After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 480 474. I don't want to be friends with you.

Chapter 480 474. I don't want to be friends with you. (Thousands already, ask for a monthly pass!)

Tsukishima, Mogami.

Ayane Sakura looked at the rice and various side dishes in front of her, and couldn't help but marvel.

"As expected of Mr. Dissatisfied, even the presentation of the plate is so beautiful, this lady is very happy, let's see and appreciate it."

Mogami Kazuto ignored her madness, picked up the teapot and put it in front of her.

Ayane Sakura stared at the teapot for a while, then looked at Kazuto Mogami speechlessly.

Mogami knew people well, and he didn't want to haggle with her, so he poured soup into her rice.

He learned his lesson this time and used a relatively large bowl, but the rice didn't hold much, so he was full of confidence in both appearance and taste.

The price of this bowl of chazuke is at least ten times higher, selling for 600 yen.

"I'm gonna start now."

Since Qingshui Yousha moved out of this house, Mogami and others seldom sat at the same table as today.

I thought that the days would just go back to the past. At that time, he was also living alone, and he didn't feel any problems.

But when Shimizu Yousha moved in and then moved out again, Kazuto Mogami felt a little lonely for no reason.

So after hearing Ayane Sakura sincerely praise him and showing a delicious smile on his face, Mogami Kazuno felt a little warmth.

He now prefers to have someone by his side than to be alone.

Whether it's a female voice actor or a male voice actor, it's just that I'm tired of being alone.

"Mr. Xiaoren, with your skills, it is more than enough to be a chef in my house."

Mogami Kazuto looked at her speechlessly, and said bluntly: "Do you want me to work as a cook at your house? I don't even have the heart to expose you."

Sakura Ayane blushed, and said stiffly: "I... what I said is to be a chef! You are the one who thinks too much. If you want to be the son-in-law of the Sakura family, you are still far away! Even if I like you, It doesn't mean that my parents will like you. Let me tell you first, my parents are very strict people, you have to be mentally prepared. "

Her vital capacity is still astonishing as ever, she deserves to be a seiyuu.

Oh, Kazuto Mogami seems to be a voice actor now.

Seeing that Kazuto Mogami didn't speak, Ayane Sakura thought it was her own words that put him under pressure, and regretted it now.

"Well... well... But with your current achievements, you are just so-so, so I will say something nice for you."

"Then what, I didn't say a word that I want to be your son-in-law."

Sakura Ayane snorted, almost thinking that she could get away with it.

Sure enough, it's not that simple, what a difficult man to deal with.



After dinner, Ayane Sakura did not stay at Mogami's house for a long time. Although Ayane Sakura had this idea, Kazuto Mogami was quite conflicted for some reason.

Go to the station with Sakura Ayane, listen to her talk about what happened on the set, and echo her a few words from time to time.

He never knew that Sakura Ayane was such a chatty girl, he used to only quarrel with her, and every time they met, they would always get into trouble because of some trivial matters.

But now everything has changed.

Sakura Ayane's mood changed.

Mogami Kazuto's mood also changed.

Sakura Ayane entangled him, full of love.

Kazuto Mogami, on the other hand, accepted the trouble she caused.

Looking back on his life in Tokyo for more than a year, he always seems to be deeply involved in female seiyuu.

From keeping a respectful distance at the beginning to now blending in, he has hurt many girls.

While harboring guilt, I couldn't help thinking about what those girls were doing at this moment.

"Mr. Scumbag."


"Am I cute today?"

"What kind of guessing game is this?"

"It's not a guessing game. I just want to know how Ayane Sakura performed today, and whether there is anything that can make you look at me with admiration."

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, and thought for a while.

Think again.

There was no sound for a long time.

"Hey! What are you talking about! You bastard!"

This wordless silence was more unacceptable to her than hurting others, and it was revealed all of a sudden.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help laughing.

Sakura Ayane looked at him dissatisfied: "What's so funny."

Kazuto Mogami looked up at the incomplete Mingyue: "Hmm... just thinking, Ayane Sakura is still the way she is now, I'm getting used to it.

That troublesome Miss Sakura suddenly started to pretend to be gentle and cute, and she always felt that something was weird. "

Sakura Ayane blushed suddenly, and said angrily, "Huh? Naniso? You can't really be shaking M, can you?"

"You are a bit like shaking M?"

"Did you hit your head, who do you think I am?"

"If it's not about shaking M, why do you still say something that will make me hate you?"

"That's because Jun Ren looks so hateful, I've never seen such a troublesome man like you."

"Coincidentally, I have never seen such a troublesome woman like you."

Sakura Ayane looked at him with her head held high, and after three seconds, both of them burst into laughter.

Obviously no one said anything funny, but at this moment, they both felt emotions from each other that would make them laugh out loud.

"Hey, Mogami, you seem to have changed a lot."

"Is it?"

"You used to be quite boring, you looked sick, you didn't have any energy at all, and when you talked to you, you always said "oh" and "um", it was extremely boring. "

"now what?"

Sakura Ayane looked at him for a while, and the corners of her mouth raised: "Hmph! Still boring!"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry.

Stepping on cheerful footsteps, Sakura Ayane put her hands behind her back, unable to hide the smile on her face.

"Oh Noza, Sakura."


"I think it might be a very happy thing if I become good friends with you."

The smile that was maintained on the girl's face gradually froze and quietly faded away.

She turned her head to look at Kazuto Mogami, with unspeakable emotions in her eyes: "I don't want to, I don't want to be friends with a troublesome guy like you."

Mogami Kazuto chuckled, "I think so too."

The girl stopped, Mogami Kazuto stopped with her, and turned to look at her.

Sakura Ayane was silent for a while, took a deep breath, her cheeks were flushed with some unknown emotion, she unceremoniously stretched out her finger, pointing at Kazuto Mogami.

"Troublesome man."

She pointed at herself again.

"Troublesome woman."

Mogami Kazuto laughed dumbfounded: "So you are self-aware."

Sakura Ayane hummed softly, curled her lips slightly, then lowered her head silently, her voice was soft.



Mogami Kazuto didn't hear clearly.

She raised her head abruptly, and the moon was reflected in the depths of her pupils, setting off her resolute and arrogant eyes.

"Negatives are positive, do you understand!?"

Tokyo in September, the moonlight is sultry, the girl in white is both stubborn and weak.


That's not an illusion.

Ayane Sakura is really cute.

 League leader plus more 3
  10000 words to complete.

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(End of this chapter)

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