Chapter 411 405. Heroine.

It is not the first time that Sakura Ayane has played Shessel, and the radio drama CD has also been well received, and readers regard it as the No. 1 choice for animated Shessel.

When dubbing for radio dramas, Ayane Sakura showed strong dubbing skills, calm, free, and full of invincible aura.

Perhaps it is because she has something to pursue in her heart that she can perform Shessel in the most perfect state and become that person's "heroine".

what about now?

Could Sakura Ayane still be able to say that she is the heroine as she did back then?
Sakura Ayane is very clear that she should not confuse work with personal affairs, this is the most basic professional ethics as a seiyuu.

Regardless of whether she will meet him again in the future, there is only one thing Sakura Ayane should do at this time.

Do your best to deduce the voice that belongs to the heroine.


In the production room, Kazuto Mogami quietly admired Ayane Sakura's performance.

Even if the relationship between himself and her is not harmonious, he can't deny Sakura Ayane's professional ability in work.

In all fairness, Kazuto Mogami likes Shessel performed by Ayane Sakura very much, and he has listened to all the content of the radio drama.

Although the male lead's voice was slightly different from what he had imagined, it still exceeded [-]% overall, and Mogami Kazuto was not dissatisfied.

And if Mogami Kazuto is to judge, Sakura Ayane is more suitable for this role than Shimizu Yusa.

It's not that the acting skills of clear water and sand are not good, but something beyond acting.

The top of voice actors is "acting skills", and on top of acting skills is the integration of voice actors and characters.

People often say not to confuse seiyuu with characters, but in Kazuto Mogami's opinion, at least when dubbing, the mood of the seiyuu should be integrated with the character.

But now, Ms. Sakura standing in front of him didn't integrate with the character like she did in the radio drama.

"Miss Sakura, please match the lines of Lily Xi on page 17."

Mr. Aketagawa's voice came from the speaker, and Sakura Ayane's shoulders trembled.

In the sound audition, once the sound supervisor said something like "please play another role", it meant that she was not suitable for the role she was given at this time.

Sakura Ayane squeezed the script slightly with her left hand, so that everyone in the production room couldn't see her expression clearly.


rest area.

Hidaka Rina was chatting with Ogura Yui, and there was no tension at all.

Hidaka Lina's goal is naturally the heroine "Shessel", and Yui Ogura is aiming at other characters.

Although the offices of the two are different, their relationship is well-known in the industry, and they are sometimes mistaken for twins.

"Li Caijiang, let's have dinner together later."

"It's ok, just take it as a celebration for me to win the heroine."

"You are really confident."


Yui Ogura really doesn't understand. For a voice actor at the level of Hidaka Rina, although it can't be said that taking the main role is as easy as drinking water, it is not so happy.

Or is it all because of that lolicon?

Although it remains to be verified whether that person is a lolicon, Yui Ogura still thinks that he is a bad guy, and it is better to keep a distance.

"Li Caijiang, I didn't throw cold water on you, what if you weren't selected?"

"Then compete for another role."

Hidaka Licai answered in seconds.

"Don't you like the character 'Shessel'? "

Hidaka Rina looked at her friend with a smile, and her slender black and bright eyes sparkled.

"I like all the characters in this book, so I can match any one. Of course, if it can be the heroine, that would be great."

She can take it easy.

Ogura Yui looked at Hidaka Lina worriedly, hesitated to speak, and then caught a glimpse of the bulging bag she was carrying with her.

"What's in your bag? It looks so heavy."

"This? The whole volume of the original novel. I forgot to ask Totsuka-san to sign it last time. Don't forget this time."




The sound audition was going on like a raging fire, and the supporting roles went very smoothly, but the casting of the leading and leading roles was more or less deadlocked.

Currently Shessel's strong competitors are Shimizu Yusa, Sakura Ayane, and Hidaka Licai.

In addition to Qingshui Yousha, the other two have had the experience of dubbing Shessel, but whether it is Ishii Supervisor or Mr. Ming Tianchuan, the audio supervisor, they are more inclined to Qingshui Yousha.

Regarding Hidaka Lina, Kazuto Mogami thought she was more suitable for the role of another orc girl named "Lisika", so the three decided to assign this role to Hidaka Lica.

As the original author, Kazuto Mogami is naturally the one who knows best what voice Shessel will make.

But after that, most of the people who came to audition were newcomers who had just graduated from the cultivation institute, and they were basically unable to perform a role as difficult as Shessel.

If there are no changes, Qingshui Yousha should be able to successfully win the role of "Shessel".

The premise is that Mogami Kazuto compromises on this.

More than anyone else, he hoped that Shimizu Yusa would become Shessel's voice actor, but it was definitely not in her current state.

The best ending is to make sure that there is clear water and sand today, and after returning home, Kazuto Mogami will give her special training.

Kazuto Mogami had already accepted the ending.

If that person hadn't walked into the recording studio.



"The next thing is the last female voice actress."

Mr. Ming Tianchuan tapped the pencil lightly, looked at the list of voice actors in his hand, and said to himself.

"The main character's voice actor hasn't started yet, so please don't take it lightly."

"That's what he said."

"Totsuka-sensei, how was Shimada-san's voice before?"

"Hmm... Compared to the main character, it gives off a prince-like atmosphere, closer to "Revadru". "Mogami Kazuto said.

"Well, I think so too. Shimada-san is more suitable for a bright and active character, very attractive."

Kazuto Mogami smiled lightly. He had a good impression of Nobunaga Shimada. He was humble, with a comfortable smile, and it wasn't that awkward to get along with, and his acting skills were not to mention.

Kazuto Mogami is very happy that such a person can play the role in his book.

At this time, a thin female voice actor with long hair walked into the recording studio slowly.

The moment Kazuto Mogami saw the woman through the glass, his expression froze slightly.

is her.

In the recording studio, she stood dignifiedly like a lady, and slowly lowered herself to cover her pale cheeks with makeup.

The long hair, like the Milky Way, gently falls on both sides of the cheeks, the head is raised, and there is a charming and strong smile on the corner of the mouth.

"I'm auditioning for the role of "Shessel", Naeda Risa from "Osawa Office". "

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(End of this chapter)

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