Chapter 412 406. Show off skills.

Inside the recording studio.

Taneda Risa held the notebook in one hand, took a deep breath slowly into the microphone, and heard the voice of the audio supervisor asking her to start.

In the setting of Kazuto Mogami, Shessel is a girl with a beautiful voice, so something happened, her voice was sealed, and she fled into the forest of Noda.

She is afraid of humans, and for the first time in the forest, she meets a human boy of her own age.

One doesn't like to talk, and the other can't talk.

Such a weird combination, get along day and night, and leave the forest together.

On cold snowy nights, relying on the remaining heat of the bonfire, they rely on each other to keep warm in the cave.

In the hot midsummer, lying side by side in the stables, looking up at the unobstructed starry sky.

She squeaked and echoed the boy's words, looked at the boy's bright one eye, even if she didn't say anything, she could still convey her feelings.

But the girl is not reconciled, she has a wish buried in her heart, if one day, she can speak again, she wants to say to the indifferent boy who brought her out of the forest...

"...Thank you, thank you."

"Take me out of... the forest where I was imprisoned, and take me on a journey... Thank you."

"I really want to be with you forever..."

Shessel's voice was hoarse, and she was stumbling and stumbling while speaking in a not-so-clean manner. Just listening to it would make people feel uncomfortable in their throats.

It was like a pure extremely cold ice spring, being poured into sand mixed with pebbles, under the turbid voice, there was an indescribable clarity.

Rao is so, still bright and sweet.

Sitting in the production room, Mogami Kazuto slowly closed his eyes, and seemed to be able to see the red-haired girl smiling silently at him.

At this moment, the heroine in Kazuto Mogami's novel was truly endowed with the voice she deserved.



Some of the male voice actors have already completed their sound auditions, and among the female voice actors, Taneda Risa is the last one, and the rest are all male voice actors. The voice actor of the protagonist will be selected from this group of people.

"I'm Sueto Ishikawa from "Power fit" who auditioned for the role of "Revadru". "

"I'm auditioning for the role of "Terry", Natsuki Hanae from "Aqua Entertainment". "

"I'm auditioning for the role of "Shessel", from Ayumi Murura of "VIMS". "

"I am Yoshimasa Hosoya from the audition for "Leshwa". "

In the world of voice actors, the number of male voice actors is far less than that of female voice actors. Many voice actors who are not suitable for the voice of the protagonist are asked by the sound supervisor to try to dub other characters.

As for some less important supporting roles, the audio supervisor has adopted some potential newcomers.

The salary of a voice actor has nothing to do with fame, but is determined according to the number of years in the industry.

In terms of dubbing salaries, the old man who has struggled for ten years and is still unknown in the industry, and the newcomer voice actor who has become a hit, must have a higher single-voice salary.

Therefore, in order to save the budget, it is very common in the industry for the production team to use new voice actors with lesser debut experience in less important supporting roles.

For the popular and popular seiyuu, the dead salary for dubbing animation is simply a drop in the bucket.

Albums, photos, concerts, events, these are the most important sources of income for popular seiyuu.

However, the voice actor of the most important protagonist has not yet been decided.

Supervisor Ishii is more inclined to Mr. Huajiang who has dubbing experience in radio dramas.

Aketagawa, who is the sound director, thinks that Sakura Ayane's boyish voice is more in line with the protagonist's age setting, and he doesn't have to be obsessed with male voice actors.

The two looked at Kazuto Mogami at the same time, wanting to hear the opinion of the original author.

Kazuto Mogami also had a big head at this time, no matter which voice actor was present, Kazuto Mogami felt that something was wrong.

Of course, he can also vote for Huajiang Xiaji directly. For readers, this also has the bonus of first impression of the radio drama.

But Kazuto Mogami was not satisfied with the [-] points. He thought that Terry's voice should be more special, but he couldn't describe it well in words.

Kazuto Mogami scratched his hair, feeling anxious inside.

"Supervisor, Mr. Ming Tianchuan, can I have a few words with the voice actor?"


Ming Tianchuan was obviously taken aback, not quite understanding what Kazuto Mogami meant.

Kazuto Mogami waved his hand hastily: "I don't want to overstep, but I just want to show some of my requirements for Terry's voice. I can't describe it very well."

"So it is."

Mr. Ming Tianchuan heaved a sigh of relief. After all, the other party is the original author, so he must have his own considerations, but he is more curious about how to convey it since he cannot describe it himself.

Kazuto Mogami walked up to Mr. Ming Tianchuan, pointed to the green button on the console, and asked, "Can the other party hear the voice inside by pressing this button?"


So Kazuto Mogami closed his eyes and recalled the state of mind he had when he entered the protagonist when he was writing.

Opening his eyes again, Mogami Kazuto's temperament changed subtly, and he stretched out his index finger to press the button.

Without any reminder, the slightly indifferent teenage voice suddenly sounded in the recording studio.

"I am the child of prophecy, since I was born, I can see the lifespan of others.

Only I can't see my own. "

The slightly immature voice was very similar to a boy who had just entered puberty, with a hint of helplessness in his tone, but a hint of compromise and relief towards fate.

"Lei Xiuwa, do you have any family?"

"Well, that's the same as me, and I... have no family anymore."

On the lonely hillside, the flames of war raged in the distance, as if there was the sound of fighting in the ears, the swords of the weapons intersected, and the artillery fire continued.

The expressionless young man slowly showed a faint smile of loss, this is also... something that can't be helped.

After a brief pause, Kazuto Mogami changed his voice again, which was thicker and more relaxed than the childish voice just now.

As if after experiencing the baptism of the years, the boy grew up a little.

The young man opened his hands, embracing the air around him to his heart's content, he let out a long inhalation sound, and then let it out violently.

"It's already spring."

The red-haired girl in the forest in the distance was looking at him hesitantly in confusion, her lips were slightly pursed, and the woman who met him in the spring was faintly whimpering.

After a short pause when he turned around and looked around, he asked softly in a relaxed and soothing tone:
"Aren't you going to follow?"

"If you don't follow, I'm leaving."



His eyes were closed tightly, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, his usual calmness returned.

Mogami Kazuto blinked a few times and smiled modestly.

"I'm sorry, I read the lines without authorization. It should be very close to Terry's tone just now. Please try to get closer to this."

After finishing speaking, Mogami Kazuto smiled apologetically at Mr. Akitagawa.

"Thank you, Mr. Ming Tianchuan."

So, ignoring the astonished gazes of Ming Tianchuan and Director Ishii, he returned to his chair and sat down.

Kazuto Mogami was sitting calmly with his chest folded, but the atmosphere in the production room was quiet and weird, so he couldn't help but look around.

Including Director Ishii and Aketagawa Sound Director, all the staff stared at him with a look of seeing hell.

In the recording studio, the newcomer voice actor was standing there innocently. After being inexplicably shown off his skills, he was somewhat aggrieved and dull.

Mogami Kazuto was frightened by the silent atmosphere, Junxiu's brows gradually wrinkled.

Could it be that he messed up his acting just now?
 Unexpectedly, I directly updated xs
(End of this chapter)

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