Chapter 443 437. One thousand and one time.

Kazuto Mogami turned his head to the side, looking at Saori Konishi beside him.

"Understood, so what?"

"Is this a protest against what I said then?"

"You think so."

That night, when Kazuto Mogami mentioned "why did you marry me", that's what Xiaonishi Saori answered.

"At that time, I admitted that I was wrong. I took Yousha into consideration, and I didn't want to be an obstacle between you."

"It means that you have no scruples now, and you can do whatever you want?"

"Can you stop misinterpreting me? It's really annoying."

"Coincidentally, someone said the same thing as you."

"It's Caiyin, right?"

Kazuto Mogami looked at her in surprise and nodded slightly.

Xiao Nishi Saori didn't delve into this topic, looking at Mogami Kazuto's profile: "I just... want to find out what kind of person the person I like is.

It's my childhood sweetheart who reunited after a long absence.

Still a complete stranger to me. "

"Is it important?"

"it's very important to me."



It was midnight now.

Kazuto Mogami sat on the sofa in the living room of his ex-wife who had been divorced for a year, and Saori Konishi took out two cans of beer from the refrigerator.

Mogami Kazuto silently looked at her posture of wanting to drink with the story, with a delicate mood.

"Wait a minute, I'll get another bag of peanuts."


When Xiao Xisha opened the beer, tore open the packaging bag of peanuts, and sat in the park with a small bench listening to a story, Mogami Kazuto's voice was stuck in his throat, and he didn't know where to start.

After holding back for a long time, I finally said: "I am not Mogami Kazuto."


There was silence after that, Saori Xiaoxi was not in a hurry, took a sip of beer and waited quietly.

Mogami Kazuto hesitated whether he should tell this secret, hesitated for a while, then leaned over to pick up another can of beer on the table, and drank half of it.

Relying on alcohol to slightly blur his rationality, Mogami Kazuto let out a long sigh, recalling what happened in this year in his mind.

Marriage, divorce, meeting all kinds of girls, rejecting their love, and constantly hurting those who cherish him.

The repressed emotions accumulated in the sealed black box for a long time seemed to be cut open, and the smoke was blowing out.

The voice was deep and exhausted, every word, every sentence was spoken with sincerity, with a personal belittlement of himself.

He was talking and she was listening.



Before I knew it, the words were finished and the wine was finished.

Even under the influence of alcohol, he felt a little dizzy, but he still thought his mind was clear.

He is not drunk.

Just relying on alcohol to speak the truth.

Not from Mogami Kazuto's mouth, not wearing a Mogami Kazuto mask.

This is the most truth he has ever said since he came to Tokyo alone.

And the object of listening is the ex-wife he once hated.

He felt unprecedented ease and relief,

He closed his eyes wearily, perhaps because he didn't want to see the sad expression that Saori Nishi might show after learning that he had privately possessed Kazuto Mogami's body.

No matter how beautified the behavior, someone lost their life.

Therefore, he couldn't see the expression on Xiao Nishi Saori's face.

Xiao Nishi Saori couldn't describe her mood at this time. Her childhood sweetheart disappeared and was replaced by an irrelevant person.

Have resentment?

Saori Xiaonishi suddenly didn't know how to address him.

"Have you been blaming yourself for this?"

He didn't answer, but asked instead, "Do you believe what I say?"


The man opened his eyes to look at her, and he blurted out, "What a weird woman."

"Yes, I'm just a strange woman. I obviously don't have any thoughts about Kazuto in the past, but I can't forget Kazuto in the present. I still miss that short-lived married life to this day."

"You still call me by that name."

The man smiled lonely. He thought that Saori Nishi would grab his collar after hearing the story and yell at him to return Mogami Kazuto.

But she didn't.

Xiao Xi Saori's eyes dimmed, thinking of the original choice, if he didn't choose to marry that person, he would disappear.

That's why he desperately wanted to save his life, but even if he did this, he still couldn't keep him.

Perhaps, all of this was destined, the boy who was obsessed with her, who was regarded as her younger brother.

Stay at 24 forever.

If he hadn't appeared, Mogami Kazuto's parents would have been devastated.

However, because of his choice, he bought a brand new person. He regarded the two as his real parents, which made them avoid sadness.

Hide your body and mind, live in another person's life script, and never complain to anyone.

Xiao Nishi Saori couldn't resent such a man.

Looking directly into the man's eyes, it's like a small theater board is projected in his heart, to substitute his state of mind.

When he came to a strange environment, he was surrounded by a fake wife, everything that was fake, and nothing that really belonged to him.

It wasn't until this moment that she finally realized where the loneliness that lingered on him came from.

Slightly inhaling her reddened nose, she asked.

"Who is the person who swore to me at the wedding?"

"it's me."

"Who is the person who gets along with me day and night after marriage?"

"it's me."

"Who is the person who proposed to divorce me...?"

"…………also me.

Whether it's pretending to be a marriage game, or wanting to get out of this ridiculous game without authorization, hurting Yousha, and destroying your friendship.

it's all me. "

He didn't want to listen to Xiao Xi Saori anymore, tiredness gradually hit him, and the beer can that had already been emptied in his hand dropped to the ground.


In a trance, he felt someone hugging his shoulder beside him, he got up half drunk and half awake, and went all the way to the bedroom to lie down.

He thinks he is awake, although there is a slight dizziness, but he can still think, and he knows where he is lying.

There was a gentle snort in his ear.

"Hey, can you tell me... your real name?"

He slowly opened his eyes, looking at the strange ceiling in a dazed way, with the dazzling double shadow of the chandelier.

The bitterness of the alcohol left in the mouth makes the lips slightly dry.

"...Chen He."

His name was a bit jerky and awkward, she couldn't pronounce it accurately, but she still repeated it many times.

The man smiled faintly when she heard her calling his name. He hadn't heard this name for a long time.

Perhaps because of the alcohol's paralysis, he didn't feel any discomfort even when he was hugged tightly by a woman.

Seeing the smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, Xiao Nishi Saori felt more and more uncomfortable in his heart.

At no moment did she look forward to the appearance of that voice more than now.

I thought I had lost the right to choose long ago, but at least now, at this moment, her actions and words.

They all contain Xiao Nishi Saori's will.

Then her thoughts at the moment must also be Xiao Nishi Saori's thoughts.

"Hey, do you remember what you said to my parents today?"

She lay beside the man's ear, whispering softly.

He gave a weak "hmm".

"I really don't know what to say about you. Ten thousand times is too outrageous. Do you think highly of yourself?"

The man turned his head away, unwilling to listen to her scolding.

After a long time, Xiao Xi Saori reached out and pressed the switch, the lights in the room disappeared, and it became dim and silent for an instant.

Can't hear anything but breathing and heartbeat.

The light in the living room, along the crack of the door, spread and overflowed on the bedroom floor, leaving behind a golden brilliance.

She closed her eyes, and tears rolled down from her distressed heart, and slowly stretched towards the buttons of his pajamas.

"Then today... is the thousand and first time."

 He vomited blood, and the check after writing was past 0 o'clock!My full attendance woo woo woo woo!
  Adults collapse in a flash.

  There is no joy or sorrow in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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