Chapter 462 456. Audition.

Downstairs of a recording building.

Kazuto Mogami took the invoice from the master driver and put it in his pocket.

The recording building here has been visited by people several times, so it is easy to find the entrance and press the elevator floor with ease.

When he came to the recording studio, Mogami Kazuto quickly saw Gotanda Ippei and went up to greet him.

"Totsuka-kun, sorry for calling you here so suddenly."

"It's okay, it's work after all."

Gotanda Kazuto then introduced the woman wearing glasses standing beside him to Kazuto Mogami.

She looks about 25 or [-] years old, dressed casually, with an inexplicably reserved expression, not like an insider, but a shy and restrained house girl.

"This is Mr. Komori Fujino, one of the screenwriters of Fantasy C."

"It's the first time we've met, and I've admired you for a long time, Mr. Totsuka."

Kazuto Mogami had heard this name before, but couldn't remember it accurately for a while, so he bowed politely: "This is the first time we meet, please give me your advice, Mr. Komori."

Gotanda Ippei was still slightly puzzled when he heard Komori Fujino address Mogami Kazuto.

Immediately, it occurred to me that Kazuto Mogami is not only a singer and voice actor, but also a light novel writer, and it is only natural that he is called a teacher.

"Illusion Collection" is a hot mobile game nowadays, its greatest pleasure is naturally the rich character illustrations and full storyline.

At the beginning, there were only three screenwriters. As the team gradually grew in the later period, the number of writers who created side stories and character single-player stories for this game gradually reached as many as a dozen.

As a popular writer of GA library, Komori Fujino is also one of them.

The character she created this time is an elf with a dual personality, with both male and female personalities in her body.

Usually in this case, in order to bring a better audio-visual experience to the players, two different voice actors will be chosen to dub the male and female characters respectively.

But Komori Fujino, who is a screenwriter, believes that the unity of voices between different personalities can better reflect the charm of this character.

Auditioned many popular male voice actors, but they failed to achieve the desired effect.

Ever since, Kazuto Mogami, who has just emerged recently and is good at imitating female voice actors, has entered her sight.

Kazuto Mogami got the character information from Ippei Gotanda, on which the relevant setting of the character and the complete character story were written down in detail.

Sitting in the corner of the recording studio and watching it repeatedly for about 10 minutes, Kazuto Mogami slowly closed his eyes, trying to get into the role and talking to himself.

The gentle and dense female voice is like light pink petals floating on the stream, flowing down the water all the way, light and lively.

If one ignores that handsome male face, no one will doubt that this eerie voice comes from a male mouth.

The voice paused, the tone changed slightly, and the clear and dignified youthful voice blurted out.

Between the male voice and the female voice, there are [-] to [-]% similarities, but they are distinct.

Kazuto Mogami, who gradually found his senses, walked into the control room of the recording studio and greeted everyone inside.

"Supervisor-san, Mr. Komori, I'm almost ready."

"So fast?"

"If there is something wrong with the interpretation, please feel free to say it."

"Okay, please teach me more."


While Kazuto Mogami stood in front of the microphone in the recording room, the voice of the sound supervisor came from the control room.

"First of all, please play the male Mesdazzi, the detailed information has been written in the materials.

Mesdazzi is a 14-year-old boy with a simple personality, innocent and passionate, please try to use a high-pitched and vigorous voice to perform it. "

"Okay." Kazuto Mogami nodded.

When the indicator light in front of him turned red, Mogami Kazuto entered the state, covered his ears with one hand, and focused his eyes on the desk in his left hand.

"Master, what should we have for dinner today? Potato stew? Good!"

"Hmm~~ It's a little embarrassing for the master to say that."

"Ku!! Master! Run away!!! This guy is dangerous! Leave this to me! Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"

"...Cough! Puff...cough cough!...Am I going to die..."

"I really want to try it again, the potato stew cooked by the master...ahem...!!"

"Goodbye ~ master."

A simple, young and kind boy, his cheeks will always turn red when he is teased.

Even so, he was still nostalgic for that person's smell.

Although the boy is weak, he still vowed to become that person's knight and protect her forever.

When the scarlet blood overflowed from the chest and the corners of the mouth at the same time, the gradually whitening lips murmured that person's name, and hot tears flowed into the mouth.

I hope that her next elf, not as weak as herself, can protect her well.

A bright halo covered the whole body, gently enveloping the young man, and the shoulder-length short hair, like vines growing wantonly, turned into pure white hair all over the sky.

Opening the bloody pupils, the cold girl's voice seemed to have no emotion at all, and it was a bit more peaceful than the glacier on that winter night.

"Mestazzi, what an idiot."

"That kind of weak girl, what is there for you to protect?"




In the recording studio, following the last sigh of the helpless and distressed girl, it fell into a dull silence for a while.

Kazuto Mogami looked into the control room separated by the transparent glass, and bowed slightly.

"Sorry, I accidentally added Avya's voice."

The acting skills shown by Kazuto Mogami are all the effects brought by the panel, but Kazuto Mogami himself believes that immersion in the character is a very important part.

Just like music, singing with only skill and no emotion can't touch people's hearts. He thinks the same is true for dubbing.

Therefore, every time he dubs a character, even if the effect is minimal, he will try his best to substitute the character.

The world seems to call this kind of behavior experientialism.

It wasn't until Kazuto Mogami's original voice came that everyone in the control room came back to their senses and whispered to each other. Because the microphone was not turned on, Kazuto Mogami couldn't hear what they were saying.

a long time.

"Totsuka-san, regarding Avya's voice, can you try to use a voice with slightly bigger breasts?"


Kazuto Mogami froze on the spot.

"Sorry, because there is no detailed measurement data in the information, there was no such requirement originally, but Totsuka-san's female voice is really amazing, so I wonder if I can go further."

Kazuto Mogami fell silent.

"Ah! Of course, there is no problem with that voice just now. I'm sorry for saying something strange."

"It's okay, I'll try."

Mogami Kazuto frowned, closed his eyes and thought for a while, a troublesome figure could not help appearing in his mind.

Recall her breathing patterns, recall her vocal skills.

He gestured involuntarily with his hands on his chest.


 There is one thing to say, I still don’t know the exact gender of Mr. Omori, the lines between the lines and the characterization are a bit female, and it is more convenient for me to develop the plot, so I decided to do so without authorization.

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(End of this chapter)

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