After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 464 458. Her eyes are like the light of summer.

Chapter 464 458. Her eyes are like the light of summer.

After the dubbing is over, Kazuto Mogami will hold a small discussion meeting as the original author, and will not leave for a while.

Just as Mogami Kazutoyo thought, Shimada Nobunaga still had to catch up with the set, so he took a step forward after a brief chat.

Hidaka Licai seemed to be doing the same. After saying goodbye politely, he turned and left with a smile.

What made Mogami Kazuto more puzzled was that the intellectual voice actor standing not far away secretly looked at Mogami Kazuto and did not leave for a long time.

Because she was always staring at Mogami Kazuto, Mogami Kazuto thought she was doing the dubbing of the character and wanted to ask him something, so he took the initiative to go over and ask.

"Miss Iguchi, is there anything else?"


The intellectual-looking female voice actor whom he called Ms. Jingguchi froze for a moment, and waved her hands in a panic.

"It's all right, it's all right, I'll take my leave first! He Hejiang!"

Her voice is full of vigor and detachment, which is far from intellectual. If she doesn't speak, she does have a quiet and scholarly temperament.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she immediately realized that she had said something wrong, covered her mouth, and shook her head frantically.

That's how it was, Mogami Kazuto understood in seconds.

Just when she was about to say a few words, she turned around in a panic and fled into the elevator, leaving.

Moshang and Kazuto stood alone in a daze.

"Totsuka-sensei, it's time for a meeting!"

Over there, the call of the staff came.

"Okay, I know."



When Kazuto Mogami finished his discussion meeting, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the production progress of the animation was still going smoothly.

As far as animation production is concerned, Mogami Kazuto is a complete layman and has no idea of ​​intervening.

The so-called discussion meeting is nothing more than the supervisor coming to discuss the characters with him in order to restore the mood of the characters more accurately.

Animation production is a difficult thing to balance, whether it is completely finalized to the original work, produced word for word, or it is completely modified to conform to the animation market.

No matter which one, Kazuto Mogami couldn't accept it.

The novel has the form of expression of the novel, and the animation has the form of expression of the animation.

Kazuto Mogami knows nothing about animation production, but he knows what is good-looking animation and what is bad-looking animation.

He has only one obsession.

Just don't let this work become a boring animation.

He chose to trust Director Ishii, and Kazuto Mogami tried his best to answer all the questions that Director Ishii had.

Leaving the recording building, Mogami Kazuto looked up at the hot sun, thinking that Tokyo in midsummer is really not easy, and it would be nice if autumn came soon.

"Huh? Totsuka-san?"

Hearing the familiar girl's voice, Kazuto Mogami turned his head and saw a pair of bright and piercing eyes.

While full of seductive charm, it is also full of indescribable liveliness and agility, as if it can give people vitality.

"Miss Hidaka? You're still here."

Kazuto Mogami was slightly surprised.

Hidaka Rina raised her neck and smiled lightly, with lovely dimples appearing on her petite cheeks.

"I just had other work nearby, and just after finishing my work, I saw Mr. Totsuka when I went downstairs. What a coincidence."

She is wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt today, with a pink dress on her lower body, two bundles of long hair hanging on her shoulders, and a cute cherry blossom hair accessory.

Looked full of vigor.

People are visual animals, and a lively and lovely girl will always make people feel happy physically and mentally, as if they have returned to the boyhood when they didn't know what setbacks were.

"That's it, hard work."

Hidaka Rina smiled and waved her hands: "It's okay, because it's work, although it's a pity that I couldn't win the role of Shessel.

But being able to contribute my strength to the works I like really touches me very much.

Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity, Mr. Totsuka. "

This girl always seemed to be so polite and measured, and she couldn't find anything that would make him uncomfortable.

"It's too exaggerated. These are Miss Hidaka's own efforts and have nothing to do with me."

"Fufu... I feel much more at ease after hearing Totsuka-sensei say that."

The girl smiled playfully, patted her small chest, and gradually relaxed her tense shoulders.

"I've said it many times, don't call me a teacher."

"But you are an elder."

There was a strange brilliance in her agile eyes.

"Then I have already debuted as a voice actor, and you are the senior among the voice actors. Does this make it even?"

"It seems to be oh, huh? Then shouldn't I call you Totsuka-kun?"

"Uh... this is a little..."

"I'm joking! Mr. Totsuka."

Hidaka Rina smiled brightly, and it was only then that Mogami Kazuto realized that she could also joke.

Because of the long-term contact, Mogami Kazuto subconsciously believed that she was the kind of sensible and good girl, so he was quite surprised.

"Mr. Totsuka, can you exchange lines with me?"


Her tone of voice was very natural, without any hesitation, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help staring at those charming eyes for a while longer.

Hidaka Lina ignored Mogami Kazuto's gaze, and took out a volume of library books from the bag, which was covered with dense notes and notes.

"I don't quite understand Lissica's mood yet. Although I have taken a lot of notes and watched all the scenes about her appearance in the original work many times, I still have a question about whether I understand it."

She glanced timidly at Kazuto Mogami.

Mogami Kazuto heard the words and immediately understood the girl's thoughts.

"Miss Hidaka, do you want to find out the detailed story of the character from me?"


Carefully watching Kazuto Mogami's face, seeing that his expression didn't change at all, he whispered, "Although I know that Mr. Totsuka is usually busy with work, I still came here as a fluke to ask you for advice."

Mogami Kazuto just looked at her quietly without speaking.

Hidaka Lina raised her eyebrows indistinctly, and her tone became softer: "I'm sorry, it's obviously the voice actor's job to figure out the role, but I want to take a shortcut from the original author.

Please pretend I didn't say it, I'm sorry to bother you. "

The girl bowed seriously, trying to force her smile to look a bit forced.

However, the girl wondered in her heart, how could this man be so indifferent.

I can't help but doubt my own femininity.

"Since it's for work, I'm fine."

After hesitating for a while, Kazuto Mogami gave a reply.

The girl's eyes widened, and she looked at Kazuto Mogami in surprise.

Those eyes were like summer light.

In summer, the sharp piercing pierces into the water, and the flickering and scattered light flickers.

"Is it really possible?"



Kazuto Mogami smiled in relief.

Again, he doesn't dislike girls who take work so seriously.

Until... his panel starts to flicker.

Mogami Kazuto's smile gradually froze on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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