Chapter 442 436. The real you.

Facing Saori Konishi's proposal, Kazuto Mogami rejected it.

He just wants to be alone now.

After finally completing the confession to her parents for her, if he lost any more entanglements, all his efforts today would be in vain.

However, no matter where Kazuto Mogami went, Saori Nishi stubbornly followed there, unwilling to move half a step away.

"When will you be with me?"

"You refused to go with me again, so I can only follow you."

"What I'm asking is why you have to follow me."

"Of course I'm worried about you."

"Thank you, I'm not miserable enough to be worried by my ex-wife."

"Who made your ex-wife like you, and never forgets you."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless, he couldn't answer those words.

So, Mogami Kazuto no longer cared about her, and went all the way again.

Xiao Xi Saori followed all the way.

I went to the park, to the convenience store, to the river, to the public restroom.

In the end, she found Kazuto Mogami trying to escape through the window in the men's bathroom. She was so angry that she chased after her all the way, and was finally questioned by the passing police.

Knowing that the two were husband and wife, the patrolman shook his head, told Mogami Kazuto not to worry his wife, and rode away on his bicycle.

Standing in the wind, Saori Konishi glanced at Kazuto Mogami beside him.

"Do you want to continue running? Mr. Mogami."

Mogami Kazuren had a big headache: "Did you eat too much today?"

"Thank you, everyone didn't finish dinner, and they are already growling with hunger."

After all, the two stomachs growled at the same time, which was especially clear in the silent and uninhabited street.

Saori Nishi laughed.

"It's almost time to admit it, come to my house, I don't mind cooking a meal for my ex-husband."




Looking at the quaint apartment in front of him, Kazuto Mogami felt a little unbelievable.

Saori Konishi is also a popular voice actor, even if her workload dropped sharply after the news of her marriage was announced, she should be able to afford a higher-end place.

As if seeing through Mogami Kazuto's inner thoughts, Saori Xiaonishi smiled lightly.

"It's a nice place. The location is quiet and there are supermarkets around. It's a comfortable place to live. Come with me."

Taking the elevator to Konishi Saori's house, Mogami Kazuto was still hesitant.

"I said, it's all here, you don't want to leave again, are you too old, and I won't eat you again."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her, and walked into the room expressionlessly. Saori Nishi showed a slightly smug expression, followed him into the room, and locked the door behind him.

Unexpected 1DK, you can see the whole room at a glance, there is a stove in the corner of the living room, presumably she usually cooks there, the bathroom and toilet don't look big.

There is also a closed door, which should be the bedroom.

The pots and utensils were arranged in an orderly manner on the stove, and they were cleaned meticulously. Various snacks were neatly placed on the coffee table, presumably for another female voice actor.

In addition, the colorful women's underwear hanging on the balcony flutters in the wind, like carp streamers in May.

That's what this home is all about.

Bigger than his Nuo, the cold house with only him is more like a home.

Kazuto Mogami hastily looked away.

Xiao Xi Saori didn't care, she calmly pulled up the curtains and gave him a funny look.

Mogami Kazuto deliberately looked around and sat down on the sofa.

"It's getting late, you go take a shower, I'll cook."

She spoke calmly, speaking as if it seemed to be a matter of course.

"No, no change of clothes."

"When I went to the convenience store with you just now, I bought it by the way. If you want a coat, you can just put it in the washing machine and dry it automatically. You can wear it tomorrow morning."

Did this woman predict this step?
Xiao Nishi Saori said that the shopping bag was placed on the coffee table, and Moshang and others took it by themselves, and she went to start cooking.

Mogami Kazuto hesitated for a while, and found the only men's underwear and pajamas set among a large pile of women's sanitary products, glanced at the back of Saori Nishi in an apron, got up and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom is small, except for a narrow, almost square bathtub, there is nothing extra.

Mogami Kazuto washed his body, squatted down and soaked in the bathtub, unable to straighten his legs.

But unexpectedly, this didn't make him feel uncomfortable. In the narrow white space, curled up, with the water enveloping his body, he felt a sense of security for no reason.

Squatting like this for a long time, until the ex-wife's urging voice came from outside the bathroom, Mogami Kazuya got up, wiped himself clean, changed into unopened pajamas, and went out.

Xiao Nishi Saori turned her head and looked at him without speaking.

Mogami Kazuto was a little uncomfortable being looked at by her: "What are you looking at?"

"How should I put it, seeing you in your pajamas makes me a little nostalgic."

"Let's save the dream talk until sleep time."

She smiled lightly, took off her apron, and called Mogami Kazuto to come over for dinner.

Today's dinner in Ueno, no one was in the mood to eat it. It must be a lie to say that you are not hungry.

Sitting at the dining table, Kazuto Mogami picked up his chopsticks and was about to eat, but Saori Konishi stopped him.

Mogami Kazuto looked up suspiciously and forgot to glance at her.

"What about "I started"?" "

She has a gentle smile and a soft voice.

Time seemed to return to the night a year ago when she cooked supper for him.

Kazuto Mogami was silent for a long time before speaking out slowly.

"I'm gonna start now."



In Tokyo in August, with lingering sweltering heat, the cold air of the air conditioner chases after me, which makes me feel a little comfortable.

Standing in a strange room, listening to the sound of water dripping from the bathroom, Mogami Kazuto was thinking about life.

Kazuto Mogami is not dissatisfied with his second life, and has a panel that transcends ordinary people, allowing him to shine in various fields.

But he is not happy in his heart. Apart from only writing to comfort himself, he seems to find no other meaning to stay in this world.

Did fate bring him to this world just to see his funny and twisted love story?

Destiny has bad taste, too.

Looking out the window at the moon like a sailboat in the lonely sea, after an unknown period of time, the door of the bathroom was opened, and Xiao Xi Saori, who had changed into patterned pajamas, came out from inside.

She looked at Mogami Kazuto's lonely back standing by the French window, and walked to him silently.

"Looking at my underwear?"

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her, unmoved.

Xiao Xi Saori smiled lightly, she just wanted to say some jokes to ease the atmosphere around her.

The next moment, she gradually restrained the smile hanging on the corner of her mouth.

"Hey, with people."


"Can you have a nice chat with me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"About you."


"Hmm... You said that you are not Mogami Kazuto, although I can't fully understand it, but I will take this as the truth.

So I'm not asking about Mogami Kazuto, but about.


(End of this chapter)

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