Chapter 469 463. The girl on the tram.

After the shooting, Kazuto Mogami changed back into his clothes and thanked all the staff.

Naneda Risa still couldn't finish the bowl of tea and rice in the end, and there was nothing she could do about it. She had worked very hard, and ordinary girls really didn't know what to do with that portion.

After leaving the studio, Kazuto Mogami walked to the nearby station on foot and took the tram home.

Today was the weekend, and many young men and women who looked like students could be seen on the tram. Mogami Kazuto specially found a remote corner in the car and stood quietly.

The tram shook slightly, Mogami Kazuto stared blankly at the billboard inside the car, thinking about the plot development of the novel in his mind.

Suddenly, a high-pitched girl's scream erupted in the quiet carriage.

Many people, including Kazuto Mogami, were taken aback.

Kazuto Mogami was standing in the corner of the carriage, while the girl was sitting on the edge of the metal seat, only about two meters apart.

From Mogami Kazumi's perspective, it's easy to see what happened to her.

Realizing that she had disturbed other passengers in the carriage, the girl stood up cautiously, bowed and apologized everywhere, sat down with a blushing face, lowered her head, and let out a shameful "wow".

Mogami Kazuto glanced from the corner of the eye and saw her phone screen, which was staying on the krypton gold card draw page of a certain mobile game.

Looking at the exquisite vertical painting of Mesdage, I couldn't help raising my eyebrows,

It's amazing, it's true that if you take out the goods with a single shot, it's a hit.

But making that noise on a train is too nerve-wracking.

Mogami Kazuto thought to himself.

When the girl gradually calmed down, she looked at the phone screen again, put on the earphones, clicked to play the character audio, and giggled in a low voice.

Mogami Kazuto felt a little embarrassed, and pulled up the black mask on his face, worried that the girl would recognize him.

"Next stop, Ochanomizu, next stop, Ochanomizu."

The voice broadcast in the car was in exile. The girl seemed to have arrived at the station. She stood up and was about to go to the car, but the tram was still running, and the girl didn't stand still and fell backwards unexpectedly.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami standing in the corner, subconsciously resisting the discomfort, he quickly supported the girl's shoulders.


"……Are you OK?"

After the girl stood still, Kazuto Mogami quickly pulled his hands away and took two steps back involuntarily.

When she turned around, the first thing she did was bow and apologize for causing you trouble, and then she said thank you.

Mogami Kazuto waved his hand and said casually, "Be more careful in the future."

The girl in front of her raised her face, and was taken aback when Kazuto Mogami saw her face clearly.

The girl stared at Mogami Kazuto for a long time. He was wearing a black mask, only revealing a pair of dark and deep eyes, but the voice recognition still allowed the girl to see through his identity.

"Could it be... Mr. Totsuka?"

"Huh?, um."

The girl in front of her is a clerk who has met several times at an izakaya in Shinjuku, and she is currently studying at a voice actor training institute.

Mogami Kazuto only knew her last name, but not her last name, and didn't know how to address her for a while.

"Good afternoon, I'm Miho Okamatsu."

"Miss Gunson."

"I really thanked Totsuka-san just now."

"It's just a hands-on effort."

Miho Okamatsu smiled shyly. When she laughed, her eyes would narrow into two lovely slits, like a child of three or five years old.

"Going to work?"

"No, I'm going to go shopping with my friends, and the part-time job won't start until evening."

"That's it."

Kazuto Mogami thought she would just say goodbye and leave, but after waiting for three seconds, she still looked at him straight in the face, which made Kazuto Mogami quite shaken.

"Well... is there anything else? Miss Gansong."



"Totsuka-kun's performance of Mesdage is really amazing! I'm super moved!"

"Ah... this, this, um... thank you."

"Really, Totsuka-kun's acting skills are really strong, how can I become so good?"

"Eh... it should be to try to figure out the mood of the character, probably."

Kazuto Mogami, who relies entirely on his dubbing skills, can't say anything instructive at all.

"The teacher at the training institute also said the same thing, um... is it a bit difficult?"

"Then what, Miss Gunson."


Mogami Kazuto pointed to the tram door which opened and closed once: "Should you get off just now?"

"Ah... oops, I forgot."

Okamatsu Miho hurried to the door, but the tram had already started, she could only look at the gradually receding scenery outside the window, and helplessly returned to Kazuto Mogami.

"Sit back at the next stop."

"Well, that's the only way to go."

The girl nodded, instead of going back to the chair to sit down, she stood not far from Mogami and the person.

"Totsuka-san, are you going to work now?"

"Just finished recording the show, and now I'm going home to write."

"Writing...that's right, Totsuka-san seems to be a light novel writer, really amazing."

Even Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed to be looked up at by a young girl full of admiration.

"Speaking of which, Totsuka-san is now in the same voice actor agency as Saiyin-san, right?"


" about I set my target on Qingyi as well." She said to herself.

"I don't really know the difference between voice actor firms."

"Huh? Isn't Totsuka-san a professional voice actor? Why don't you know?"

"I'm still just a newcomer, and I may not know as much about the seiyuu industry as Ms. Gangmatsu."

"Hmm...but Totsuka-san's acting skills are amazing, he doesn't look like a rookie at all."

"Thank you for the compliment, you are also working hard at the cultivation institute, and strive to become a voice actor as soon as possible."

Kazuto Mogami was just talking socially. He thought Miho Okamatsu was a talkative and cheerful girl, but when she heard what Kazuto Mogami said, she lowered her head shyly and said thank you softly.

That's why Mogami Kazuya doesn't understand girls.

After the tram arrived at the station, Miho Okamatsu waved goodbye to Kazuto Mogami and got out of the car.

With no woman beside him, Kazuto Mogami's tense nerves finally relaxed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning to Tsukishima, Kazuto Mogami went to a nearby supermarket to buy ingredients for tonight. While queuing up at the cashier, he ran into the Uchida siblings after a long absence.

Just as he was hesitating whether to go over to say hello, the younger brother of the Uchida family saw Kazuto Mogami. Even though he was wearing a mask, he didn't know why he recognized Kazuto Mogami at a glance.

"Ah... isn't this Moshang-san, long time no see."

Uchida Yuma greeted Kazuto Mogami with a hearty smile.

Mogami Kazuto smiled helplessly: "Yeah, long time no see, Yuma-kun, Miss Uchida."

 I couldn't sleep anyway last night. After reading it carefully half the night, I finally saw the words between the words. There are two words written all over the book, which means cannibalism!

(End of this chapter)

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