Chapter 425 419. With me here.

Walking feebly on the deserted street, with the damp evening wind slapping his cheeks, Mogami Kazuto walked into a convenience store late at night, bought a pack of cigarettes, put them in his pocket, and left silently.

Without knowing it, he walked to the river bank, took out a cigarette from his pocket, opened it and took one in his mouth.

He never smokes.

I just heard that smoking can relieve anxiety.

Even if he knew that this kind of materialistic behavior could not relieve his troubles at this time, he still did it stupidly.

I wanted to start a fire, but found that I didn't buy a lighter just now.

After a wry smile, he looked up at the dark clouds above his head, and threw the newly unpacked cigarette case into the empty can basket next to the beverage vending machine.

Right now, he can only do such meaningless things to relieve the pain in his heart.

Those eyes full of despair, he will never forget in his life.

Standing on the bank of the river, Kazuto Mogami wondered blankly whether the water was deep or not, and whether it was cool or not.

If you walk in by yourself, can you submerge your own body?

After all, he still didn't have the courage to do that stupid thing.

Fate gave him a second life, no matter how embarrassing or painful he was, he should not give up easily.

Until the sky in the distance turned pale for the first time, teenagers on bicycles stuffed newspapers into each house from house to house.

Elderly people go out for a walk, six- and seven-year-old children put on their schoolbags and wave goodbye to their mothers, and the number of people around them gradually increases.

Looking at the gradually rising sun and the first rays of sunlight, Kazuto Mogami let out a sigh of relief that had been suppressed all night.

Finally, it was dawn.

Walking all the way back, standing at the door of the house for a full 10 minutes, Mogami Kazuya walked in.

The air in the room was filled with silence and oppression, making it impossible for him to breathe properly.

At the entrance, the girl's high heels had disappeared.

Mogami Kazuto leaned limply against the wall, sat down slowly, looked at the empty home with blank eyes, and slowly closed his eyes.

In the end, after saying that sentence, Shimizu Yousha locked himself in the bathroom, while Mogami Kazuto left weakly while dragging his seriously ill body.

This home is full of clear water and sandy familiar temperature, her lively figure, clever laughter, every scene is like a painting.

She is standing in the painting.

He sits offscreen.

There will be a day when lies cannot be resolved, and this day has come earlier than he expected.



I don't know how long it has been, maybe it is noon, maybe it is afternoon.

The sudden doorbell rang, and Mogami Kazuto raised his eyelids, curled up even more, indifferent.

"Heren? Heren... are you at home?"

"I'm here to return the clothes, Kazuya?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Mogami Kazuto lowered his head even lower.

After a while, there were footsteps walking away from the door, and there was no more movement, probably leaving.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't want to see anyone now. With his current state, he is afraid that he will uncontrollably treat the people around him with an excessive attitude.

In the living room, the floor-to-ceiling windows were suddenly opened, and Mogami Kazuto heard the noise and subconsciously looked there.

The afterglow of the sun at noon fell on her shoulders, and her slender figure walked towards him slowly. Her feet, which were only wearing socks, kept falling on the floor, pulling the distance between her and him step by step.

Mogami Kazuto looked up at her silently.

"You are trespassing."

The voice was so low that even he himself was startled.

Looking at this expressionless face, she slowly knelt down in front of him.

Staring at the haggard look on his face, the quietly growing stubble, and the bloodshot eyes, seeing him in a panic at the moment made her feel particularly worried.

"What happened?"

Mogami remained silent, his eyes were not bright at all: "It has nothing to do with you."

"Is it related to the sand?"


Looking at Kazuto Mogami who didn't say a word, she felt agitated inexplicably.

She should have been able to hide better.

"Is it silent again? You are always like this. Why do you always say nothing after encountering things?"

"I has nothing to do with you."

The hoarse and decadent voice made her frown even more.

Mogami Kazuto's reaction was not normal at all, he had never been so helpless in front of her, if it was just that he was good at disguising.

So why don't you pretend to be good even this time.

Now that she has shown this expression that makes it difficult for her to leave her, is she trying to drag herself into a deeper abyss?

What a cunning man.

"Could it be... Yousha found out that I've been here?"


"I'll go to her and explain."

"It's useless, the problem is not yours, it's all my fault."


Mogami Kazuto slowly clenched his fists, his expressionless face loosened after mentioning the girl's name.

Even when he agreed to a divorce with the woman in front of him, he was never as powerless as he is now.

So what about time travel, what about owning a panel, he can't be the hero in the novel.

He's really just a human being.

Recalling the girl's innocent smile in my mind, the lovely smile gradually distorted, turning into the cold despair before parting.

As long as he closes his eyes, he seems to be able to hear her screaming in pain.

"Kazuto-san... is a liar!"

Xiao Xi Saori looked at those jealous eyes, and gradually extinguished the flame in his heart, and couldn't help feeling distressed.

If I hugged him at this time, would I still be able to turn my head back?

The face of her friend appeared in her mind, and she couldn't continue to betray that girl.

She had already been impulsive that night and kissed him who was sleeping soundly. Would she want to be impulsive again?

It would be great if that voice could appear at this time, prompting her to step forward like that night.

However, she couldn't hear anything.

If she takes any action now, there is no doubt that it will be from Xiao Xi Saori's own will.

Kazuto Mogami closed his eyes peacefully, erased the woman from his sight, and ignored him no more.

Seeing the tears falling from the corners of his eyes, Xiao Xi Saori trembled slightly, but stretched out her hands tremblingly.

Even if she knows that her identity does not allow her to do such a thing.

she still...

Holding Kazuto Mogami in his arms, Saori Nishi seemed to be caressing a child without saying a word.

The ex-husband in his arms let out a slight choked sob, from intermittent to sobbing.

Xiao Xi Saori pursed her lips silently.

The mask that once disintegrated, even if it was stained back to its original shape, was already shattered, covered with cracks like spider webs, and would fall apart with a light touch.

Hearing Mogami Kazuto's sobs, he could feel the front of his clothes being wet with his tears.

Little Nishi Saori couldn't bear it any longer, and hugged him even tighter.

It was as if I had returned to my childhood and saw him timidly crying again.

Her fingers kept stroking his black hair, and she whispered softly.

Trying to use an insignificant voice to give the man in his arms, insignificant comfort.

"It's okay, it's okay.

And man, I'm here, I'm... right here. "

 The main text should be updated with [-] words today.

  In addition to the [-]-character text, Liu Bei also wrote a [-]-character waterline, which is estimated to be more than [-] characters, which can be regarded as another [-] characters.

  Waterline Liu Bei will upload it to the cloud disk after I finish writing it. Everyone can advance to the group and post it after I finish writing it.

  Tickets come!

(End of this chapter)

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