After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 449 443. The consciousness of burdening life.

Chapter 449 443. The consciousness of burdening life. (seeking a monthly ticket)
The straw hats fluttering in the wind slowly fell and embedded in the small castle made of sand.

Wave after wave came, and the castle was reduced to sand, leaving straw hats soaked in sea water.

"Scrap, can only fall in love with troublesome girls."

Hot midsummer, humid sea breeze, seagulls flitting across the sea, beautiful girls flocking in groups.

There were countless voices around me, but none of them were like this moment. The words that echoed in my ears were loud and shocking.

Kazuto Mogami turned his head slowly in astonishment, like a slow motion in an animation, the boy who was hiding from the rain, listening to the sound of raindrops echoing in his ears, froze frame by frame.

Troubled girl?

Thank you for being able to speak, is there any girl in the world who is more troublesome than you?

Kazuto Mogami wanted to refute her like this, but when Kazuto Mogami saw that unusually calm and dignified side face.

Fair-skinned, delicate, with no short hair, black silk shawl.

The tall and straight bridge of the nose showed a graceful hook-shaped arc, with a little light red in the indifference, and his eyes looked at the unknown distance.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't say a word.

Sakura Ayane didn't seem to be expecting his answer, stood up silently, and shook her long hair that had already reached her shoulders.

In the distance, clear water and sand are beckoning to her.

She slowly raised a beautiful smile and took forward steps.

Only Mogami Kazuto was left, still sitting where she was, thinking about what she said last.



On summer nights, the sound of the waves keeps hitting the reefs on the shore.

Young handsome man in dark leather pants and white shirt unbuttoned sits on a reef looking melancholy at the starry sky.

The wet hair soaked in seawater, water droplets slipped one after another, and the Adam's apple rolled, wandering on the sturdy male body.

"Crack! Pass."

Hearing the supervisor's shout, the female staff at the side handed over a towel, staring intently at Kazuto Mogami's open chest, her face flushed slightly.

Mogami Kazuto was somewhat embarrassed, after drying his hair, he quickly twisted the button of his shirt.

Dai Qiuhui stepped forward and handed Mogami Kazuto a bottle of mineral water, and Mogami Kazuto thanked him softly.

The fill light around him dazzled his eyes, and he rubbed the space between his brows a little.

The supervisor shouted at this time: "Totsuka-san, take a break, there are still two running shots left, please come on."

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

Sitting on a chair, Kazuto Mogami drank mineral water slowly, but didn't dare to drink too much. He had to shoot a running shot later, worrying about his stomach upset.

It was approaching twelve o'clock in the evening, and Mogami and Kazuto ran back and forth along the coast more than ten times before finally passing the remaining two.

The staff discussed going to midnight snack together, but Mogami Kazuto didn't go, he still wanted to stay here for a while.

When there were no people around, Mogami stood alone by the sea, the slowly spreading sea water submerged the soles of the feet, and the sand and gravel remained between the toes, which was indescribably dense.

Kazuto Mogami was already preoccupied with the matter of Konishi Saori, and the matter of clear water with sand.

But Ayane Sakura said that today, so that he has one more troublesome thing on his mind.

Kazuto Mogami almost never imagined that she would have special feelings for him, such an annoying girl as Ayane Sakura.

Even Kazuto Mogami felt that it would be very comfortable to broadcast with her.

This is nothing more than an affirmation of Sakura Ayane's professional ability.

The cooperation of two unhealthy creatures does not necessarily succeed every time. Sometimes they are disappointed, and sometimes they get carried away with joy.

Mogami Kazuto felt that he hadn't gotten carried away yet, presumably Sakura Ayane was the same.

But compared to the beginning, their relationship has indeed undergone some changes. At least, Kazuto Mogami doesn't hate her as much as before.

As for whether Sakura Ayane hates herself.

He wasn't sure.

Footsteps came from behind, and the rustle was very clear.

Mogami Kazuto turned his head slowly, looking at the girl who suddenly appeared behind him, slightly surprised.

"How did you come?"

"I came to see you work, I'm tired from running."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know how to answer.

She snorted, smiled contemptuously, took out a can of Coke from her bag, and threw it at him.

Kazuto Mogami raised his hand to take it, the cola was cold and his hands were stained with water.

The girl quietly walked to his side, with a distance of more than one meter.

"When did you come?" Kazuto Mogami asked.

"I've been watching it for a while, and seeing that you haven't left, I'm here to express my condolences."

Kazuto Mogami smiled lightly.

"Let's go?" She glanced at Kazuto Mogami out of the corner of her eye.

"Well, let's go then."


The moonlight falls quietly, covering the sand and gravel everywhere with silver frost. Young men and women walk along the seashore, leaving two strings of footprints, one large and one small, crooked.

Kazuto Mogami wanted to ask her something, but was worried that their relationship would change after asking.

He doesn't reject their current way of getting along. It's good to have someone who can talk, even if she is a female voice actress.

a long time.

"Hey, remember that first thing I did to you?"

Mogami Kazuto was slightly taken aback, and said "Hmm".

The girl showed a shallow smile: "Is it stupid? Looking back now, even I feel incredible."

"I almost forgot about that."

She smiled charmingly: "I knew you would say that."

Kazuto Mogami frowned: "You know me so well?"

"How long do you think we've known each other?" she said triumphantly.

"Just over a year."

"Yeah, it's only been over a year, but there are still many, many years after this, and we still have so much time to get to know each other."


Seeing that Mogami didn't talk to anyone, she smiled slowly, lowered her head, and looked at her snow-white toes, which were covered with rustling gravel.

"Hey, you once asked me if I have the consciousness to take care of one's life."

"Have I ever asked such a thing?"

I remember everything you asked me, even the infuriating look you had at the time. "

She quickened her steps, overtook him in two or three steps, and turned around to stay in front of him.

Kazuto Mogami was forced to stop, looking into her eyes brighter than moonlight.

"No one has ever dared to speak to me in that manner."

"...I apologize if I offend you."

"No apology!"


"It was indeed my mistake at the time, and I don't need your apology."


She is still the girl in memory, nothing has changed.

"Now, let me tell you my answer."

Kazuto Mogami was silent, waiting for her speech.

The girl's hands hanging down on both sides trembled violently, and she quietly put her back behind her back, not wanting Kazuto Mogami to see her wavering.

That doesn't fit her character, she can say what she has, and what she wants to do.

That's who she really is.

Stubbornly raising her head, she looked at Mogami Kazuto without fear, and her cherry lips parted slightly, revealing her extremely firm determination.


Loud and decisive.

The answer was more neat than Kazuto Mogami imagined.

"A guy like you is just an ordinary person anyway, it shouldn't be too easy for me to afford the life of someone like you.

If you like to sing, I will find you the most powerful music team in the circle.

If you like writing, I will ask all those light novel writers to recommend your works on Twitter.

Even if you have an otaku interest like cosplay, I will try my best to cater to you, even pretending to be a character I have voiced, and talking to you with the voice of your favorite character every day.

Anyway, you're just an ordinary person with no big ambitions, you can't afford Chiyoda's mansion, and you can't buy expensive luxury items for me.

even so.

The life of a mere scumbag.

I too... can afford it. "

(End of this chapter)

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