calmly, and Shimizu Yousha on the side agreed, saying "It's all his fault, I have gained almost a catty in weight", such sweet words that are suspected of showing affection.

Kazuto Mogami never took the initiative to talk to Saori Xiaonishi, but it was not against Saori Xiaonishi appearing in his house.

It's just that from Mogami Kazuren's point of view, Shimizu Yousha probably doesn't want to have too much interaction with this woman.

Anyway, before I and her, there was really nothing to talk about.

However, Shimizu Yousha pestered Xiao Nishi Saori, asking a lot about Mogami Kazuto's childhood, listening with gusto, and sighing that it sounded the same as when he was a child.

Totally different.

Kazuto Mogami thought so.

"That's great, Saori knows a lot about Kazuto-sang's childhood."

"Your future still has a long way to go. Compared with childhood experiences, you should cherish the present and the future."

"Hey~~ You're right."

Listening to the two women discussing childhood that had nothing to do with him, Mogami Kazuto's mood suddenly became dull.

Even though he knew it was helpless, Mogami Kazuto still couldn't help feeling a little repulsive.

This is the feeling that the former Mogami Kazuto could not embrace.

At that time, I hadn't fully integrated into this body, so I subconsciously distinguished myself from the name "Mogami Kazuto".

But after becoming Mogami Kazuto for a full year, he gradually became Mogami Kazuto.

Perhaps this statement is too much, but for the souls that have disappeared, Mogami Kazuto can't do more.

Their words seemed to be denying themselves this year.

That's why I said that Mogami Kazuto hates cowardly guys with slender hearts.

Feeling a little uncomfortable to end the meal, Xiaonishi Saori instinctively stood up and wanted to clean up the dishes, but Shimizu Yousha smiled and said, "It's too disrespectful to ask customers to work."

So, she ran into the kitchen with the tableware, leaving Mogami Kazuto and little Nishi Saori sitting there.

"Yousha...she will be a good wife in the future."

After a few seconds of silence, Saori Xiaoxi suddenly said this.


Mogami Kazuto responded instinctively, with no expression of joy or anger.

"Sorry, I came to your house without saying hello."

"It's okay. Anyway, I made a lot of dinner. It's a good thing to let her eat less. If she doesn't go on a diet, she should be scolded by her manager."

Xiao Nishi Saori smiled faintly.

"But I still don't understand why she brought you home for dinner."

"Didn't you just say, thank you for the previous thing."

"Don't take people for fools."

Kazuto Mogami looked cold, Saori Nishi stared at him for a while, then slowly said: "The reason, you should know the reason in your heart, right?

You just...don't want to admit it. "

Kazuto Mogami fell silent briefly: "Yousa, she is not that kind of girl."

"Isn't it Heren you who turned her into this state?"


"When I was a child, I was decisive in dealing with people, merciless when rejecting others, and ignoring other people's ideas as easily as breathing, which is standard self-interest.

But look at you now, indecisive, vacillating, you want to tie this kind of man who is gentle to all girls by your side.

No matter how naive and weak a girl is, she will have to make changes.

I don't blame Yousha, but I have complaints about Kazuto and you.

Now that he's her boyfriend, at least...don't make her uneasy. "

"If someone like me can be called gentle, the word is too cheap."


Little Nishi Saori looked at him for a while, then sighed: "You know what girls hate the most is your type."

That's what I wish for.

"However, girls eat this again."

You are contradicting what you said.

Having said that, Kazuto Mogami agreed with Saori Konishi's words in his heart, and he really failed to give Shimizu Yousha a sense of security.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he doesn't understand the specific method.

Whatever Qing Shui You Sha wants to do, he goes all out to cooperate.

"Are you thinking, as long as Sha asks you to do something, you do it, and you are already giving her a sense of security?"

The ex-wife seemed to have the ability to read minds, seeing through Mogami Kazuto's heart.

"Is not it?"

"Really, I used to be the screenwriter of galgame, so why are you so clueless?"

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

"Listen, you're not going to do what Yusa tells you to do, but what she says is 'it's okay'.

No matter how yousha changes, she is always a kind and considerate girl in her heart, and she won't say many things clearly.

Be aware of your girlfriend's intentions, and take the initiative to do what she expects but dare not say.

Has Kazuren done anything similar so far? "

Mogami Kazuto thought about it and said, "There should be... right?"

He is not confident.

"Oh huh?"

Little Nishi Saori became interested, wondering what he would say.

"Tomorrow, I will take her home to meet her parents."


(End of this chapter)

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