After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 455 449. He hasn't noticed that this skill will change his life in the future.

Chapter 455 449. He hasn't noticed that this skill will change his life in the future.

Sitting in the empty tram, Mogami Kazuto quietly looked up at the flashing route map.

Next to him, Miss Sakura, who was wearing a mask, was sleeping peacefully on his shoulder.

He was a little worried that someone would recognize him, but he was helpless in the current situation, so he could only send Sakura Caiyin home first.

"Young man~~"

Kazuto Mogami turned his head and glanced at her, she was still asleep, talking lightly in sleep.

Sighing in his heart, he couldn't figure out how things would develop to such a point. In this way, it must be more and more difficult for him to refuse this troublesome female voice actor.

His right hand moved slightly, until then he had no time to open the flickering panel icons.

Quickly browsing the column that records the information of Sakura Ayane, the fog that originally covered the intimacy value has dissipated at some point.

Name: Sakura Ayane

Age: 24
Occupation: Voice actor

Relationship: same period

Current intimacy: 89
Skill "Special": Lord of the Harem (Lv1) [not upgradeable yet]


When Mogami Kazuto saw the values ​​and skill names, he was a little dazed, and turned to look at the sleeping short-haired girl, wondering what she liked about him.

What about -1500?
What an uncertain woman.

Also, even the skills are so unique, how much does she want to open the harem?

Mogami Kazuto lowered his right hand weakly, and patted Sakura Ayane's shoulder again.

"Hey, Sakura, wake up, we are almost at the station, we are going to get off."

Sakura Ayane frowned slightly, did not open her eyes, pressed her forehead against his shoulder, twisted a few times, and let out a whining sound of unknown meaning.

Sitting on the seat diagonally opposite in the carriage, a young man dressed as an otaku with glasses stretched his neck, squinted his eyes, and looked at them in surprise.

Mogami Kazuto noticed that line of sight, pulled up the masks of himself and Aya Sakura quietly, lowered his head silently, waited for the train to arrive, got up quickly and left with Aya Sakura, and walked all the way to the ground.

Sakura Ayane was still staggering when she walked, Mogami Kazuto had to carry her on her back again, she gave a smirk that seemed like nothing.

Ignoring the eyes of his surroundings, Mogami Kazuto kept walking with his head down.

It was not the first time he had come to Sakura Ayane's house, surrounded by mansions he couldn't afford, the young lady who grew up in this kind of place was obediently lying on his back, whispering his name.

"Sakura, can you walk by yourself, we're almost home."

Sakura Ayane opened her eyes in a daze, and looked around sleepily: "Ah? Isn't this near my house?"

"Of course it's your home."

"Tsk, what a useless man." She acted quite disappointed.

Mogami Kazuto was speechless, really didn't know what to say.

"Come down and go by yourself. If your mother bumps into you later, she should have another opinion."


Mogami Kazuto put her down without replying.

"There is still a little way left, go back by yourself."


Suddenly, Sakura Ayane blushed and lowered her head, her voice also faltered.

Until she got off his sad back and saw his face clearly, Ms. Sakura finally realized how shy she had done before, and could only bow her head in embarrassment at this moment.

"Goodbye, Miss Sakura."

After a slight nod, Kazuto Mogami turned his back and left. Sakura Ayane behind him looked at his back, touched his lips involuntarily, and blushed on his cheeks.



After taking the train back to Tsukishima, Mogami Kazuto stripped naked and soaked in the spacious bathtub.

Silently studying the skills that Ayane Sakura gave him.

At first glance, it is a confusing skill,
First, it doesn't have the notion of a specialized domain like other skills.

Secondly, it has no proficiency, it just gives the Lv1 logo.

And wrote "temporarily not upgradeable".

And since "temporary" is written, it means that there is room for upgrading this skill, but Mogami Kazuto doesn't know how to do it yet.

Most importantly, what exactly does this skill mean.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't think that in this modern monogamous society, there will really be such troublesome things as a harem.

Thinking about this word, it is probably a general concept, used to confuse Mogami Kazuto's way of thinking.

It's not that his panel hasn't done this kind of thing before.

Mogami Kazuto hates dealing with girls, and even more hates dealing with multiple girls, he can't stand that kind of trouble.

So he went out after taking a shower, went to a convenience store, took a few more glances at the little girl who was cashing out, and thought about how it would be different from usual.

As it turned out, everything was business as usual.

The little girl handed him a note with her mobile phone number written on it, and said affectionately that she was leaving get off work in an hour, and told him to wait a while.

Kazuto Mogami smiled awkwardly, dropped the note, and left quickly.

All told, nothing out of the ordinary happened.

So Kazuto Mogami breathed a sigh of relief temporarily, but he was still vigilant in his heart, worried that something unexpected would happen.

This night was not very peaceful, and he had one more thing to think about today.

Whether it's Saori Konishi, or the clear water with sand, there's another troublesome Miss Sakura.

If you think about it further, there is Aimi Terashima whose name has turned gray, and Maaya Uchida whose intimacy has always been high, making him afraid to get close.

With all kinds of thoughts about the girls in his arms, Kazuto Mogami slowly fell asleep.



The next day, after Kazuto Mogami woke up, he was full of energy and wrote a novel all morning.

After lunch, I went to the headquarters of King Records, watched the edited mv samples, and recorded a 30s promotional video by the way.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami received a call from another agent.

Now that he has officially debuted as a voice actor, it is only natural that he will participate in auditions for various games or animation works.

Not to mention whether it is possible to win the main role, just having the opportunity to dub a supporting role with a name is already something worth celebrating for many new voice actors.

What's more, Kazuto Mogami's debut is the halo bonus of the main character.

But this does not mean that he can choose a job, at least he has to wait until the animation of "Journey to the Dead" is officially broadcast, so that the industry can appreciate his outstanding acting skills, and then there will be opportunities to increase jobs.

The voice actor manager is a younger brother around 30 years old, his name is Gotanda Ippei, because it is the first audition meeting, he went to the recording studio with Kazuto Mogami.

Mogami Kazuto was very grateful. Presumably, this is the treatment that only popular singers of his level can get, and newcomers definitely don't have it.

The audition meeting is not difficult. Hold the script, cover your ears with one hand, and change the voice line according to the requirements of the sound supervisor.

Even if the proficiency of dubbing skills can no longer be improved, his acting skills are still brave.

In the empty recording studio, Kazuto Mogami stood upright with an ethereal voice.

Like the clouds slowly flowing in the sky, August passed away from the window.

(End of this chapter)

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