Chapter 463 457. You are lazy, Totsuka-kun.

Mogami Kazuto very smoothly uttered a voice that sounded like a girl with big breasts, and the effect was so outstanding that even he himself was startled.

Ever since, when the audition was over, Kazuto Mogami was immediately notified that the audition had passed.

As a five-star card that will be launched soon, because of the particularity of its dual personality, the lines of Mesdazzi and Avya are nearly twice that of ordinary characters, and they have their own character stories.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami has to start recording tomorrow. Fortunately, most of these mobile games are recorded separately, and there is no need to cater to other people's schedules.

For the work, Kazuto Mogami naturally cooperated with all his strength, and Komori Fujino kept admiring him for his superb acting skills.

Although it is rude to praise professionals for their professional skills, Ms. Komori is obviously not at the ordinary level of admiration.

She seems to know Mogami Kazuto's novels and songs like the back of his hand, and the more in-depth the chat, the more Mogami Kazuto feels this way.

Ms. Komori seemed to be aware of her attitude, and smiled shyly: "Actually, I'm a book fan of Mr. Totsuka, and I also listen to songs."

"I am extremely honored to be favored by Mr. Komori."

Mogami Kazuto smiled so charmingly that the female staff nearby couldn't help but look sideways at him.

"Well, Totsuka-sensei, if it's convenient, can you exchange lines with me?"

"Huh?...Well, it's ok."

Kazuto Mogami is a light novel writer, he can accept even a guy like Toko, not to mention a kind female writer like Komori Fujino.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Kazuto Mogami left the recording studio.

As soon as he stepped on the tram, Kazuto Mogami received a call from Dai Qiuhui, informing him to record the latest issue of Totsuka Canteen next week, so that he could make preparations.

After returning home, Kazuto Mogami went into writing mode.

With the passage of time, and Xiaonishi Saori's resolute reluctance to contact him, Mogami Kazuto's heart, which was once turbulent, subconsciously calmed down.

It can't be said to treat that incident as if it never happened. Kazuto Mogami is not that free and easy, so he can only hide it in his heart, waiting for an opportunity to completely detonate it.



On this day, Kazuto Mogami went to the studio in Shinjuku to shoot. The October show is about to be broadcast, and Kazuto Mogami shot a promotional video for the new song.

At the same time, the first animation PV of Lvzuan will be launched in October, and Kazuhito Mogami, as the protagonist, naturally has to participate in dubbing.

It happened that the two jobs were on the upper and lower floors of the same building, which saved Kazuto Mogami a lot of trouble.

After finishing the filming here, Kazuto Mogami took the elevator to the recording studio on a higher floor.

The elevator door opened, and the first thing I saw was Nantian Lisha who was greeting the staff. She must have arrived not long ago.

"Hello, Miss Tanada."

Kazuto Mogami took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Totsuka."

"I thought PVs were recorded separately, but I didn't expect to meet you here." Mogami said in a chatty tone.

Often there are only 4 minutes of animation pv, divided into three sections, one section is 1 minute, and the other two sections are 2 minutes.

Adding up all the lines, there are only a few sentences, which can be completed in less than 2 minutes.

"Each studio has its own arrangement. Mr. Totsuka is still a newcomer in voice acting, so he will get used to it slowly."

Mogami Kazuto smiled slightly: "Then I will ask Senior Farmer to take care of you from now on."

"That's easy, Totsuka-kun."

She's quite cooperative.

Kazuto Mogami shook his head, found a corner and sat down, pretending to be looking at the script with only a few sentences, waiting for the official recording.

"Totsuka-kun, here we are."

Hearing Naneda Risa's gentle and beautiful voice, Mogami Kazuto slowly raised his head, and there were five slender, white fingers covering the red soda can.

"I heard that you like to drink Coke before dubbing."

Mogami Kazuto slowly raised his hand to take it.

"Thank you."

Kazuto Mogami didn't say anything like "I'll give you how much it is" to spoil the scenery.

It's strange to think about it. Mogami Kazuto thought that his character would either refuse or give money.

To accept and thank you frankly like this, on the contrary, there is an indescribable sense of disobedience.

Shaking his head slightly, without thinking about it, Mogami Kazuto opened the can, took a small sip, and put the can aside.

"Totsuka-kun, I have a digression, how is the new volume written and when will it be released?"

"How can it be so fast."

"At the beginning, it was obvious that new volumes could be released every month, so you were lazy, Totsuka-kun."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

In other words, is she really planning to carry this title through to the end?
Well... After all, Taneda Risa is indeed a senior in the industry, and there is nothing wrong with calling him "Totsuka-kun". Isn't Miss Sakura next door calling him "XX-kun".

It doesn't make sense to care about this kind of thing now.

In addition to Mogami Kazuto and Taneda Risa, several other voice actors who appeared in the PV also appeared one after another.

There were those he could name, and some he had no impression of.

"Yahoo! Ah He!"

"Totsuka-san, hello."

It was Shimada Nobunaga and Hidaka Rina who spoke, and Mogami Kazuto greeted them.

In addition, another intellectual voice actor, who did not want to be named, has been sitting quietly in a corner since entering the lounge, staring curiously at Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami never spoke to her, but from the conversation between her and Taneda Risa, it can be concluded that the two belong to the same seiyuu firm.

In fact, there are other voice actors appearing in the PV, but due to scheduling issues, it is impossible for everyone to attend collectively just for an animated PV with one or two lines. After that, they will be recorded separately.

For example, Ayane Sakura played a supporting role in the anime. With her work intensity, it is obviously impossible to make a special schedule to match the time. Naturally, it is recorded separately.

Popular voice actors like Shimada Nobunaga and Hidaka Rina came here because they had other jobs nearby.

As for farming Lisha, she couldn't get a job at all, so there was no such thing as a schedule.

After the staff came to notify, the group went to the recording studio. Mr. Ming Tianchuan, the sound supervisor, came over to greet everyone, and gave instructions to modify some of the lines.

And at the request of Ming Tianchuan, Mogami Kazuto greeted each other as the original author, and received warm applause in response.

So, the dubbing was in full swing.

Although the animated pv is often very short, it cannot be said to be completely smooth.

Almost everyone, including Kazuto Mogami, was suggested to modify the pitch, which is commonplace for professional voice actors.

Accurately changing the voice, tone and emotion according to the instructions of the influence supervisor is the most basic professional quality of a voice actor.

Only farming pear yarn.

From the beginning to the end, no comments were raised once.

(End of this chapter)

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