After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 448 442. You can only fall in love with troublesome girls.

Chapter 448 442. You can only fall in love with troublesome girls.

Kazuto Mogami looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him in shock.

Although he knew that the beach was a place for women to show off their figures, no one ever told him that this was a place where they could take off their swimsuits casually.

Because the scenery in front of me is too 404, so Kazuto Mogami doesn't know how to describe it.

If you have to describe it with Mogami Kazuto's poor vocabulary, it is probably the spiral pill that Naruto helped Boruto twist when facing Otsuki in the biography of Boruto.

It's just one word.

You know everything.

After seeing that annoyingly handsome face, Ms. Sakura quickly shut down, and her snow-white pretty face turned crimson. It wasn't until Mogami Kazuto looked down that she squealed and lay down again.

Mogami Kazuto's shaking was not weaker than that of Sakura Ayane, and the hat that had just been raised was put back on his face again, silently pretending to be dead.

Mogami and everyone are stupid.

Why did you meet this woman here?
Also, what does she mean by not wearing clothes?
While her thoughts were racing, Sakura Ayane was already yelling in an ear-piercing voice, regardless of her image.


Ayane Sakura was lying on the beach mat with tears in her eyes and hot cheeks. She looked back at her resentfully, but she didn't dare to lift her body up, so she could only look at her with murderous eyes.

"Tie it on me quickly!"

Kakuma Ai focused all her eyes on Sakura Ayane's body, so she didn't notice the man sleeping next door.

Sensing that Ms. Sakura was really angry, she didn't dare to say any more, neatly tied the slender tether together again, and took a few steps back.

Sakura Ayane slowly sat up, glanced at Mogami Kazuto who was wearing a hat and pretending to be asleep from the corner of her eye, gritted her silver teeth lightly, water droplets swirled in her eye sockets, sucked her red nose, and finally held back her attack.


The greatest shame of my life.

Quickly putting on the sun protection clothing and covering her chest with her hands, Ayane Sakura glared at Ai Kakuma beside her.

"Ah... aha... I'm not worried about ayaneru's sunburn, I want to wipe it evenly, I didn't expect you to sit up suddenly, it's okay!

The view here is not very good, no one sees...probably. "

Probably your size!

Didn't the guy next door see it!

But Sakura Ayane couldn't say this at all.

"Sha... Sazhi is so slow, I'll go and see her!"

Ai Kakuma realized something was wrong, smiled and stood up, and ran away, leaving Sakura Ayane sitting alone in the shadow.

Thinking of Kazuto Mogami's astonished expression at that time, Ayane Sakura pursed her lips tightly and turned her head to look at him involuntarily.

Kazuto Mogami lay motionless on the beach chair, his face covered by a straw hat, and the cherry color in his dark eyes had just faded away.

After a long time, a girl's voice came from my ear.


Mogami Kazuto wasn't sure if she was talking to him, so he didn't dare to make a sound.

"Hey, scumbag."

Well, it seems that he is talking to himself.

With a deep sigh in his heart, Mogami Kazuto slowly removed the straw hat covering his face, and turned his head to look at her tentatively.

Seeing that she had put on her sun protection clothing again, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay...what a coincidence, Ms. Sakura." Mogami Kazuto said awkwardly.


It's really him.

The only trace of worry in my heart was that I had misunderstood the emotions, and it disappeared at this moment.

Fortunately, at least not by other men.

As soon as this idea popped up, Sakura Ayane felt her heart beating wildly, she curled up subconsciously, her hands hugged her knees, and hid the mountains in front of her chest.

She has a lot to say and a lot to ask.

But after actually seeing him, all the words seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he couldn't do anything except imprint his face deep in his pupils.

"Sir, why are you here?"

After hesitating for a long time, Sakura Ayane still chose to take the initiative to talk to him.

Having already learned that Mogami Kazuto broke up with Shimizu Yousa, she complained in her heart that he hurt Shimizu Yousa, and at the same time, she couldn't help rekindling thoughts that she shouldn't have.

It's just that this thought is somewhat selfish and cruel.

But the feeling of "like" is not something that a girl in her 20s can suppress if she wants to.

Ms. Sakura is at a wonderful age, she has yearning and yearning for love, and she is the age who will risk herself for love.

There is sand in clear water too.

"Shooting the MV for the new song."

"Oh, it's work."


Short communication in exchange for long silence.

Kazuto Mogami actually heard what Ai Kakuma said to Miss Sakura when she got up to leave.

That person came too, right here on the beach.

"I came here with Qi Zhisuke and the others."

While saying this, Sakura Ayane deliberately observed Mogami Kazuto's expression.

As she expected, after hearing Qingshui Yousha's name, Mogami and Ren were stunned, and the originally calm face only added a bit of loneliness.

For some reason, after seeing his expression, Sakura Ayane felt particularly tight in her chest, as if she was holding a breath and couldn't breathe out smoothly no matter what.

Would it make him feel so uncomfortable just hearing the name?

Miss Sakura, inexplicably developed a trace of irritability.

The blush caused by embarrassment and anger at the beginning also gradually receded from her cheeks.

Even the accelerated heartbeat resets gently, one after another, slow and heavy.

"Hey, Mr. Despicable, you..."

Her voice lost its previous pitch and arrogance, no matter how you listened to it, it was just an ordinary girl with a nice voice.

Following the sea breeze, he sneaked into Mogami Kazuto's ears without authorization.

"Have you ever dated Chinosuke?"

Mogami Kazuto looked at her in surprise, Sakura Ayane's eyes were not on him, but followed Sakura Ayane's eyes.

Kazuto Mogami saw the sandy clear water playing happily on the beach, and the girl who was walking with her seemed to be Hidakari.

Qingshui Yousha laughed happily.

Mogami Kazuto had forgotten how long he hadn't seen her smile from the heart.

Once upon a time, he was redeemed by this innocent smile.

He really appreciates the clear water with sand at that time.

And as deep as this gratitude is, it hurts as much as the remorse and self-blame that haunt him now.

Mogami Kazuto's eyes gradually blurred, as if returning to those nights spent with her.

In the distance, there is sand in the clear water in a water-colored swimsuit, and she laughs and splashes the sea water under her body on Hidakari Nai. Even from a long distance, she can be infected by her laughter.


Sakura Ayane's expression remained unchanged, she just hugged her knees tightly and stared at the girl whom she regarded as her younger sister.

"Are you an idiot? Qi Zhizhu is such an excellent girl, how could you be worthy of it?"


Mogami Kazuto smiled desolately, and had no intention of defending or rebutting.

"She is my most precious sister, and I will cherish her forever."


"Scrap, you..."

Sakura Ayane's words froze at this moment.

The early summer sea breeze blew wantonly, blowing the straw hat beside Kazuto Mogami into the air.

In front of the forehead, the slightly long hair fluttered, a little dazzling.

Beside him, the troublesome girl cast a troublesome look.

Saying things that bothered him.

"Damn Lord, you can only fall in love with troublesome girls."

 We received more than 600 votes yesterday, thank you everyone.

  So what, there is still more than a day before the end of this month.

  I... I want another 900 votes (whisper bb)

(End of this chapter)

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