After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 421 415. After dawn, he is still Mogami Kazuto, and she is still Xiao Nishi Saori.

Chapter 421 415. After dawn, he is still Mogami Kazuto, and she is still Xiao Nishi Saori.

The best house in the middle of the night.

Kazuto Mogami was sitting in the bedroom, Saori Nishi, who was already asleep, was lying on Kazuto Mogami's bed.

The reason why he was lying on his stomach was because Kazuto Mogami saw something he shouldn't have seen.

After bringing home the fainted Saori Nishi, Kazuto Mogami was unwilling to take care of her.

But under her light bathrobe that was wet by rain, streaks of dark red blood were clearly visible on her back, which was shocking.

It was not the first time Kazuto Mogami had seen these scars of hers. He had accidentally seen them as early as last year's trip to Atami.

After hesitating for a long time, he took out the medicine box, took a deep breath, and gently lifted her bathrobe, part of the wound was already stuck to the bathrobe.

These scars were all added not long ago.

While Mogami Kazuto couldn't bear it, he couldn't help thinking about where these scars came from.

During this time, it was just the two of them.

Mogami Kazuto obviously wouldn't be the one to do such an excessive thing.

He treated Xiao Xi Sazhi's wound in silence, found clothes with clean water and sand at home, and put them on for her with his eyes closed.

After thinking for a long time, he picked her up and brought her back to the bedroom on the second floor.

Inside the room, the air conditioner was emitting cool air, and Mogami sat on a chair with someone, staring blankly at the ceiling.

His mind is messed up and he has a lot of things to think about.

There are sandy things in Qingshui, my own affairs, and Xiaonishi Saori's affairs.

Suddenly, the words she said earlier appeared in her mind.

"What if it's a reason that will shake you?"

"If it's a reason for you to pity me, what will you do?"

Kazuto Mogami still overestimated himself, he thought it was just her words to confuse people deliberately, after all she was Saori Nishi who was good at lying.

And when her bloody carcass was exposed in front of his eyes, besides bitterness, distressed emotions overflowed his chest.

No matter what kind of woman she was, it couldn't justify her being treated like this.

What's more, in the bottom of Kazuto Mogami's heart, maybe there is still a little, just a little bit of concern for her.

Mogami Kazuto didn't do anything, just sat there like a statue, listening to the sound of rain hitting the glass.

He didn't want to do anything, he didn't even bother to turn on the cell phone that kept popping up line messages on the table.

Tiredly even moving his fingers, he resisted extremely.

Even though he knew in his heart that it was a message from his girlfriend.

I don't know when, the time came to midnight, and the rain outside the window gradually disappeared.

Kazuto Mogami remained in this state all the time, with thoughts racing in his mind, he couldn't tell what he thought of Saori Nishi who was sleeping on his bed at the moment.

I also don't understand how I should get along with her in the future.

But the night always passes, and the sun still rises.

After dawn, he was still the best Kazuto.

She is still Saori Nishi.



Opening her eyes in a daze, it was pitch black. Feeling the pain behind her, she couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

No matter how many times she experienced it, the pain still made her unable to adapt.

But at this moment, she cared more about where she was than the pain in her body.

As her eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, she could vaguely see the layout of the room.

It is a room with people.

she thinks.

Recalling his anxious expression before he lost consciousness, for some reason, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

But when she realized the existence of another girl, the smile disappeared again and changed back to a bitter and melancholy expression.

In the end, it turned into a helpless sigh.

After getting off the bed and turning on the light, she was alone in the bedroom, and Mogami Kazuto could not be seen.

She walked downstairs slowly, and the lights in the living room were not turned on.

She is very familiar with the layout of this house, even if she walks in a slightly dim environment, she can walk very easily.

The young man's shallow breathing could be heard from the sofa, Xiao Nishi Saori walked slowly, stepping lightly, for fear of disturbing his rest.

The air conditioner was not turned on in the living room, but it had only rained not long ago, so it wasn't too stuffy.

Kneeling down in front of Kazuto Mogami, he raised his hand out of nowhere, trying to touch his hair, but felt a little resistance.

Only then did she realize that she was not wearing a bathrobe, and gently lifted the collar on her chest. The underwear was still in good condition, but there were several bandages around her abdomen and shoulders.

The technique is rough, and at first glance it is the behavior of laymen.

She finally realized something, touched the back of her neck, and immediately looked at Kazuto Mogami's eyes, which became softer.

Also getting more and more tangled.

On that drunk night a year ago, she was still his wife and Mogami Saori at that time, so she took care of him with all her heart.

But a year later, Xiao Xi Saori has no reason to be taken care of by him.

"You clearly told me not to do unnecessary things, but you... didn't you also do unnecessary things? What a fool."

Slowly raising her arms, her fingers gently brushed his black and soft bangs, and her fingertips couldn't help but brushed his eyebrows, nose tip, and lips.

Obviously there was no choice, but she still seemed to hear the sinful and alluring voice, occupying her heart and drowning her reason.

With tears in the corners of her eyes, she lowered her head slowly and touched his thin lips.

Little Nishi Saori, you are really...a shameless woman.

While laughing at herself inwardly, she couldn't stop kissing him.

The saltiness of tears seeped into the corner of his mouth, Xiao Nishi Saori slowly closed his eyes.



The next day, Mogami Kazuto woke up from his sleep, perhaps because he was too busy during this time, and it rained last night, which caused his head to hurt a little.

Sitting up with his forehead supported, the blanket covering his body slipped down.

Standing up staggeringly, he fell down on the sofa again, Moshangheren looked around in a daze, he was the only one in the living room.

Come to think of it, she has already left.

The disappointment in his eyes flashed, and he was taken aback by his absurd thought again, forcing out an unnatural smile.

Leaning on the sofa with eyes closed, Mogami Kazuto kept rubbing his buzzing head, his limbs were weak, and he struggled to even stand up.

Looks like I can't go out today.

Fortunately, Kazuto Mogami didn't have work today and could rest at home. Just as he was about to get a glass of water, there was a sound of unlocking the door.

It was still morning, and Mogami Kazuto was very surprised why Qingshui Yousha came to his house at this hour.

However, what entered the living room was not clear water with sand.

She was carrying a shopping bag from the supermarket, and the moment she met Mogami Kazuto's eyes, her expression froze slightly.

But he quickly returned to his usual look, put the shopping bag on the cooking table, poured the hot water in the thermos, and walked towards him slowly, holding a water glass.

"You're awake, Kazuto."


 The eighth best-selling list by category, [-] words have been updated today.

  Duck everyone!

  Don't stop!

  Shouldn't it be out so soon?
  Too bad!

  Modo modo!Hayaku!

  One ~ one library ~ ~

(End of this chapter)

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