Chapter 461 455. New dubbing work. (seeking a monthly ticket)
It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when Kazuto Mogami threw the two of them into the guest room on the first floor.

Sitting decadently on the living room floor, Moshang wiped his sweat with others, took a deep breath, and dragged his tired body into the bathroom.

Perhaps because he had just exhausted a lot of physical strength, Mogami Kazuto felt that he was surprisingly sober at the moment. After washing his body, he soaked in the bathtub and couldn't help making a sound of comfort.

"Huh... bliss and bliss."

Closing your eyes, a face with clear water and sand flashed past in your mind.

Mogami Kazuto opened his eyes in a panic, the bathroom was filled with smoke, and there was no one else except him.

Quietly holding his forehead and shaking it slightly, Mogami Kazuto inevitably fell into self-doubt.

"Did I drink too much?"

After a long silence, he silently buried his head in the water.



The next day.

Kazuto Mogami was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, only to hear a violent sound, and two rough and high-pitched screams resounded through Mogami at nine o'clock in the morning.

Two male voice actors in underpants ran out of the bedroom one after the other, one wrapped in a quilt and the other holding a pillow in his arms.

"Hey! Nobunaga, why are you not wearing anything!"

"This is my line! When you open your eyes, you will see your dazzling red hair. It will definitely leave a psychological shadow!"

Early in the morning, I saw two first-line male voice actors wandering around his house shirtless.

If this was photographed by Wenchun, and a series of unsightly words were added, Mogami Kazuto could not help but shudder.

In order to keep his reputation, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to take out two sets of clothes from the closet and throw them to them, telling them to take a bath quickly.

Nobunaga Shimada and Sueto Ishikawa looked at each other, neither of them spoke first.

Mogami Kazuto said: "Why don't you two wash together to save trouble."

Obviously, none of them agreed with Mogami Kazuto's plan, so they went to the bathroom to take a shower one by one, and changed into Mogami Kazuto's clothes.



"I'm gonna start now."

"I'm gonna start now."

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the three of them finally had breakfast, and Ishikawa Suketo and Shimada Nobunaga were still full of praise for Mogami Kazuto's craftsmanship.

After breakfast, Suketo Ishikawa said goodbye to Nobunaga Shimada. Kazuto Mogami still had work to do and the house was still a mess, so he had no choice but to hire a housekeeping company. Anyway, this was not the first time.

When he came to the company, Kazuto Mogami continued to work as usual, and everything was no different from usual.

After taking a break, Dai Qiuhui brought a cardboard box full of colorful letters.

"These are letters from fans."

"so much?"

Mogami Kazuto's reaction made her somewhat speechless: "Totsuka-kun, it's better not to underestimate your own popularity."

Hearing what Dai Qiuhui said, Mogami Kazuto could only smile helplessly.

He has never had the real feeling that he is a popular singer, and he rarely has the experience of being recognized when walking on the street.

But in today's industry, even if you haven't seen or heard Totsuka Kazu's works, you can't help but hear his name from various channels.

As Mogami Kazuto's business gradually expands, it will naturally receive all kinds of attention.

Kazuto Mogami didn't have time to read every letter, he just picked it up, but he read each letter very seriously.

Kazuto Totsuka, who faces the public, is handsome, humble and humorous. He can only hide Kazuto Mogami carefully, not wanting others to notice his twisted side.

In the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami, who had just finished working as a singer, received a call from Ippei Gotanda before he could catch his breath.

Gotanda Ippei is the manager of Ao Voice Actors Agency, mainly in charge of the voice actor work of Mogami Kazuto, every audition role of Mogami Kazuto is won by him.

Although Kazuto Mogami made his debut as the protagonist, it is his own work after all, and there are many laymen who have not abused the original author's authority.

So far, he has not released the dubbing samples of Kazuto Mogami on a formal occasion, so no matter what outsiders say, he has no way to refute, but fortunately, Kazuto Mogami doesn't care about those things.

Apart from the only main character, Kazuto Mogami's only character with a name is "Akagi Shofumi" who went to audition yesterday.

Before his dubbing is officially presented to the audience on TV, he will be labeled with various hats for a long time in the future.

Although I don't care, there is still a feeling of helplessness.

Gotanda Ippei, as Mogami Kazuto's voice actor manager, naturally did some homework on Mogami Kazuto's situation, knowing that Mogami Kazuto is not an inexperienced vase, on the contrary, he has a very solid foundation.

What Kazuto Mogami lacks now is an opportunity to quickly show off his skills as a voice actor.

Including where is "Traveling", the characters Kazuto Mogami is currently auditioning, without exception, are all animations that will be broadcast next year.

Doing animation is not a simple matter. From the establishment of the project to the official broadcast, it is normal to spend two or three years.

Perhaps by then, the audience would have long since lost interest in Kazuto Mogami.

It is the broker's job to keep them curious and generate expectations.

"Totsuka-kun, I have received an audition opportunity for a new job for you, are you free now?"

"Huh? Now?"

"Yes, I hope you can come to the recording studio as soon as possible."

"Is it... an audition?"

"It's not even a sound audition, it's just that you need to dub a character. If it's suitable, after a week, your voice for the first time will be heard by the audience."

"A week?"

Kazuto Mogami didn't hide his surprise. His first thought was CM narration or some light novel promotion PV work. After all, it's not realistic to imagine it as animation or radio drama.

"Yes, I will send you the address on the line, can you come over as soon as possible, just take a taxi, and the office will reimburse you."

"Oh... I'm fine, but can I ask what kind of work it is first? Is it a sound comic?"

"Hmm... It's a little bit wrong, but the picture is indeed still. Anyway, this is a good opportunity, Totsuka-kun."

"oh oh……"

Mogami Kazuto walked to the side of the street, stopped a taxi, sat in the back seat, and the automatic door slowly closed.

Gotanda Ippei's voice continued to be heard on the phone.

"Totsuka-kun, have you ever heard of "Illusory Fairy Collection"?"


One thing to say, this word is really familiar.

As a money-making mobile game that is very popular nowadays, it is impossible for Kazuto Mogami to have never heard of this name.

""Illusory Fairy Collection"... Could it be that "Illusory Fairy Collection"?"

"That's right, the mobile game developed by September Co., Ltd., in layman's terms, is a krypton gold card game."

Mogami Kazuto nodded, thinking no wonder.

Isn't that his old club?

 Double monthly pass on the last day, ask for a monthly pass.

  I mostly stayed up late today to code words.

(End of this chapter)

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