After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 481 475. In this passing September, he kept dubbing.

Chapter 481 475. In this passing September, he kept dubbing. (seeking a monthly ticket)
"Hey... Scumbag, kiss me."

"Don't do that, Sakura."

" me Caiyin."

"... Cai, Cai Yin."

" are such an obedient child, this is for good children...reward~reward~oh~"

Mogami Kazuto wanted to refuse and greet her soft lips, and finally, as if resigned to her fate, she enjoyed Sakura Ayane's kiss.

Soft, scorching, cracking teeth.



Knock your teeth?

"Drip, drop, drop~"

The ear-piercing bell rang non-stop, Mogami opened his eyes in a daze, blinked sleepily a few times, and looked down.

The phone was ringing non-stop, with a little moisture remaining on it, and a silk thread connected his mouth.

After gradually waking up, the memories of last night flooded in, and I sent Sakura Ayane to the station, and then went home directly.

After taking a shower, I read a novel on my mobile phone in bed, and then seemed to fall asleep.

Even the lights in the bedroom were off.

Slowly got up, took a few tissues, wiped the drool off the phone, sat on the bed with someone, recalled the dream, and covered his face in shame.

"What are you doing, why did you dream about that guy?"

Throwing off the quilt, he looked helplessly at his lower body, sighed, and had to let it go.



"Moshi Moshi, Totsuka-kun."


"Can I come to the company later, I have something to tell you."

"I see. I'll be going out in a while. What's the matter?"

"Mr. Miyano is going to hold a concert next month. The company has arranged for you to appear. The main purpose is to let you understand the process inside and the songs you will appear on as a guest."

Mogami Kazuto then remembered this incident.

"Okay, I'm going out now."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

After breakfast, after tidying up, Mogami and Kazuto went out.

After arriving at the company, Kazuto Mogami went to the meeting room immediately, where Dai Qiuhui was waiting for him.

Miyano Mamoru's concert is scheduled for October 10th, and there is still a full month left. Kazuto Mogami, as a special guest, was asked to sing with Miyano Mamoru on stage.

The repertoire to be sung is naturally Mamoru Miyano's solo single, which is not difficult, and Mogami Kazuto can learn it after listening to it once.

Although Kazuto Mogami was only a supporting role in this concert, this was the first time he appeared in front of the audience in real life, and Dai Qiuhui told him a lot of precautions.

In addition, the time for Kazuto Mogami's solo concert has also been set, tentatively scheduled for the first half of next year, and the planning department is working out a plan, which will be seen in a few days.

When Mogami Kazuto learned about this from Dai Qiuhui, he was not too surprised. He signed with King Records for one year, and now he has accumulated quite a lot of popularity.

Whether it is in the world of singers or voice actors, it can be regarded as the most prominent dark horse this year. It is undoubtedly the best time to announce the news of holding a concert in this period.

As for this guest appearance in Miyano Mamoru's concert, the company executives also wanted him to practice, but the main reason was the recommendation of Miyano Mamoru.

When Kazuto Mogami first entered the industry, he participated in Miyano Mamoru's radio program, and the magazine photos he took together brought him a lot of popularity.

Although there are occasional rumors about bundling sales and eating senior bonuses, Miyano Mamoru himself doesn't care, and admires Mogami Kazuto very much, and has praised Mogami Kazuto more than once in public.

Kazuto Mogami himself often thanked Miyano Mamoru for taking care of him in interviews and radio programs.

Therefore, the fans on both sides get along well, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

After talking with Dai Qiuhui about the concert, Kazuto Mogami began to prepare for today's work.

There is no work in the morning, and he has to record songs in the afternoon. For his personal concert in the first half of next year, the music team is creating five new singles for him.

Two of them have been completed and are waiting to be recorded.

Then came the voice acting work. There were two dubbing studios to catch up with. Fortunately, the two recording studios were not far apart, which saved a lot of effort.

Due to the increased workload of singers and voice actors, Mogami Kazuto has little time to write novels during this time, and Natsuki Yuta, the responsible editor, is miserable.

At noon, I settled for lunch at a family restaurant near the company. After returning to the company, I took a break and started recording songs.

Busy until almost three o'clock in the afternoon, Mogami Kazuyo hurried out, took a taxi, and rushed to the dubbing scene of the sound audition.

In these two sets, Kazuto Mogami's role is not the main character, not even an important supporting role, and one of them is at most a named passerby.

The other one is simply "Youth A", with only one line.

Mogami Kazuto was not dissatisfied, there is no seiyuu who can only play the protagonist.

These humble roles will become the cornerstone of his seiyuu career, so he has always had the mentality of going all out.

After arriving on the set, as a newcomer, Kazuto Mogami greeted everyone one by one according to the rules.

Although this step is troublesome, it is indeed the industry's rules and cannot be ignored.

Entering the recording studio, Mogami found a corner and sat down with someone. Part A did not have his lines, so he just listened to the seniors exchanging their acting skills.

After waiting for part B, it was finally his turn. He stood up quietly, walked to the microphone, covered his ears with one hand, and switched to acting mode in an instant.

High-pitched and excited shouts resounded throughout the recording studio.

"Ya! Yada! As expected of DIO! Can easily do things we can't do! It's really exciting! Adorable!"


This is the end of Kazuto Mogami's role, and the salary for one episode is easy to get.

Afterwards, he took the script and sat back in the corner, and waited until the whole episode was recorded, then said goodbye and left.

Walking 300 meters, I came to the dubbing scene in another building, and repeated greetings to the main voice actor and staff.

However, the set of this series is obviously very different from the previous dubbing scene. Except for the voice actor of the male lead, almost all of them are women.

It happens that several of them are acquaintances.

Needless to say, Ogura Yui and Hidaka Rina are a pair of loli voice actors, Miss Iguchi who has met several times on the set of "Traveling", and Taneda Risa.

Most of the other voice actors, even if Kazuto Mogami has never been in contact with them, are voice actors he can name.

Since Kazuto Mogami became a seiyuu, he has acquired a lot of knowledge about seiyuu, at least he has to recognize the faces of well-known seiyuu in order not to make a fool of himself.

The one over there is Ms. Hanazawa, the one over there is Ms. Ito, and the one over there... well, it seems to be Ms. Hikasa.

Mogami Kazuto silently recited their names in his heart.

For Kazuto Mogami, who cannot get close to women, this dubbing set is hell, and he already wants to go home.

Of course, I can only think about it.

Reluctantly, Mogami Kazuto responded, and ran over to introduce himself as a newcomer.

"Hi, I'm Totsuka Kazu from Aoichi Office, please take care of me."

"Hi, I'm Totsuka Kazu from Aoichi Office, please take care of me."

"Hello, I am……"



After saying hello, there was still some time before the recording started, Mogami and Ren huddled in a corner, exuding an aura that strangers should not get close to.

At times like this, there would be discordant footsteps, and Kazuto Mogami was already used to it.

Before the person could make a sound, Mogami Kazuto slowly raised his head.

Taneda Risa smiled, and sat down beside Mogami Kazuto unceremoniously.

"Totsuka-kun, have you forgotten our agreement?"

 League leader plus more 4
  Monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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