Chapter 420 414. Rain, Umbrella, Hug. (Achieving [-] words)

The sudden kiss made Mogami Kazuto lose his mind for a moment.

Her hands were wrapping around his back, and her fingers were tightly clutching his loose T-shirt, and she could feel the beating of her heart through the clothes.

Her breath, her panting, the soft touch of her tongue.

Not a dream, not a fantasy.

Everything is truly presented in front of him.

As long as he opened his eyes, he could see the face that once bored him.

But he didn't.

Facing him in this world, the first woman he kissed was unbelievably unable to reach out and push her away.

In the past, he could hypnotize himself with the obsession that this was the original owner.

Now, that rhetoric is no longer possible.

He sighed in his heart, full of guilt towards that girl.

Gradually, with the saltiness of the tears coming from his mouth, Mogami Kazuto opened his eyes and met those eyes full of regret and sadness.

Bloodshot and haggard.

Suddenly, Kazuto Mogami was in pain, was pushed hard, and fell backwards.

Sitting down on the floor, he looked up at his ex-wife who was drooping her head in front of her and weeping constantly.


"Why don't you hide!"

"Why do you respond to me so skillfully!"

"In this case, what expression should I use to face Yousha!"

She yelled hysterically, the mask was completely shattered, and fell to the floor tick-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-echoing with an extremely dull lingering sound.

Is this the expression hidden under your mask?
Sad, poignant, full of negative emotions.

It was a far cry from that fake smile.

Xiao Nishi Saori sobbed and turned to run away. The moment he turned around, tears flowed down his face.

Mogami Kazuto pursed his lips silently, scarlet blood slowly flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Simply lying on the floor decadently, looking at the bright ceiling, his eyes were dull, in a daze.

"It hurts."



Running aimlessly, not seeing the direction of progress, just running hard.

You can go anywhere.

As long as it's a place without him, it's fine.

There was a burning pain in the back, but what surpassed this pain was the gentle taste of that person remaining between the lips and teeth.

and the stench of his blood.

Obviously, he threw himself into his arms on his own initiative, and shamelessly betrayed his most important friend like a third party who broke into their relationship.


Why do you feel a little bit of joy?

Is it because he responded to his kiss?

Is the sentence "I will not be shaken in any way" a lie?
Even if it's me like this, will he...will accept it?
The body seemed to lose strength at this moment, the pace of the trot gradually slowed down, and the clogs made a "click, click, click" sound on the asphalt road.

No matter how cool the summer night wind blows, Xiao Xi Sazhi stood silently on the spot, her head drooping.

Slowly, he covered his face.

"Are you kidding...Xiao Nishi Saori, are you kidding me!"

Under the silent night sky, the helpless young woman roared angrily at herself.

She was leaning against the fence on the side of the street decadently, her neat bathrobe was stained with ash that could not be erased.

Squatting down slowly, he buried his head in his knees in confusion.

Curled up in a dark corner, the streetlights couldn't shine on her body.

Xiao Nishi Saori is already, and can no longer be strong.

The accumulation and patience so far, after that kiss, all turned into fly ash, annihilated without a trace.

What to say to support their relationship.

Tell me you don't like him at all.

But after being forced to make a choice, her mood was not as she imagined.

She couldn't suppress the wavering in her heart at all.

If Kazuto Mogami pushed her away immediately and gave her a disgusted look, she might feel better.

At least, she can be justified and no longer have illusions.

In the dark night sky, a drizzle started to fall, mixed with the smell of fireworks, pouring into the tip of my nose.

It reminded her of that trip, squatting on the beach, watching the burnt fireworks in her hands.

Countless memories of this year suddenly filled her empty chest.

None of it was about him in the past.

"I'm not that Mogami Kazuto you know."

Liar, you are clearly a friend.

...Why, you have to be with others.

If you're not with someone, but someone else, that's fine.

Even if you don't have a handsome appearance, even if you don't have outstanding talents, it's just you now.

How good it should be.

The rain in July quietly wet her hair and bathrobe, but she was still curled up on the ground, indifferent.

Suddenly, the rain was cut off, and the gnat's head buried between the knees was slowly lifted.

I don't know whether it's tears or rainwater, the transparent liquid is all over the whole face, the corners of the eyes are slightly red, and the eyes are full of bloodshot eyes.

Seeing his ex-wife in such a mess, Kazuto Mogami slowly squeezed the umbrella in his hand.

He shouldn't have chased it out.

But watching the rain gradually falling from the sky, the gentle and peaceful rain, and hearing the sound of the rain falling from the eaves, I suddenly knew that it was the rain that was raining, the silent rain like the dead.

Seeing her fleeing back in a hurry, Kazuto Mogami finally sighed, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and chased after her.

Looking at the figure squatting on the ground, Mogami Kazuto felt uncomfortable for no reason.

Could it be that my decision a year ago was wrong?
If he had been with her for a longer period of time, and had taken off her mask, he would have noticed the desolate embarrassment under the mask at that time.

Do you still have the courage to say that to her?

he does not know.

Xiao Xi Saori recognized the umbrella in his hand, it was her umbrella.

Holding this umbrella, they walked together on the New Year's snow field, their feelings gradually warmed up, and they were finally thrown aside to witness their embrace.

Little Nishi Saori knew all these things.

She moved her dry lips lightly, without making a sound, just looked up at him.

Kazuto Mogami let out a sigh.

"Go back, you'll catch a cold."

The ex-wife below him was staring at him with blank and heartbroken eyes, showing a smirk that made his heart tremble.

"Go back? Where?"

"Go back to where you should go."


Xiao Xi Saori stood up silently, she didn't know what expression to use to face him now, let alone what expression to use to face tomorrow's clear water with sand.

Thinking becomes numb, action becomes slow, just turned around lonely, with Mogami Kazuto behind his back, drifting away.

It is no longer possible to approach him.

Otherwise, the voice in the bottom of my heart, I don't know what else to make me do.

A piercing pain came from her back, making her stagger with every step she took.

Even so, she didn't have any thoughts of relying on him.

He is not his own husband.

It's a friend's lover.

The distance between them is farther than the Milky Way.

Consciousness gradually became blurred, and the pain in the back became more and more clear.

In the end, unable to support herself, she slowly fell forward.

Before closing her eyes, she saw his anxious face.

Don't show such a worried expression in front of me.

I can't help but want to rely on you.

and people.

 Fifteen thousand words completed! ! !

  After 400 chapters and millions of words, I finally wrote this part of the plot!

  What is a top water man! (referring to the number of words)

  Laugh to death!

  Saori rushes the duck! ! !

  Then the code word rushed to [-] characters!

  Tickets come! !
(End of this chapter)

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