Chapter 474 468. Do you want to PUA me?
"I became concerned about your affairs, and because of you, I was so troubled that I didn't want to work. Several times I mustered up the courage and wanted to talk to you, but you avoided me every time."

"I wanted to question you several times, and wanted to know the real you, but you never gave me a chance."

"Don't you think this approach is too unfair?"

"Hey, Saori."

"I have disclosed my full self to you."

"Let me, too, see the real you."



July 9, afternoon.

Kazuto Mogami sat in Aoichi's office, flipping through the brand-new script book he had just received, which recorded the lines of all the characters.

The character Kazuto Mogami wants to audition for is the protagonist who has just entered the first grade of high school. This is the animation where the animation team specially invited him to attend the audition, which shows that the sound supervisor has expectations for him.

If he performs well, this is likely to become his second leading role, and Kazuto Mogami does not want to let go of this opportunity.

After leaving the office, Kazuto Mogami took the train to Shibuya.

Sit down in a coffee shop, order a cup of coffee, sit by the window, and read a book leisurely.

After reading for 10 minutes, I only turned two pages.

After a long time, a young woman walked into the store, and immediately saw Kazuto Mogami sitting by the window, hesitated for a while, and walked towards him slowly.

Hearing footsteps, Kazuto Mogami looked up.

"You're here."


"Sit down first, what do you want to drink?"

Xiao Nishi Saori put the satchel aside, and sat opposite Mogami Kazuto, with a cautious expression, unable to see the calmness of the past.

"It will be all right."

Mogami Kazuto called the clerk, and after ordering a cup of coffee, there was a wordless silence between the two of them.

"the job is done?"

"Well, recording the broadcast at a nearby recording studio in the afternoon."

"The broadcast is really choking. I have recorded so many times, and I still can't get used to it."

"That's because you're not good at communicating with people."

"Indeed, if I could speak half as well as you, I would have been a master of broadcasting long ago."

The corners of Xiaoxi Shazhi's mouth slightly raised, and then he pursed his mouth again, so he remained silent.

This subtle expression change fell into Mogami Kazuto's eyes, and at the same time he lamented that this woman's acting skills were not as good as before, he felt inexplicable bitterness in his heart.

He just wanted to find an answer, and wanted to know the secret hidden in this woman.

If everything in the past was due to her acting skills, Mogami Kazuto hoped that she could act until the end.

Instead of showing his worrying expression like now.

"I'm sorry about what happened that night."

The conversation finally got to the point. Xiao Xi Saori's shoulders trembled slightly, and he secretly stirred the coffee with a spoon, making a clanging, somewhat disturbed sound.

"...Kazuto doesn't need to apologize, it's my fault first."

If it wasn't for her active seduction, they might be able to become ordinary friends after that night.

The relationship between each other will be diluted by time, like coffee with a lot of milk, and gradually lose the color of the past.

"I... haven't sorted out my mood yet, and I don't know how to face you. I have done many things to hurt you, so..."

"I am the same as you in this."


"I have also said and done hurtful things to you, what happened cannot be erased, even if we forget, the world will remember for us.

So far, I don't want to delve into the mistakes we made with each other.

Saori, I just, want an answer. "

Little Nishi Saori listened quietly, looking at those deep and melancholy black pupils, she was definitely attracted by him.

However, it was precisely because of this joyful mood that she couldn't speak.

She couldn't control the voice in her heart, if she stayed by his side, it would definitely bring him painful memories again.

Little Nishi Saori no longer wants to do anything to hurt him.

"I'm sorry, Kazuto, I still...can't explain to you."

Kazuto Mogami's eyelids drooped slightly, his pupils dimmed, and he showed a wry smile.

After all, she still refused to confess to herself.

Xiao Xi Saori pinched her fingers uncertainly, not wanting to see his gloomy expression.

"However, what I said to you that day was all true, not a single lie.

After hearing what you said about your past, I was sincerely relieved.

What I like is the one who made a vow with me at the wedding, got along with me day and night after marriage, and after my heart was moved, she ruthlessly filed for divorce...

that you. "

Kazuto Mogami is speechless, he has a complete memory, and he can probably understand why Saori Konishi rejected the former Kazuto Mogami.

Even so, he still couldn't understand what Xiaonishi Saori did, and couldn't understand her marriage proposal.

As long as this mystery is not solved, Kazuto Mogami will always feel uneasy when facing Saori Konishi.

Even if she really likes herself, Mogami Kazuto doesn't have the confidence to accept this love calmly.

He has already emptied all of himself, as long as little Nishi Saori can be here, give him a reasonable reason.

No matter how absurd and outrageous the reason was, he couldn't accept it immediately.

Kazuto Mogami thought that he would still be willing to go on with this person in his future life.

However, she didn't.

"Kazuto... I'm not a strong person, and I can't compare with Yusa and Caiyin.

They are all much better than me, and more suitable to be by your side than a woman like me. "

Mogami Kazuto frowned: "I didn't come here to hear these words."

"Please, Kazuto, give me some more time.

Now I don't have the courage to take that step.

But I promise you.

One day, I will let you see the complete little Nishi Saori.

When that day comes, can you tell me what you said today. "

Kazuto Mogami was silent.

"What you said, didn't you want to PUA me?

I don't have the confidence to wait until you speak, nor do I have the interest. "

"That means you and I should be childhood sweethearts, isn't it good?"

Kazuto Mogami looked straight into Saori Nishi's eyes, and shook his head helplessly: "I said, you are not expecting to meet a man who is better than me in the future, and you want to have a real relationship with him."

Xiao Nishi Saori was taken aback for a moment. She did say that, but it was just her pretending to be strong. She didn't expect Kazuto Mogami to mention it at this time, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Perhaps that would be all right."

Kazuto Mogami remained silent.

Konishi Saori stared at Mogami Kazuto's gradually indifferent face, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Unspeakable emotions filled the brain, crystal water droplets overflowed the corners of the eyes, and tears came out from laughter.

"what's so funny?"

Xiao Nishi Saori smiled and wiped the corners of her eyes: "No~"

"I was just thinking, that Kazuto, who was cold and withdrawn, would also show this expression. I know something interesting."

Staring at the man in front of him for a long time, Saori Konishi, who no longer put on the mask, smiled from the bottom of her heart.

"I won't do that kind of thing, because... I only like you."

Mogami Kazuto ignored her, looked away from the window, and took a sip of coffee.

There seems to be a little too much milk.

Not bad either.

 Thanks to the "BoTZh" boss for rewarding another leader.

  The boss is confused... the boss is arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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