Chapter 419 413. So they closed their eyes.

Memories kept popping up in my mind.

On the second day after that phone call, Xiao Nishi Saori made an appointment with Kazuto Mogami, hoping for a turnaround in his heart.

When they sat face to face again after many years, Xiao Nishi Saori asked that sentence again.

"Heren... would you like to marry me?"

"Well, I would."

That was the brightest and happiest smile Xiaonishi Saori had ever seen in the past 24 years.

She closed her eyes resignedly and put on...

An inescapable mask of hypocrisy.



"Because I'm not Mogami Kazuto."

In the living room of the most home, Xiao Nishi Saori's shoulders trembled, and he didn't understand what he was talking about.

Kazuto Mogami was really tired.

Compared with Xiao Nishi Saori, his disguise is too lame and too tired.

He couldn't wear a mask for a long time like the woman in front of him.

To be able to survive until today, he has already been exhausted.

This was supposed to be the secret he kept hidden all his life, but he thought that if it was her, she might be able to understand him.

They all wore unknown masks, which became difficult to take off.

Kazuto Mogami wanted to take off her mask, so he had to take off his own mask first.

"Kato... what are you talking about?"

"Is it unbelievable?"

"It's unbelievable, I can't understand what you're talking about at all."

"If I told you that I and the Mogami Kazuto you once knew are two completely different people, would you believe it?"

"To be with people is to be with people. Even if you have changed and are too different, you shouldn't use such rhetoric to deny your past self."

In Xiaonishi Saori's view, Mogami Kazuto has indeed become different from the past, and she is more happy to see his changes than anyone else.

After all, facing Mogami Kazuto when she was a child, she did have a certain psychological shadow.

However, Saori Nishi doesn't think it's a good idea to completely deny her past self.

Xiaonishi Saori's reaction was not beyond Mogami Kazuto's expectation, rather, it was the thinking of a normal person.

What she didn't know was that everything Mogami Kazuto said was true.

"I'm not denying myself, but I'm telling you exactly that I'm not the Mogami Kazuto you know."


"Do you still remember the night of my dad's birthday last year? I said I couldn't remember anything about you. That was a lie."

Saori Konishi looked at Kazuto Mogami with a complicated expression: "I know."

"I can't use conclusive evidence to prove my statement, but if I say that this is some kind of supernatural, inconceivable mysterious power, you will definitely think that I am lying and talking nonsense.

So I really don't know how to convince you to believe me. have to try everything, don't you? "

Xiao Nishi Saori stared at Mogami Kazuto for a long time, thinking about what he said, which sounded nonsense to others, but made her heart beat wildly.

Supernatural, uncanny, mystical powers.

She opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

What should I say?
Say "I believe in supernatural mystical powers"?
Those are truly two psychopaths, and in a sense, they are an exceptionally good match.

In fact, after Kazuto Mogami said these words, Saori Konishi began to waver uncontrollably.

She couldn't help but fantasize.

I fantasized that if a voice similar to hers would appear in Kazuto Mogami's heart, would there be any change between them.

Even though she has been riddled with holes, perhaps deep in her heart, she still retains the innocence of an ordinary girl.

Perhaps, the Mogami Kazuto who used to make her feel fear was not the real him, he put on a mask earlier than herself.

Saori Xiaonishi laughed at herself, fantasy is fantasy after all.

Such a beautiful story never happened to her.

Trying to glorify the hurt you've done to him like this is the worst thing to do.

"Sorry, Kazuto, I don't think it's necessary to discuss the matter between us now.

If you let me in to hear what you have to say, I think it would be better for me to leave. "

Xiaonishi Saori's attitude was extremely firm, and the light in Mogami Kazuto's eyes dimmed again.

Yes, he should have thought it would be like this.

No one will believe this kind of words.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly felt bored and couldn't help reflecting on their current situation.

In the middle of the night of Qixi Festival, when his girlfriend was not there, he brought his ex-wife to have a long talk at home, and even revealed his most important secret.

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what he could gain from such an act, but...

He got exactly the guilt.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help lowering his head, clutching his forehead with a headache, the suffocation accumulated in his chest made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I said something strange, please forget it."

Well, it's all my own fault, so I have to ask her the real reason why she wants to marry me.

Where can there be any reason?

If there was, she should have said it a year ago, the night she asked for a divorce from her.

I really can't stand it, I can't stand myself who still has expectations for her.

Xiao Xi Sazhi didn't say much anymore, if she hadn't taken into account the existence of sand in the clear water, she might really have been impulsive and told the absurd truth.

However, for the sake of clear water and sand, in order not to destroy the relationship between them.

She can't say.



In the middle of the night, the two people who had long been reluctant to communicate with each other stood at the entrance.

When he got to the door, Saori Xiaoxi was unable to open the door for a long time.

As if her thin back was frozen at this moment, Kazuto Mogami couldn't get anything about her mood from her back.

Gradually, the thin shoulders of his ex-wife trembled slightly, and Kazuto Mogami vaguely heard a ridiculous chuckle.

When she turned her face again, the stubborn mask on her face gradually showed cracks, one piece after another, on the verge of disintegration.

The transparent water drops rolled down like a broken thread, and the beautiful facial features twisted and turned into a heartbreaking crying face while smiling.

Why did you show such a sad, reluctant expression?

Where does your will come from, and who should pay for your actions?

Obviously you are the one who caused everything, so why... you show me such a sad expression.

She bit her lips tightly, looked at the man in front of her in pain and desolation, took quick steps, and suddenly threw herself into Kazuto Mogami's embrace.

His eyes were closed tightly, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and Kazuto Mogami's thoughts drifted back to the day when he first came to this world.

The touch from the lips is the same as that time.

There are no more bells of blessing, and no applause from relatives and friends.

Suddenly, Kazuto Mogami seemed to hear her whisper.

"Sorry, there's sand."

She said it.

I still said it myself.

I can't tell the difference.


In the living room, the mobile phone placed on the table vibrated continuously.

The girlfriend's name, gradually extinguished, turned into a lonely missed call.

 As long as you don't stop, the road will continue to extend.

  I won't stop (codeword)

  Dagara, don't stop! (referring to voting subscriptions)
(End of this chapter)

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