After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 427 421. He had a premonition that he couldn't stay out of it.

Chapter 427 421. He had a premonition that he couldn't stay out of it.

"Ding dong..."

The doorbell rang, Kazuto Mogami opened the door, and Saori Nishi, who had just left not long ago, was standing outside the door with a face of embarrassment.

"Then what, Heren, I forgot my phone."

The corners of Kazuto Mogami's mouth twitched slightly, still maintaining the posture of answering the phone, and there were chattering voices coming from the phone.

He was already having a fever, his mind was a little confused, and he had no time to deal with it.

Kazuto Mogami handed the phone back to Saori Konishi blankly, and Saori Konishi took it doubtfully.

Glancing at the landline number that was showing an ongoing call, his face immediately changed.

Facing Mogami Kazuto's indifferent gaze, she tremblingly put the phone to her ear.

"Hey... hello, Mom."

"Saori? You really have it, you even forget your mobile phone when you go out."


Seeing Xiao Nishi Saori nodding and bowing with a smile on his face, Mogami Kazuto looked at her with a complicated expression.

She probably left the phone at my house on purpose.

Besides, it's been a year since we divorced, yet you still haven't had a showdown with your family?

I struggled a lot before I dared to confess to my family. It's a shame that you were able to stay undiscovered for a year.

It’s really you, Saori Nishi.

You are too baby hot!
The next moment, Saori Konishi hesitantly took the phone away, made a "please" gesture to Kazuto Mogami, and handed over the phone.

Mogami and everyone are numb.

Bite the bullet and took the phone, Mogami Kazuto said "Hello".

"Kato? Let me tell you, your dad and I plan to come to Tokyo for two days in a while and visit your parents. Are your parents okay?

I may have to trouble you then. "

Kazuto Mogami's mouth twitched, and he looked at Saori Nishi.

She clasped her hands together, her face was full of "I beg you, help me fool me, dad!", and then bent down "shua".

"I see, my parents are fine."

Xiao Nishi Saori let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, let's not talk about it, Mom will go to play mahjong with Daxi next door later, so I'll hang up first."

"Well, bye, Mom."

The call was interrupted, Kazuto Mogami looked at Saori Konishi with a sharp gaze that almost wanted to eat people.

Xiao Xi Saori stood there trembling, not daring to speak out.

Kazuto Mogami snorted coldly: "Is this what you said "I will go and tell my parents"? "

Xiao Xi Saori was speechless, and couldn't think of anything to refute him.

"I...I'm not, I haven't...thought of saying something yet."

"Want a year?"

She looked away in a panic, whistled, but didn't make a sound.

Mogami Kazuto moved away expressionlessly.

"Come in, I have something to tell you, Miss Xiaoxi."


So little Nishi Saori had to lower his head, followed Mogami Kazuto, and entered the house in a desperate manner.



In the living room, Xiao Xi Saori was sitting upright, and Mogami stood beside him, rubbing his aching forehead, not knowing where to start.

"Tell me first, how did you tell your parents?"

"What do you say?"

"That's why I divorced you."

"Not at all."

Good guy!How could you say these four words so stubbornly?

Kazuto Mogami almost laughed angrily, all the good feelings he had from being comforted by her disappeared, leaving only a full stomachache.

"Kazuto, you still look weak. Would you like me to pour you a cup of hot water." Xiaoxi Saori asked with concern.

"Well, thank you... No! Don't interrupt!"

Mogami Kazuto was a little confused, covered his stomach and rubbed it, took a sip of the warm water that had been cooled on the coffee table, and sat down on the sofa.

Xiao Nishi Saori cast her gaze cautiously, saw Kazuto Mogami glared at her, and quickly tightened her neck.

To be honest, she didn't expect things to evolve to this point.

Because the parents at home are very out-of-the-ordinary, a couple of joking optimists, Xiao Xi Saori sometimes wonders if she was wrongly hugged in the hospital.

Otherwise, how could they fail to inherit their neurotic character at all.

The daughter has been kept in a state of stocking since she got married, and rarely asks about her married life.

But also thanks to this, they didn't realize that she had divorced Mogami Kato, and they lived happily every day.

After a long time, Xiao Xi Saori really couldn't find an excuse, and gradually forgot about it.

Who would have thought that there would be a call today, and it would be picked up by Kazuto Mogami.

Otherwise, she could still find an excuse to plug it in.

It was really bad luck.

Kazuto Mogami stared at Saori Xiaonishi with burning eyes.

"Now what do you say?"

"What... what should I do?"

"Your parents are coming to Tokyo, are you ready to confess to them? Say yes first, don't try to drag me into the water."

Kazuto Mogami expressed a very firm refusal attitude.

Xiao Xi Saori bowed her head in silence, her expression tangled.

"I know, I won't trouble you, I will make it clear to my parents."

"That's what you said last year."


Seeing that Saori Xiaonishi remained silent, Mogami Kazuto didn't know what to say.

The matter of sand in the clear water has not been resolved, and now a pair of parents of Saori Nishi popped up, Kazuto Mogami felt that his brains were not enough.

"Can you really explain it to your parents?"

"Uh...probably, maybe, maybe..."

Feeling Kazuto Mogami's glaring, she hastily changed her words.

"I will make it clear."


Little Nishi Saori thought that he was at this point, and he was not in a hurry to leave, so he tentatively called Kazuto Mogami by name.

"and people."

"What are you doing? Little Xisang."

" parents said they are coming to Tokyo."

"I know."

"If you are empty..."

"No time."


"I said, don't drag me into the water, our divorce relationship is legally recognized, ah! I remembered! You haven't issued a divorce statement in the office yet!"

"...Indeed, indeed not."

"Have you talked to your agent?"


"You guy, you are not sincere in treating your fans."

Xiao Xi Saori was stunned and couldn't say a word.

"Then, did you tell your agent about the divorce?"

Kazuto Mogami looked at her like an idiot.

"That's for sure, when I joined the company, the company had all my information.

Of course, it is not necessary to submit your information. Only the manager and a few company executives know about this matter. The only people who know that I am divorced from you are probably only Sakura and Yusa. "

Mentioning Shimizu Yusa's name, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but sigh again.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami so depressed, Saori Konishi felt a little disturbed for no reason.

 8000 words, I'm going to write the water if.

  Thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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