After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 486 480. Do you need me to come in and help?

Chapter 486 480. Do you need me to come in and help?
"Hey, Lord Scrap..."

"what happened again?"

"I...I think..."


"I want to go to the toilet, can you come out sooner."


Most of the people lived in Bengbu.

He is in a very awkward state now, there is still a big god squatting outside the door, and he has to echo her from time to time, which makes Mogami Kazuto unable to concentrate at all.

" patient first."

"So hurry up!"

Mogami Kazuto was about to cry now, he was too embarrassed to speak, for fear that Miss Sakura would break into the door the next moment.

" about using a plastic bottle..."

"Kill you!"

Through the door, Mogami Kazuto could also feel the overwhelming killing intent.

If I had known that I should have gone straight back to the bedroom just now, ***************.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Don't rush."

"You bastard! Are you deliberately waiting to see me make a fool of yourself!"

This is really unfair.

Mogami Kazuto didn't have the slightest idea of ​​such a thing.


If he goes out in this state, Kazuto Mogami can't guarantee that he will do something out of the ordinary to Ayane Sakura.

After going back and forth, there is no sign of shipment at all.

Slowly, the door became quiet, and Ms. Sakura suddenly stopped being noisy.

After a long time, her shy voice came.

"Damn Mr....************
*************? "

To die, completely seen through.

Kazuto Mogami was so frightened that he stopped the movements of his hands and didn't dare to vent his anger.

"You... have you lost your head, what are you talking about like tigers and wolves?"

Mogami Kazuto's tone wavered, and Sakura Ayane became more and more determined in her mind. At this moment, her little face was already flushed, as if gently kneading it, round drops of blood could drip out.

"Because... because your behavior is very strange."


"**********************, how can I not know anything."

Kazuto Mogami was too embarrassed to speak.

"I won't make fun of you, well... although it's really funny."


"Isn't it? I clearly said that I was mentally prepared, but you ran into the toilet alone. Are you a man?

Or... are you afraid of being responsible to me? "

The girl's tone revealed a strong sense of loss.


"It's miserable, me."


The girl squatting on the floor slowly raised her head, looking at the strange ceiling, her tone was full of sorrow.

"Obviously I have mustered up the courage to do this, if the former Sakura Ayane saw you resisting like this, she would have left long ago.

Thought I could talk to you like this?

What a bad guy who doesn't know what to do. "

"Mr. Xiaoren, in your opinion, do I have no charm, do you... still hate me?"

That proud, narcissistic, troublesome girl who is more confident than anyone else, her words are particularly low at this time, lingering with a faint sense of frustration.

It made Kazuto Mogami very worried when he heard it.

"No, you are very beautiful and cute, maybe your personality is really troublesome, but, look... I am also a troublesome person.

I just don't want to use this method, how should I put it, it's a bit despicable. "


"So far, I thought I didn't really like girls, Saori, Yusa...they are all very good girls.

I have thought about it countless times, what is on my body that makes you pay for me like this. "

The atmosphere suddenly became silent. Whenever this happens, Sakura Ayane will always be the one who speaks first.

"What an idiot. Girls don't need a reason to fall in love with someone."

"Don't need...?"

"Well, a small thing, a look, a movement, such things that have been accumulated in daily life, there is no way to accurately describe them with such gorgeous words as "reasons for liking".

I just feel, "Ah... that's this person", and my chest is filled with this kind of thought. "

"Then... Sakura, why do you like me?"

"Hmph! How can I say that kind of thing, think about it yourself! Idiot Mogami!"

Indeed, Ms. Sakura was not the kind of girl who would frankly say such things.

Just being able to say the word "like" is already a huge growth for her.

Compared to the unruly and willful Sakura Ayane back then, she is really much cuter now.

Even someone as awkward as Kazuto Mogami can't help being attracted to her.

"What about you, Mr. Xiaoren, do you like me?"

Kazuto Mogami has already decided in his heart that he will not lie to any girls from now on, if this is the truth they want to hear.

Well, tell the girls about it.

"Probably... I have a good impression."

"What, this answer is not a response at all, it is really scum from the inside out, you scumbag."

Even so, she still raised the corners of her mouth proudly.

At least, everything she did was not in vain.


He couldn't refute.

Kazuto Mogami thought to himself, maybe it was strange that he also felt that the girls around him each had their own cuteness.

Should it be a male instinct?Or is it just him.

He couldn't judge.

So I can only speak the most sincere words in my heart like this.

"Forget it, I'm better than you, if you don't come out again, be careful that I'm really in your living room..."

The following words were too embarrassing, and she really couldn't continue.

"What can I do? Whose fault do you think it is?"

"Huh? You are like a bull with fine hair, do you want to rely on me?"

"If you hadn't given me that pill..."

"Pills? What pills?"

Kazuto Mogami fell silent.

Ayane Sakura turned her head, thinking carefully about the details she had missed.

"Huh? Could it be that the hangover medicine just now was actually..."

Kazuto Mogami's silence confirmed her guess.

Sakura Ayane squatted out of breath, her pretty face was covered with an unknown blush.

"Bastard! Pervert! Scumbag! How can there be such a guy as you, who actually put that kind of... Goo!

Bridge Bean Sacks!

You shouldn't be talking to Kinosuke...! "

Ayane Sakura immediately filled her brain with a tens of thousands of words of short plot, thinking of that guy doing all kinds of embarrassing things with her friends, a moist mist immediately appeared in her eyes.

Mogami Kazuto was anxious: "No, no, no! Absolutely not!"

"Who will believe your nonsense! You sunny wild dog!"

Hearing the yelling and cursing of the girl outside the door, Mogami Kazuto hastily explained: "Yousha and I have never done that kind of thing before!"

"Then how do you explain that there is such a thing in your house!"


"Look! You just made a big deal with her! Bastard Mogami! Go to hell! Let your penis rot!"

"That medicine was given to me by Saori's father, and I have never used it once."

Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to tell the truth.

Ayane Sakura outside the door was silent for a while.

"Do you think I will trust you like this?"

"……Feel sorry."

"Huh? I don't know the meaning, why did you suddenly apologize?"

"I just don't know what kind of rhetoric to use to make you believe me."

Sakura Ayane actually believed Mogami Kazuto's words, she just didn't find a good step for herself to get down, and when she heard Mogami Kazuto's tone of showing weakness, she didn't feel angry with him anymore.

"Understood, let's just trust you once, you should come out soon, to be honest, I really can't hold back anymore."

"How can it be so fast, I'm fine, you should go home early."

"Wait for you to come out, I'll leave after going to the toilet."

Mogami Kazuto stopped talking, took a deep breath, and refocused.

After a long time, Sakura Ayane's voice came from outside the door again, with a trembling and fiery panting.

"Hey, Lord Scrap."


"Need, can I come in and help?"


 This chapter has been deleted, and the leader of this chapter has added 7 more chapters, leaving 8 chapters.

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(End of this chapter)

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