After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 422 416. After being sick, someone is taking care of him.

Chapter 422 416. After being sick, someone is taking care of him.

Seeing Xiao Nishi Saori coming in from the door, Mogami Kazuto was somewhat confused.

Could it be that he has reached the point where he will mistake the clear water for Xiaoxi Sazhi?

After blinking his eyes a few times, it was indeed Xiao Nishi Saori who came.

Little Nishi Saori put the key and water cup on the tea table in front of Mogami Kazuto, and said slowly, "Just now I went out to buy some things, so I took your key without authorization."

"Why... are you still here?"

Mogami Kazuto asked doubtfully.

"There was no tram last night, I originally wanted to leave early in the morning, but I saw that you were not feeling well, talking in your sleep, and sweating non-stop, so I thought about going out to buy medicine and make some food for you go again."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

He can feel his physical condition.

Obviously, the headache was splitting, and Mogami Kazuto had a fever.

Looking at the back of Xiao Nishi Saori turning around to get the medicine for Kazuto Mogami, he moved his fingers slowly.

The panel at the top right of the field of view.

After a year, the icon belonging to Xiaonishi Saori has been flashing for a whole night.

The value in front of him was somewhat absurd. Kazuto Mogami stared at it for more than ten seconds before gradually accepting the fact that he was not mistaken.

Xiao Xi Saori came over at this time, broke out three pills, and put them next to the water glass.

Kazuto Mogami looked at her with a complicated expression, silently looking at her, not knowing what to say.

Judging from her attitude, she still hasn't changed in any way, as if the tears she saw last night were all his illusions.

Saori Nishi walked into the kitchen, skillfully wore the apron hanging on the wall, and looked at Kazuto Mogami in the living room.

"Heren, I'll cook some porridge and put it aside, you remember to eat it, I'm going to record later."


"and people?"

"……I see."

Helplessly, Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to respond.

After taking the medicine, Kazuto Mogami lay back on the sofa again, thinking about what happened around him.

All in all, on the way home from watching the fireworks, I ran into my ex-wife.

He invited his ex-wife into the house, but he was forced to kiss him instead.

He took his fainted ex-wife home and treated her back wound.

After that, he fell asleep in the living room.

When he woke up, the icons on the panel flickered non-stop.

In other words, during the time he was asleep, something must have happened that he didn't know.

The more I thought about it, the more I got a headache, Kazuto Mogami simply closed his eyes and fell asleep exhausted.

Not long after, the aroma of cooking came from the kitchen.

After cleaning the kitchen, Saori Nishi walked over to take a look at Kazuto Mogami, seeing that he was soundly asleep, and didn't wake him up.

Putting the yukata that was washed last night in the early morning into the bag, he quietly left the Mogami house.

When the living room was silent, Mogami Kazuto slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the direction she left, and stood up tremblingly.

Dragging her tired body, she picked up the post-it note she put on the dining table, which said that she would wash and bring the sandy clothes tomorrow.

Putting the note aside casually, Mogami and Kazuto drank some porridge, put the fever-reducing patch bought by Xiao Nishi Saori on his forehead, and prepared to go back to the bedroom on the second floor to sleep.

After returning to the bedroom, I saw the mobile phone on the table, picked it up and pressed it, but the battery was dead.

After charging the phone, Kazuto Mogami crawled into bed.

The smell of Xiao Xi Saori's body remained in the bed, it smelled so good that it slightly dilutes his drowsiness.

In a daze, he fell asleep again.



By the time Mogami Kazuto woke up again, it was already late at night.

In the dimness, I saw a young woman sitting on the edge of the bed.


He sat up sleepily, rubbed his eyes, but said that Qing Shui You Sha was staring at him without blinking.

"There is... there is sand."

Mogami Kazuto suddenly realized that he subconsciously called Xiaonishi Saori's name just now, and was about to explain, when Shimizu Yousha immediately reached out and touched his forehead.

Slowly took off his fever-reducing stickers, pushed aside the bangs on his forehead, and put them together.

"Hmm... It seems that I still have some fever." She muttered.

"There is sand..."

Shimizu Yousa took advantage of the situation and kissed Mogami Kazuto, blocking his speech.

"Really, lie down when you're sick, Kazuto-san."

Mogami Kazuto lay down again, looked at the clear water with sand for a while, and asked softly, "When did you come?"

"It's been a while, and the message has been showing as unread, and the call has not been answered. I was worried about you, so I ran to see you, but it turned out to be this embarrassed look."

"Feel sorry……"

"Lie down first, I'll get you some water."

"Um...thank you."

Shimizu Yousha heard the words, reached out and pinched Mogami Kazuto's nose, pouted and said, "She is your girlfriend, what can I thank you, Kazuto-san, an idiot."

Mogami Kazuto smiled weakly at her with a warm current flowing through his heart.

"Then you wait for me."


Qing Shui You Sha left the bedroom, his expression was still clear and cloudy, but immediately dark clouds covered him, the corners of his upturned mouth sank slowly, and he went downstairs in silence.

She came to the kitchen and poured hot water, tore open the packaging bag of the anti-fever stickers, glanced at the trash can with a complicated expression, and threw the paper scraps torn into pieces by her.



By dinner time, Kazuto Mogami had recovered a lot. Although he still felt a little weak in his limbs, he could walk without serious problems.

Fei said that she was going to go downstairs to make dinner for Qing Shui You Sha, but she stopped her.

Fortunately, Qingshui Yousha has at least learned how to cook porridge through this period of study. Although it is a little light, he still managed to deal with dinner.

It was night, the two of them stayed in the bedroom together, Mogami lay on the bed with someone else, and sat on a chair with his knees in the clear water and sand, reading the novel quietly.

What I read are all the books that Mogami Kazuto put on the bookshelf, which belong to the kind that Mogami Kazuto doesn’t like to read when he has sand in the clear water.

But she thought Kazuto Mogami liked to watch.

Although Qingshuiyousha is not very good at cooking, he is especially careful in taking care of Mogami Kazuto.

From time to time, I asked him if he was thirsty, if he was hungry, and if he wanted to go to the toilet.

Whenever Kazuto Mogami turned over, she subconsciously looked at Kazuto Mogami.

Surprised and surprised, Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry, and he didn't even dare to turn over.

When it was a little later, Shimizu Yousha went downstairs to take a bath. Before going downstairs, he repeatedly asked three times if he wanted to take a bath for him, but Mogami Kazuto refused.

In the end, Qing Shui Yousha gave him a vicious look, and clamored that if you don't take a bath today, I won't sleep with you tonight, which he thought was a threat.

Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to say that he just had a cold, not a disability.

"Everyone has said that, but you are still indifferent. The ghost knows if you are disabled."

She made a cute grimace at Kazuto Mogami, and after leaving the words that made Kazuto Mogami dumbfounded, she ran downstairs in no time.

 one!Ten thousand!Nine!

  As expected of me!

  I'm on the fence with you, and there will be another chapter before 12 o'clock!
  Tickets come!

(End of this chapter)

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