Chapter 470 464. Mogami and Ren are envious.

Uchida Yuma always had a hearty smile on his face, Mogami Kazuto did not reject this kind of sunny boy.

"I'm really sorry at the summer festival."

"It's okay, it's just a small matter, it's over."

"I'm sorry, Mogami-san, my brother caused you trouble."

Uchida Maaya came over and bowed solemnly.

Kazuto Mogami hurriedly waved his hands: "I said it was just a trivial matter, and Yuma-kun didn't mean it at that time, so I didn't take it to heart at all."

Hearing what Kazuto Mogami said, the Uchida siblings finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mogami-san Mogami-san, I heard that you have debuted as a voice actor, you are too strong."

Well, he seemed to have heard similar words on the train just now, so Mogami Kazuto's expression was a little subtle.

"That's not the case, I'm still a long way off, Yuma-kun should study hard at the cultivation institute."

"Whoa! I will!"

"HORA~~ Don't trouble Mogami-san." Uchida Maaya patted Uchida Yuma on the head.

"My younger brother is usually like this, please forgive me."

"It's okay, I think Yuma-kun is very cute, maybe because I'm an only child, it would be nice to have brothers and sisters of the same age, I'm very envious."

Uchida Yuma immediately raised his arms excitedly: "It's totally fine for me to be Mogami-san's younger brother... Oh, it hurts!"

Uchida Maaya mercilessly punched Uchida Yuma on the head: "KORA! Don't say strange things!"

Immediately, she thought of something again, and suddenly blushed slightly, a little afraid to look directly into Kazuto Mogami's eyes.

Although Kazuto Mogami was puzzled in his heart, he didn't ask too much.

"Yuma-kun, I'm going to join the I'm office in the future too."

"Yes, this is my dream at this stage, but I don't know if I can pass it." Uchida Yuma admitted carelessly, scratching the back of his head with a playful smile.

"That's it, then we have to work harder."

"However, I am different from Nathan. Not only do I want to become a voice actor, I also want to try my hand at the singer field."

"Hey! What do you mean being different from me? I'm also working hard to become a singer!"

It seems that because of the presence of Mogami Kazuto, Uchida Yuma seemed to have found a backer, and replied proudly: "But there is no record company to come to the door, isn't it?"

"That...that's because I'm still a rookie! I will definitely debut as a singer in the near future!"


Uchida Yuma folded his hands on his chest, with a questioning smirk on his face.

"Do you want another punch?"


Suddenly he was discouraged and bowed a beautiful bow.

"Puchi...puh ha ha ha."

Kazuto Mogami was amused by the sketch of the siblings, and couldn't help laughing.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, Mogami Kazuto has always been an only child, and has never experienced the friendship of brothers and sisters.

Therefore, seeing the interaction between the Uchida siblings, a certain string in my heart was more or less touched.

They had never seen Kazuto Mogami laughing like this before, and they froze in place for a while.

After noticing his gaffe, Mogami Kazuto quickly put away his smile: "Cough... I'm sorry."

"It's the first time I've seen Mogami-san smiling so heartily."

Seeing Kazuto Mogami's smile that he had never shown before, Maaya Uchida couldn't help sighing.

"Well... me too, the contrast is too big and it's a bit creepy."

"Yuma, you can't say such impolite words!"

"I'm sorry!" Uchida Yuma realized that he had spoken too much, and immediately bowed and apologized.

"Forget it, forget it, I know what kind of person I am."

"Mogami-san, you are such a gentle person." Uchida Yuma said with a smile.

Mogami Kazuto scratched his cheek with a sneer, unexpectedly a little shy to be said by a boy younger than himself.

He has recently noticed a little bit that in the process of getting along with others, no matter whether the other party is male or female, he has shown a different attitude from before.

It’s good to be able to chat frankly with the troublesome Sakura Ayane, it’s good to suddenly call Taneda Risa “Tan Jiang” in the recorded program, and the way of communication with the Uchida siblings at this time.

Changes are happening unconsciously, and Mogami Kazuto is not sure where this change comes from, whether it is good or bad.

But at this stage, he himself does not reject this change.



9 month 20 day.

Gotanda, Kazuto Mogami's voice actor manager, called and said that he had received an invitation to audition for a lightly modified action film.

This is the first time that Kazuto Mogami was actively invited to participate in the animation audition. In the past, the audition opportunity was fought for by his agent.

Presumably it was directly dubbed in the mobile game "Fantasy C", which was recognized by some people in the industry.

Although Kazuto Mogami is a newcomer, he had a certain degree of popularity before the voice actor debuted, and his dubbing ability is unquestionable. Coupled with the low salary of the newcomer voice actor, it is inevitable that production companies will take a fancy to it.

The audition will be next month. Kazuto Mogami went to the office first to get the audition book. During this time, he can practice hard at home.

However, in addition to the work of the voice actress, Kazuto Mogami also needs to be busy with the work of the singer. The new song has been produced and is tentatively scheduled to be released in October. He needs to cooperate with the company to promote it.

In the afternoon, I first went to Qingyi Office to pick up the script, and then took a bus to Ueno.

After a long time since that incident, he was finally ready to go back to his parents' house.

Although there were many misunderstandings, what Junpei Mogami said was absolutely right, he was not a sincere man.

Mogami Kazuto was also tired of escaping, thinking that this was not the behavior an adult should have. No matter what his father's attitude was, he should give an answer and an explanation to those who really cared about him.

Kazuto Mogami is convinced that he is taking steps towards change.

No matter what, you can't always be a scumbag.

he thinks.

Walking on the familiar street, Mogami Kazuto quietly looked at the residential buildings on both sides.

At this time, there was still some time before his father got off work, so he greeted his mother Mochiyo in advance, saying that he would go home today.

Walking silently in the alleys of the residential area, countless memories rolled in my mind, intertwined into silent movies one after another.

Some are his and some are not.

"Huh? With someone?"

Hearing someone calling his name, Mogami Kazuto slowly raised his head, and a familiar yet unfamiliar face was imprinted in his eyes.

"It's really Kazuto! You guy, long time no see!"

The young man in front of him trotted over and gave Mogami Kazuto a slap on the shoulder very affectionately and with a playful smile.

Kazuto Mogami stared blankly at the man in front of him, searching for information about this man in the memory that did not belong to him.

"Long... Secretary?"

 441 has been lifted, and four hundred characters have been deleted. If you haven’t read the full version, you can move to Pen X Pavilion. The one over there should be normal.

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(End of this chapter)

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