Chapter 413 407. She hates this feeling.

After that, I listened to the performances of many male voice actors one after another.

Kazuto Mogami learned his lesson this time, even when he heard about potential candidates, he didn't say a word, just sat quietly in the corner, waiting for Mr. Akitagawa's decision.

If you really can't find a suitable candidate, you can only continue to use the voice actor of the radio drama.

At that time, Mogami Kazuto can make some requests in private, as the original author, and it must not be too much.

After thinking this through, Kazuto Mogami felt much more relaxed.

However, Kazuto Mogami looked away, but it doesn't mean that other people can look away.

Director Ishii and Director Ming Tianchuan looked at each other. As old partners, they could see each other's thoughts at a glance, and nodded tacitly.

After all the voice actors have performed, the animation sound audition for "Journey to the Dead" will be officially announced to be over, and the results of the audition will be notified to each office in the near future.

After successfully getting the voice actor of the character, after the contract is successfully finalized, the animation team will send the script to the voice actor's office.

Kazuto Mogami bid farewell to the two big men beside him, and was about to leave. As soon as he walked towards the elevator, he heard someone calling his name.

Kazuto Mogami looked back.

It is Hidakari cuisine.

Standing beside her was Yui Ogura, a senior from the same company.

Kazuto Mogami had a good impression of Hidaka Rina, a quiet and polite female voice actor, and nodded to her with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Hidaka."

"Hello, Totsuka-san."

Kazuto Mogami looked at Yui Ogura beside her, smiling unabated.

"Hello, Miss Ogura."

"Well... hello."

Reaching out without hitting the smiling face, Yui Ogura nodded at him even though he didn't like dealing with Mogami Kazuto.

"is there anything?"

"It's actually like this. When I met Totsuka-san before, I didn't have a chance. I have a small request. I wonder if Totsuka-san can agree to it."

"A request? What is it?"

Hidaka Rina took out the booklet of "Journey to Death" from her bag, handed it with both hands, and said sincerely: "I have always been a fan of Totsuka-san, I hope you can sign it for me."

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

Hidaka Rina is his reader. He knew it as early as the first time the two met. He thought that the other party was a mature and gentle senior, but he unexpectedly had a childish side.

Come to think of it, the other party is only a teenage girl after all.

"No problem at all."

Mogami Kazuto had no reason to refuse, and Hidaka Rina's eyes were full of joy in exchange, which was quite seductive.

Not far away, the group of four Mizuzakura Nishizuke was walking together, casting their gazes in this direction.

Qing Shui You Sha held a light smile indifferently at the corner of his mouth, and Xiao Xi Saori looked as usual, but instead glanced at Qing Shui You Sha beside him.

As for Sakura Ayane, she seemed to take the initiative to look away, but her brows were already frowning together.

That bastard is hooking up with a female voice actor again.

As for Changtian Lisha, she didn't look at her at all.

Borrowing a signature pen from the staff, and writing his name on each book, Hidaka Rina looked at him quietly with a smile on his face, and didn't make any strange requests.

He didn't ask about the result of the audition, and Kazuto Mogami was worried about how he would answer if she brought it up, but fortunately Hidaka Rina didn't do such troublesome things.

After Mogami Kazuto returned the book to her, she thanked him sweetly, and took Ogura Yui to leave.

Kazuto Mogami raised his head, and his eyes happened to meet a group of four female voice actors not far away.

Girlfriend, ex-wife, gossip, novel heroine with a heartwarming voice.

Get together.

Mogami Kazuto instinctively felt a little discomfort, and subconsciously wanted to escape from this purgatory on earth.

"Hello, Totsuka-san."

If anyone was born, Mogami Kazuto might pretend that he didn't hear, and run away.

It was his real girlfriend who spoke, and there was sand in the clear water.

This cannot be ignored.

Turning around with a dry smile, Mogami Kazuto nodded slightly to everyone.

"Hello everyone, thank you for your face today to attend the audition."

Both Shimizu Yousa and Konishi Saori reacted very calmly, but Sakura Ayane kept looking away from him.

Seeing the other two female voice actors having a good conversation with Mogami Kazuto, Taneda Risa looked at Sakura Ayane beside her, feeling slightly puzzled.

Mogami Kazuto looked at Naneda Risa, and asked politely: "Miss Naneda, long time no see, has the event resumed?"

The other three female voice actors were taken aback when they heard Mogami Kazuto's words, and couldn't help but look at the two of them.

Taneda Risa smiled lightly: "Thank you, Mr. Totsuka, for your concern. I have resumed work."

"That's it, congratulations."

Taneda Lisa has always maintained a polite and distant smile. Only she knows that after her comeback, she participated in various auditions, but she still couldn't feel the bitterness of work.

Naeda Risa is not a newcomer seiyuu, on the contrary, she has been famous for a long time, and her salary is naturally much higher than that of a newcomer, but now she has lost the vocal skills she is proud of.

In the audition just now, Kazuto Mogami heard her nearly break several times.

Compared with a veteran with a bad voice and a high salary, most sound supervisors would rather choose a newcomer with a lower salary and sound skills and voice.

This is human nature.

Obviously, Gengtian Lisha's comeback after surgery was not so smooth.

Even this time, Taneda Risa did not have high expectations for herself. Even so, she fulfilled the agreement with Kazuto Mogami.

"Totsuka-san, do you know Miss Taneda?" Shimizu Yusa asked with a smile.

"It's just been a few times." Taneda Lisa answered first.

Qing Shui You Sha nodded: "I see."

"Huh? Zhong Jiang, have you met him? I've never heard you mention it." Sakura Ayane was obviously very surprised by this answer.

"Because you didn't ask."


Sakura Ayane stared at Mogami Kazuto speechlessly, her pupils flickering with resentment.

Mogami and Human Rights pretended not to see it.

God knows where I provoked her again. I wanted to say that she has become cuter recently, but it turned out to be the same.

Kazuto Mogami didn't chat with them much, just as Nobunaga Shimada passed by, Kazuto Mogami stepped forward to say hello.

After a few pleasantries, Kazuto Mogami said goodbye to the female voice actors by the name of Nobunaga Shimada, and followed the male voice actors very naturally, leaving a few female voice actors staring at each other.

"That guy, when did he and Shimada become so close."

Sakura Ayane curled her lips and couldn't help muttering softly.

Qingshui Yousha covered his mouth with a chuckle: "Isn't it good? It's better than going out alone with a female voice actress. If he is caught in the picture, he will definitely be entangled in troublesome scandals again. Maybe his manager will teach him a lesson."

Sakura Ayane suddenly stopped talking.

She hated this kind of... sounding like it was directed at her.

I hate myself even more, who will substitute these words.

 Explosive update today, guarantee [-]!

  Aim for [-] words!
  Let's go!
(End of this chapter)

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