After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 482 476. Mogami Kazuto surrounded by female voice actors.

Chapter 482 476. Mogami Kazuto surrounded by female voice actors. ([-] words, ask for a monthly ticket)


"It's too much, what you said to me that day was just playing with me... just kidding."

Mogami Kazuto's face stiffened visibly, Taneda Risa chuckled and stopped teasing him.

"Totsuka-kun, good afternoon."


Kazuto Mogami nodded blankly.

"When I first saw Totsuka-kun walk into the set, I thought I could hear you "full power", what a pity. "

It turns out that the "promise" is talking about this matter!

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what expression to make.

On the other side, female voice actors looked towards them from time to time.

Kazuto Mogami and Risa Taneda played supporting roles, and no one should have paid attention to them, which made Kazuto Mogami a little uncomfortable being stared at.

The five female seiyuu of the protagonist group, except Ms. Hanazawa who is the first heroine, and Ms. Hikasa, the other three have had intersections with him.

Ogura Yui and Miss Iguchi secretly looked at him and Taneda Risa, but it was Hidaka Lina whose name appeared on the panel.

Apart from waving at him graciously at first, she never looked at him again.

Ogura Yuyi seems to be strangely wary of him so far, but if he can use this to keep her from approaching him, Mogami Kazuto will be happy to relax.

As for the other female seiyuu with intelligent features, Kazuto Mogami could probably tell that she was his fan, most likely as a fan.

And on this set, besides Kazuto Mogami, there is another male voice actor who acts as the voice of the protagonist.

With a handsome appearance and a hearty laugh, he looks like the type who is very good at socializing with women, and Kazuto Mogami who only squats in the corner and reads desk books, is at two extremes.

Not long after, the audio supervisor came over and gave instructions, and the voice actors entered the recording studio together.

When dubbing TV animation, an episode of more than 20 minutes of animation is usually divided into part A and part B for recording.

Before the official recording, the voice actors will play against each other. This part is mainly to show the voice and emotions during dubbing.

After listening to the sound supervisor, he will give subtle instructions such as "restrain your emotions", "slow down the time of inhalation pause", etc.

After a series of instructions and corrections, it will be officially included.

Moreover, once the official recording starts, it must not be stopped. This is a big taboo in the dubbing scene.

Even if someone mispronounced the lines or couldn't express their emotions well.

It is impossible for the other voice actors on the set to delay the process because of someone's personal mistakes.

Only when that part of the recording is complete will it be recorded separately.

That's the job of a voice actor.

Kazuto Mogami is not the main character, so he naturally sits in the corner, deliberately avoiding the female voice actors.

At this time, he was just like a bystander, observing the demeanor of the seniors when dubbing.

For newcomers, this kind of dubbing scene is an excellent learning opportunity, but for Mogami Kazuto, it seems somewhat tasteless.

In terms of the skill of controlling the voice alone, he should be the most outstanding one among these people.

But things like pride and conceit have never been related to Mogami Kazuren. He always put himself in a humble position, and at this moment he just listened quietly, waiting for himself to play.



"The collection of "Luoqiu Club" is over today, thank you for your efforts, and please give me more advice next week."

Next week, Mogami Kazuto will not have a role as a passer-by. It might be better to say that his role in this drama ends here, but he still nodded and bowed.

After the recording was over, it was almost dinner time, and Ms. Ito asked if anyone would go out for a drink together.

Kazuto Mogami heard that this lady would beat up the male seiyuu (physical meaning) when she was drunk.

And most of them won't remember at all after waking up, shrinking their necks and not daring to answer.

"It's Totsuka-kun... Dayonai? Do you want to go drink together?"


Ms. Ito looked at Kazuto Mogami, that look was different from other female voice actors, it was not a look at a man.

If you have to say it, it's more like examining your prey.

It was full of coercion that wanted to add fists and feet to him after he was drunk.

Facing the invitation from the seniors in the industry, Mogami Kazuto had no room to refuse, but he didn't dare to agree, and stood there at a loss.

"this and that……"

"Ito-san, can I go too?"

A beautiful ethereal female voice came from the side, and rescued Mogami Kazuto.

Ms. Ito was taken aback for a moment, and then she was overjoyed: "Of course! You are very welcome! But is Taneda-san's body okay?"

Taneda Lisha smiled and nodded: "Well, the doctor said that drinking in moderation will not affect you."


Kazuto Mogami glanced at her, and Risa Taneda quietly blinked at Kazuto Mogami.

Ms. Ito looked at Kazuto Mogami: "Will Totsuka-kun go with you?"

Helpless, Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to hum: "...Please, please give me more advice."



In the izakaya, Mogami Kazuto was surrounded by many female voice actors. Mr. Kaji, who is the voice of the protagonist, was scared and ran away when he heard Ms. Ito calling for someone to drink.

Before leaving, he gave Mogami Kazuto a sympathetic look.

And at this moment, surrounded by Kazuto Mogami are Ms. Ito, who is known as a wine tycoon, Ms. Taneda, Ms. Hikasa, Ms. Uchiyama, and Zhizhi.

Except for Kazuto Mogami, they are all female voice actors, and most of them haven't spoken a few words.

As for that Miss Uchiyama, Kazuto Mogami once saw it in the UC video of praying for a hammer with clear water and sand.

The whole person almost moved the chair to the aisle, and was disturbed by the izakaya clerk and said that he was in the way, and the female voice actors laughed out loud.

Fortunately, the person sitting next to him was Zhongtian Lisha, who was more familiar than the others.

Kazuto Mogami knew how much he was drinking, and he didn't dare to drink too much. If he got drunk, what might happen to him.

However, Ms. Ito did not intend to let go of the only male voice actor at the wine table, and Mogami Kazuren couldn't compete with this master.

In less than three rounds, Mogami Kazuto was already dizzy.

"Hey, hey, Totsuka-kun, is this not enough anymore? It's too low!"

Ms. Ito laughed loudly while holding the wine bottle.

After hesitating for a while, Lisha Zhongtian patted him on the back, raised her head and shouted to the clerk, "Sorry, please give me a glass of water."

When the clerk brought the ice water, Kazuto Mogami took a sip in a daze, and then lay on the table without moving.

A certain intellectual voice actor who hadn't spoken all this time, tiptoedly took out his phone and took a picture of the back of Kazuto Mogami's head.

With a click, it attracted the attention of the female voice actor around her.

She didn't feel embarrassed at all, put away her phone pretending nothing happened, and said in a trembling voice, "It's okay, I won't take pictures of my face!"

 League leader plus more 5
  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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