After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 456 450. Thank you, the Shenying Party has arrived.

Chapter 456 450. Thank you, the Shenying Party has arrived.


The summer vacation is gone, and the heat remains.

There were a lot of schoolboys and girls on the tram, and it was much freer than usual.

Sitting in the tram, quietly flipping through the novel in his hand, Kazuto Mogami enjoyed the reading time from home to office.

After arriving at the station, he put the book in his bag, and Kazuto Mogami got out of the train.

Walking into the office, as a newcomer, it is natural to say hello to the seniors.

Even so, no one really treated him as an ordinary newcomer.

He debuted as the main character and the original author, and as a singer, he also took over the theme song of TV animation.

This kind of "you can't do it, let me go" is somewhat jaw-dropping.

Inside the office, the air-conditioning was fully blown, which made Kazuto Mogami, who had been exposed to the sun all the way, feel refreshed from the bottom of his heart.

Kazuto Mogami is here today to pick up the script. Although it is only a supporting role, there are not enough lines. In the TV animation of 13 episodes, the number of appearances is only 4 times.

But that doesn't stop you from being passionate about it.

On the desk where the scripts were placed, Mogami Kazuto saw a hill of scripts in the area where "Miss Sakura Ayane" was written.

As expected of a woman with an annual income of 2 million yen, she is so terrifying.

Kazuto Mogami expressed his admiration from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and the voice actors of the newcomers standing in a row were already actively saying hello.

"Hello, Miss Sakura."


Mogami Kazuto looked back, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

It's been a long time, but the hair grows very fast, it's already waist-length.

There was a haughty smile on the corner of her mouth, as she walked all the way, it seemed that she was going to get a script.

"Hello, Totsuka-san."

"Um... hello, Ms. Sakura."

Ms. Sakura is wearing a snow-white dress today, with pure white high-heeled shoes under her feet, and a rare light makeup, which makes her look even more beautiful.

Especially the dazzling long black hair brought an astonishing change to her whole temperament.

The lively and savage young lady suddenly became the gentle big sister next door. This sudden change surprised Kazuto Mogami and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Sakura Ayane showed complacency, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and her heart was already full of smiles.

It's just that because this is an office, and there are many new voice actors and staff beside her, Sakura Ayane is naturally extremely reserved.

Pretending to be calm, she took away the part of scripts that belonged to Kazuto Mogami and put them all in a shopping bag of a high-end clothing brand. Ayane Sakura politely greeted the people around her and left Aoichi office.

During the whole process, there was no second word with Mogami Kazuto.

After a while, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated slowly, and Kazuto Mogami saw that the mobile phone number of Ayane Sakura was displayed.

After secretly sighing, he said goodbye to the people around him. As soon as he walked out of the office, he saw Ayane Sakura standing by the door.

Mogami Kazuto hung up the phone directly and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Let's go get some coffee."

How could she speak so naturally?

Also, don't you need to listen to my opinion?

Sakura Ayane walked in front of herself, and suddenly turned her head, Mamogami Kazuto remained motionless, her beautiful willow eyebrows were slightly frowned.

"What are you doing standing there? It's like a log."

Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to keep up.

Walking beside Ayane Sakura, both of them put on their masks very consciously. After all, this is near the office, and it is inevitable that they will meet paparazzi who want to follow the voice actress.

When the time comes to write scribbles in a magazine, not to mention causing trouble to the firm, but to stand up and clarify, it is more or less a trouble, and it is best to avoid it as much as possible.

Sakura Ayane walked for a while, stopped suddenly, turned around, raised the hand holding the script, stared at him without saying a word.

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her soft palms that were flushed red from being strangled, and her white cheeks that were gradually swollen.

With a sigh, she reached out to take the high-end clothing shopping bag in her hand, which was full of books.

Sakura Ayane smiled with satisfaction, and slowly slowed down, walking beside Mogami Kazuto.

Kazuto Mogami looked at her side face, thinking that he would subconsciously avoid contact with her, but Ms. Sakura seemed to be able to easily penetrate his protection, so that he couldn't think of repelling her at all.

Mogami Kazuto who couldn't figure it out, let her go.

When they came to a coffee shop with exquisite and elegant decoration, the two sat together in a booth in the corner. Kazuya Mogami had just taken off his mask and the clerk who walked over with the menu in his arms began to stammer and couldn't speak.

Mogami Kazuto immediately thought of something.

"And... and Kawa-chan, ah, that's not right! Mr. Totsuka?!"

It was obviously not the first time for Mogami Kazuto to hear the previous address, after selectively ignoring it, he showed a polite yet awkward smile.

To be honest, it's weird to be called this by a man.


"'s really Mr. Totsuka, I...I'm your fan."

The clerk tried his best to restrain his voice, but he still couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

Fortunately, he still remembered that he was at work, and after Mogami Kazuto had a brief communication with him, he gradually calmed down.

When ordering, he took a meaningful look at Ayane Sakura, who was sitting opposite Kazuto Mogami.

Sakura Ayane lowered her head slightly, resting her forehead with one hand, her long hair was flowing down, she never dared to take off her mask.

After ordering, there were only the two of them left in the booth. Ayane Sakura pulled off her mask and let out a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing?" Kazuto Mogami asked.

"Didn't you see the look in the child's eyes just now? He almost devoured me! Don't all your fans be like that?" She compared her little fingers.

"It's too exaggerated. People are just curious about who you are."

Sakura Ayane gave a disdainful "tss": "What is it called "Hehe-chan", don't get carried away, it's just meeting a fan, watch out for tomorrow's hot search on Twitter, it's you taking the girl to the coffee Hall"

"Secret meeting." Mogami Kazuto reminded.

Sakura Ayane blushed, not understanding how he dared to say these two words so openly.

Immediately snorted with his nose, silently took out his phone and swiped it up, and stopped talking to him.

Not long after, the clerk handed over two cups of coffee and looked curiously at the long-haired woman in white.

In his heart, women with long hair are cautious and biased, until Sakura Ayane, who had already taken off her mask, raised her head to thank him politely, and he gradually froze in place.

Ayane Sakura got her hair done yesterday, and it cost a lot.

She doesn't use Twitter herself, it's all run by the firm, so she hasn't had the opportunity to show it to the public through the Internet.

And when the clerk looked at Kiyosaki Ryo Ayane's face, his expression began to change artistically, and he turned around after saying "you two, please take your time".

Enron closed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth could not stop rising.

Thank you, the Shenying Party has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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