After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 473 467. There are things that can be undone and things that cannot be undone in the world.

Chapter 473 467. There are redemptive and irreversible things in the world. (seeking a monthly ticket)
Late at night, at the end of the day's work, Xiao Nishi Saori dragged his exhausted body back to the apartment where he lived.

I came back late today, and it was somewhat troublesome to prepare the dishes. I bought a teriyaki bento at a nearby convenience store and spent 510 yen.

"Mai Wan, I'm back."

The first thing I did when I got home was to change the water for the wheat balls, put the bento in the microwave and start heating, and teased the cat for a while.

Mai Wan is always lazy, doesn't like to play with people, and doesn't like to be coquettish, which seems to be a common problem of cats, but she only has a soft spot for that man, which makes her quite helpless.

I don't know who I look like.

Turning on the TV, I didn't want to watch the show, but I just felt that it was a bit smokey, as a sign of connection with the real thing.

Mai Wan lay on the side, silently licking the meat balls on her front paws, glanced at the owner beside her from time to time, then squinted her eyes and lay motionless.

Xiao Nishi Saori sat on the floor of the living room, staring at the TV with confused eyes. The host of the show was telling bad jokes, and the guest actress forced a smile, which was not as skilled as her.

It's just that during this time, Saori Xiaonishi could no longer make that expression.

Ever since she shattered her mask in front of that man, she gradually couldn't find her former mood.

He called and sent messages countless times, but she didn't have the courage to face him.

Even if she ran into him on the set, she couldn't greet him casually, she just avoided seeing him blindly.

She feels sorry.

A woman like myself, staying by his side will only cause him more troubles.

What happened in this home that night was her last willfulness.

There are redeemable and irreversible things in the world, and the passage of time is an irreversible thing.

Marrying him, hurting each other, twisting each other, getting divorced, and... having a relationship with him.

These are irreversible things.

On top of that, if she was pregnant with his child, she would really not be able to laugh.

Didn't do any safety measures, again and again, one after another.

Fortunately, that absurd thing did not happen.

The menstrual period came very punctually, so punctual that it seemed that they were doomed to miss each other.

And she never thought that having a child would change anything.

What little Xi Saori was looking forward to, she herself was not particularly clear, she wanted to stay by that person's side, but she couldn't help running away from him.

Is a woman of contradictions.

She often envies clear water with sand, envy Sakura Ayane.

They are all girls who can act according to their own will. Shimizu Yusa can abandon everything to pursue love, and Sakura Ayane can also bravely express her heart.

Only she is still awkward.

I said to my face that I like you, but said that I would welcome her love in the future.

These words mean nothing and only add to the burden on that person.

Perhaps, this is the evidence that Xiao Xi Saori is a bad woman.

He speaks freely and freely, but holds his clothes tightly and refuses to let go, and will be complacent because of his wavering.

"What do I want, a woman?"

On a sweltering night in September, loud fake laughter played on the TV, and the microwave stopped working with a ding.

After eating the bento, wash the bento box, drain the water, and throw it into a recyclable garbage bag.

Soaking in the narrow bathtub, white mist rises, trying to practice vocalization to stop myself from thinking about him.

But when I read the KA line, I couldn't go on.

He got up without a word, took a drop of water, lowered it from top to bottom, turned his back to the mirror, and turned his head to look at his back.

The previous scars have almost healed, but there are still faint shallow marks.

Every scar above is left when it comes to options related to him.

Each dish contains a story about him.

What was going through his mind that night when he knelt behind him and looked down at the scars.

Is it sympathy?
Or belittle?

Consider yourself an indecent woman.

She dared not think deeply about it.

After taking a bath and changing into pajamas, Xiao Nishi Saori went back to the bedroom, charged her phone, and got ready to sleep.

The light moonlight, through the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, diffused on the floor like the gas emitted by dry ice.

Close your eyes, it's all about that person.

The phone glowed brightly, followed by hasty ringtones, buzzing and vibrating non-stop.

Staring at that name for a long time, the light on the phone screen was extremely dazzling, but she stared at it for more than a minute.

She was helplessly relieved when the light went out and the ringing stopped.

However, within three to five seconds, the bell rang again.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally pressed the answer button.



"……are you asleep?"


"I see, I'm sorry I woke you up."

Xiao Nishi Saori listened silently without responding.

"Tomorrow, do you have time to meet?"

Xiao Xi Saori pursed her lips silently: "I have work tomorrow."

"After that job is over..."

"Tomorrow, I have an appointment with Caiyin and the others for dinner. We made an appointment a long time ago."

Her lying skills have deteriorated, so bad that Kazuto Kazuka immediately recognized that she was lying.

"Then... I will go too."

"What are you talking about, Yousha will go with you, how is it possible..."

"Are you troubled?"

"When...of course it will bother you. Yousha is your ex-girlfriend. I don't want to see you two hurting each other."

His tone tonight was a bit tough, which made her panic involuntarily, and her fingers quietly clenched the quilt covering her body.

"Since you don't want to see me, let's talk on the phone."

"...What do you want to say?"

"Don't you know what I want to say?"


"That evening……"

Kazuto Mogami was about to speak when Saori Konishi immediately interrupted him.

"Then what, Heren, it's time for me to go to bed. I have work tomorrow morning."

"Even a cowardly person like me is already planning to face himself, but are you going to back down? Little Nishi Saori."


"If, if you don't want to talk to me, you don't have to answer me or answer my words, just listen."

Little Nishi Saori bit her lip tightly, and slowly closed her eyes.

"What happened that night, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Maybe Xiaonishi Saori thought it was his fault, but Mogami Kazuto was a man after all, and he should bear the main responsibility for what happened.

"Honestly, the moment you admitted that you liked me, I did have a bit of a shake.

I even began to doubt whether it was right to divorce you back then.

If at that time we could meet each other frankly, sit down and talk with each other, would we live a completely different life from now.

But after thinking about it, I still don't think I should regret it.

At least for me at the time, I had no choice.

No, I didn't have the courage to choose other options.

If I do it all over again, I think... I will insist on being separated from you. "

For some reason, the fingers clenched tightly on the quilt suddenly lost strength.

The excruciating pain hurt her more than when her back was bruised.

It was as if the heart had been squeezed tightly, and the slender and sharp nails pierced the valve little by little.

The silent tears slipped down quietly, she had no choice but to hold back, not making a single sound.

Perhaps in his opinion, his tears are no different from that cunning fox, there is nothing but deceit and hypocrisy.

Mogami Kazuto on the other end of the phone slowly took a breath, and couldn't help but slow down his speaking tone, with an unprecedented softness, and said strangely:
"But, I've changed."

 Monthly pass, understand?
(End of this chapter)

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