After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 426 420. After she left, a new incident was triggered.

Chapter 426 420. After she left, a new incident was triggered.

In the afternoon of July, the cicadas kept singing, and the hot air almost melted the sycamore trees on the roadside.

Summer in Tokyo is really hot.

At this moment in the living room of Mogami's house, Kazuto Mogami was sitting on the sofa, talking on the phone with Dai Qiuhui.

He was supposed to go to the company to record songs this afternoon, but his current state is powerless. Dai Qiuhui asked him to rest at home for a few days, and the recording time can be adjusted again.

After hanging up the phone, Mogami Kazuto rubbed the space between his eyebrows, and turned to Saori Konishi, who was cooking porridge at the cooking counter.

In a trance, it seems to have returned to the early summer a year ago.

Saori Nishi, who was wearing an apron, filled a bowl of porridge and brought it to Kazuto Mogami.

"Heren, let's have some porridge first, you are not well yet, you need to rest more."


Mogami Kazuto blew on the white porridge on the spoon and poured it into his mouth. It was light and sweet, warming his twitching stomach.

Mogami Kazuto ate mechanically, mouthful after mouthful, without saying a word.

Konishi Saori could see that Kazuto Mogami was not in the right condition, so he didn't continue to ask.

She could feel that something must have happened between Mogami and the clear water and sand.

She may be able to use the identity of a friend to ask and understand.

But Xiao Xi Saori knew better than anyone else that if she asked such words, she must not be from the perspective of a friend in her heart.

My gaffes in the past few days have already explained a lot of things, presumably Mogami Kazuto was also aware of her mood, so he was aggressive that night.

She secretly sent messages to Qing Shuiyousofa before, and each message was displayed as read, but she did not receive any reply.

The clever little Nishi Saori decided that there was a conflict between them.

In other words, Mogami Kazuto's tears were shed for that girl.

So, as their friend, should I reconcile it as before, or do something else.

Gradually, she couldn't figure out her true heart.

After finishing the porridge, Kazuto Mogami sat silently on the sofa, Saori Nishi picked up the bowls and spoons, and brought them into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help calling her softly.

"Just put it there, I'll do it, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Xiao Xi Sazhi smiled slightly: "Really, why are you being polite to me, we are childhood sweethearts."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't refute, the sound of washing dishes came from the cooking counter, he sighed slightly, and said no more.

Thinking that he was lying in the arms of his ex-wife just now, crying like a child, he felt awkward.

After coming to this world, he felt lonely and helpless many times, but he never cried like that.

This is what the clear water and sand gave him, and he gave the clear water and sand, which was a thousand times more painful than this, ten thousand times.

Even if he spent his whole life, he couldn't make up for the harm he caused her.

Such a lovely girl, how could she be so cruel.

When Saori Nishi sat back on the sofa again, Kazuto Mogami asked, "Why are you here today?"

"Didn't you just say it yesterday, I will come today to return the clothes you borrowed from me."

She deliberately didn't mention Qing Shui Yousha's name, for fear of touching the wound in his heart.

Mogami Kazuto nodded silently, glanced at the clothes she put in the bag, remembered what Shimizu Yousha did last night, and what she said.

It must be this suit that she was looking for last night.

Mogami Kazuto quickly thought of the note that Xiao Nishi Saori left him, but he couldn't find it afterwards, probably because Shimizu Yousha saw it, that's why she looked like that last night.

If at that time, I did not choose to hide it, but told the truth immediately, maybe this situation would not have evolved.

After a while, Kazuto Mogami laughed at himself.

Even without this incident, conflicts would still break out between them one day in the future.

This was doomed from the moment he lied to her, and it had nothing to do with Xiao Xi Saori.

"and people."


"Are you OK?"

She carefully watched Mogami Kazuto's expression.

Mogami Kazuto smiled palely, unable to make too much noise.

"Well, I'm fine."

Liar, his complexion is very bad at first glance.

Xiaoxi Sazhi hesitated for a while, then said abruptly: "Isn't would be better to call Yousha, she is your girlfriend, it would be better to let her take care of you."

She still wanted to try to match them up and become a mediator between them.

After hearing the name, Kazuto Mogami forced a smile and shook his head slightly.

Xiao Nishi Saori couldn't see Mogami Kazuto's decadent appearance, but since she didn't know what happened, she couldn't speak at all.

After a little silence, he said slowly, "He Ren you, He Yousha..."



Hearing his name from his mouth, Xiao Xi Sazhi looked at him slightly, only to see him smiling and shaking his head slightly.

From that helpless smiling face, I felt a deep loneliness.

"Saori, you are Yousha's good friend, right?"

"Well...she's my best friend."

"In that case, the place where you should be now should not be here. She must really need to have friends by her side now."

"But..." Xiaoxi Saori wanted to say something else.

"I'm fine."


At Kazuto Mogami's insistence, Saori Nishi left.

Although she didn't know where Qingshui Yousha was at the moment, she had the contact information of Qingshui Yousha's agent and knew where her apartment was.

It is not difficult to find clear water with sand.

After Nishi Saori left, Mogami Kazuto propped up his weak body, went to pour a cup of hot water, and drank it in small sips.

The phone rang suddenly at this moment, Kazuto Mogami glanced at the unfamiliar landline number on the screen, and connected.

Before Mogami Kazuto could speak, a middle-aged woman's voice rang out from the phone.

"Hello, Saori."

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback, and looked at the phone again. Although the model was exactly the same as the ringtone, Kazuto Mogami didn't remember wearing such a cute phone case.

"Hello... Saori?"

"Saori is not here, so she left her phone behind."

"This Kazuto?"


Kazuto Mogami tried his best to remember the owner of the voice, but his brain, which was still a little confused, was spinning and thinking at a high speed at this moment.

Then, Mogami Kazuto realized who the owner of this voice was.

"Kazuto? Is Saori not here?"

"... Well, she just went out and left her mobile phone in the living room. She probably forgot it. She should come back to pick it up later."

"This child is really reckless. It's just right, let's not talk about her. Is it a little bit too much for Kazuto?"


"Didn't come to Kyoto during the Chinese New Year. Your father and I are looking forward to you. The child is really, and she didn't come back this year. No matter how sweet the world is, she should go back to her mother's house to see us. .”


 6000 words, there is one more chapter before 12:[-], I will write about Liu Bei after finishing.

(End of this chapter)

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