After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 487 481. You also feel the pain because of me.

Chapter 487 481. You also feel the pain because of me.

What Sakura Ayon said made Kazuto Mogami tremble all over. He almost thought he heard it wrong, and he just froze in place.

It's been a long time.

Sakura Ayane's panicked voice came from outside the door again: "Sure enough, forget it! Act like I never said it!"

Immediately, the sound of tapping footsteps gradually faded away, presumably he had left.

Mogami Kazuto was silent, he confirmed his heart once again, he could no longer feel the slightest dislike for this girl, Ayane Sakura.

Qing Shui left in a hurry, Xiao Xi weaved aloof, and now the only one who stays by his side is this girl whom he once considered a troublesome girl.

Kazuto Mogami's heart is not made of stone, recalling the little things he spent with her over the past year.

She is troublesome, willful, and unruly.

These are part of Ayane Sakura.

Walking with her on the beach, walking on the streets of Tokyo with her sprained feet on her back, and being confessed and kissed by her in the bustling night of Shinjuku.

This is her too.

I don't know when, Mogami Kazuto has been completely used to Sakura Ayane's presence and her troubles.

Maybe as she said, the top M is the M that shakes M.

Her mind is full of her sometimes savage and willful, sometimes cute and bold.

So, Kazuto Mogami shipped out.



Opening the bathroom door and returning to the living room, Kazuto Mogami saw Ayane Sakura sitting on the sofa at a glance.

She was shaking her legs constantly, when she heard the noise, she immediately looked towards Kazuto Mogami.

Before Kazuto Mogami knew how to talk to her, Ms. Sakura hurried past him and got into the bathroom.

It seems that it has been held back for a long time.

A few minutes later, Sakura Ayane reappeared in the living room, looking at him with a complicated face.

"It's full of your smell."

The two looked at each other, each blushing redder than the other.

Kazuto Mogami was extremely embarrassed, thinking of Ayane Sakura taking off her pants to go to the toilet at the place where he just shipped the goods, Kazuto Mogami felt a burst of heat in his lower abdomen.

Heart wails endlessly.

My ex-father-in-law, the medicine you gave was a bit harsh.

Seeing that Mogami Kazuto's face was still red, Sakura Ayane subconsciously looked at him and turned her head in embarrassment.

"Pervert! Pervert crumb."

Faced with her insults, Mogami Kazuto could not refute at all, so he had to bow his head in embarrassment.

Sakura Ayane hesitated for a while, but still walked towards him and sat opposite Mogami Kazuto.

Mogami Kazuto scratched the tip of his nose, took a sip of the cold water, and said softly, "It's getting late, you should go home."

Ayane Sakura glanced at her watch and nodded.

"Come with me to the station."

Her tone was firm, with an undeniable courage.

Mogami Kazuto sighed softly, already used to being ordered by her.

Besides, today she could have been lying at home leisurely, but she still came to the izakaya specially to take him home.

With this kind of intention alone, Mogami Kazuto couldn't refuse her.

Besides, Mogami Kazuto himself had no intention of rejecting her.



On the way to the station, the two of them were speechless and just walked side by side.

Mogami Kazuto was much more sober, and most of the alcohol had receded. Although there was still some potency left, it would not make him extremely uncomfortable.

Both of them tacitly did not mention what happened just now.Walk all the way to the station entrance.

"Go back early."

"Well, I know."

"Thank you for taking me home today."

"It's good to know, thank me well, but not everyone can come to serve like me!"

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback for a moment, noticing that she had used the wrong word, Sakura Ayane, and hurriedly corrected: "I mean, I'm sending you home to take care of your affairs! Why are you thinking about something messy!"

"I obviously haven't said anything yet."

"Don't even think about it!"

"You're being unreasonable."

"Is this the first day you met me?"

Indeed, Ayane Sakura is such a girl, what are she still talking about now.

"Yes, yes, my thoughts are too dirty. I'm guilty. You should go home earlier. If it's later, your mother should be worried."

Sakura Ayane wrinkled her little nose: "Don't drink with them next time."

"Today is, there is no way to refuse Senior Ito."

"Well... I guess so, that person is famous for drinking, if you don't want to get 7000 yen after being beaten, I advise you to stay away from her.

Although she is really nice at ordinary times, she is different after drinking. "

Mogami Kazuto smiled softly, he could see that Sakura Ayane really cared about him.

"I see, thank you for your advice."

"Hmph! I just don't want you to make a fool of yourself in front of them and embarrass our firm. You see, we... are still in the same period."

The way she looked shy was as cute as ever.

"Thank you, Sakura, be careful on the road."

"If you want to tell me, it's really mother-in-law, I'm leaving."

Sakura Ayane deliberately showed a look of impatience, but the blush on her face still betrayed her mood at the moment.

Mogami Kazuto smiled helplessly, said "um", turned around and was about to leave.

"Mr. Scumbag."


A girl's voice came from behind, and Mogami Kazuto turned around suspiciously.

At this moment, Sakura Ayane took a step closer to him, looking up at the man in front of her, her beautiful eyes were full of him.

The eyebrows are like green hills, and the eyes are like autumn waves.

That's about it.

Gently tiptoeing, wrapping her arms around his neck, she caught off guard and kissed him.

Kissing the man's lips jerky, she is not good at doing such a thing, this is only the third kiss of Sakura Ayane.

Every time it was the man in front of him.

Mogami Kazuto raised his hand, stiff in mid-air, and then slowly hugged her waist, responding to the girl's kiss.

After a long while, Sakura Ayane parted the lips that were connected with him, her bright eyes sparkled with charming autumn waves.

"Don't think too much, this is your punishment.

It's still hard for you, I did it on purpose, just to make you think of me tonight, so you can't fall asleep no matter what.

I have been in pain for a long time because of you, you should also taste the pain because of me.

Suffering, suffering, becoming full of things that can only think about me. "

Kazuto Mogami stared at her blankly, unable to speak for a long time.

The moonlight was seductive, covering her face with quiet silver makeup, and the girl in front of her was full of indescribable charm and charm.

Gently pushing the man away, the evening wind blew her long hair loose, the girl folded her hands behind her back, and took a few steps back nimbly.

The autumn wind at the end of September is filled with the smell of cherry blossoms in April.

She leaned forward and waved to him, her eyes full of sweet love.

"Good night, perverted scumbag~"

 Twisted Stomach Pain Baixue X
  Sweet Love Comedy O
  What did I say, the Chinese don’t lie to the Chinese xs
(End of this chapter)

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