After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 493 487. Field chapter shooting at Totsuka Cafeteria.

Chapter 493 487. Totsuka cafeteria field shooting. (Four more ask for a monthly ticket)
In mid-October, the wind is sunny, the blue sky is charming, and the lake is beautiful.

After Kazuto Mogami got off the commercial vehicle, he stretched his waist, looking at the female voice actor who kept getting down from the other car, feeling worried.

Today is the day to shoot the special video of Totsuka Cafeteria, and the staff behind them are setting up the equipment.

I am in an open space, with blue sky above my head, woods and lakes on the side, and the door of the wooden house in the distance is closed and abandoned for a long time.

I don't know who lived here, let alone how the production team found this place.

Three female voice actors with different personalities, gentle and stable, rebellious, and lively, ran to the woods to fight.

It was still in the morning, and the official shooting was not expected to start until 12 o'clock. Kazuto Mogami didn't waste this time, sitting under the shade of a tree, writing a novel on his laptop.

It can be regarded as a sneak in.

The autumn wind blowing across his face carried the smell of farewell in midsummer, the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the sound of girls playing in the distance from time to time, Mogami Kazuto felt a little bit of comfort.

Surrounded by such an environment, work can seem a bit unpleasant.

To put it bluntly, he felt a little boring.

Then he can only do some non-boring things, such as sleeping.

Leaning on the tree trunk, enjoying the baptism of the autumn wind, Kazuto Mogami closed his eyes, unconsciously falling asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt some itching in his nostrils. He frowned, and the suppressed laughter of the girls sounded next to his ears. When he opened his eyes, there was no one in front of him.

She licked her slightly parched lips, looked around, saw a beautiful figure hiding under a tree that was not considered thick, and the girl was holding a withered yellow grass root in her hand.

When she noticed that Kazuto Mogami was looking at her, she hurriedly threw the grass root in her hand to the ground.

Mogami Kazuto was speechless, isn't she only three and a half years old?

He rubbed the tip of his nose, turned a blind eye, and closed his eyes again.

With her long, smooth hair rippling in the wind, Miss Sakura no longer hid, and strode towards him with her hands on her hips.

"Hey, why are you sleeping?"

Kazuto Mogami opened one eye and looked at her.

The October wind gently brushed her pure white skirt, the girl frowned slightly, her belt was tied up, the mountains were magnificent, her white and delicate jade feet, ten toes curled up neatly on the sandals.

Just like a pure white piano keyboard, you can't help but want to reach out and play it affectionately.

"Didn't sleep well last night, make up for it."

"Didn't sleep well? What did you do?"

Seeing her black eyebrows curled up, she felt a little bit of asking for guilt, Mogami Kazuto felt a little headache, he hated Sakura Ayane's expression the most.

It's cute, but also annoying.

But in general, cute is better than annoying.

"Recording, otherwise what else can I do?"

Kazuto Mogami answered frankly, and Ms. Sakura stared at him for a while, then finally snorted and put on a shallow smile again.

Sure enough, Ms. Sakura is the cutest when she smiles.

He thought so.

"It's you, why don't you play with them, what do you want me for?"

"Go to the depths of the woods for Zhongjiang and Licaijiang. My skin is prone to allergies, so I can't go there."

Unexpectedly, it was such a reason, Mogami Kazuto smiled and said, "It's Miss Qianjin after all."

"Are you mocking me?"

"How come, praise you."

Sakura Ayane looked at him suspiciously, and after a long time, she showed that I don't care about you.

Just as he was about to sit down beside him, Mogami Kazuto suddenly said: "There are still many staff members here, I'm afraid it's not good to sit next to me, it will affect you."

"I don't care."

Sakura Ayane's answer was within his expectations.

Mogami Kazuto sighed slowly, looked into her bright eyes, and said softly, "I know what you're thinking, it's just that this way, I'm somewhat troubled."

If it was Kazuto Mogami in the past, after saying this sentence, he would probably stand up and leave directly, leaving Sakura Ayane glaring at him in place.

And now.

"I don't hate getting along with you, and I admit that you are very cute. Although a voice actor is not a great profession, he is also a public figure, and there are so many staff here.

If it's just you and me, I might move aside to make room for you, and I won't say a word as you do whatever you want.

Just now, no. "

Sakura Ayane stood on the spot, staring at him for a long time, pretty and smudged with brilliant crimson, just about to say something, she immediately found herself again.

Taking a step back, crossing his arms over his chest, he snorted softly and proudly: "I know how to say it nicely, but I don't know where I learned it from, and which girls I told it to."

"So far, similar words seem to have only been said to you."


"You know, I don't have a very good memory."

"You said "currently", does that mean you will say such things to other girls in the future? "

"Uh... If I find a girlfriend, I might tell her."

Sakura Ayane blushed even more.

"Slick tongue, who will believe your nonsense, I went to find Jiang Jiang and them, you can sleep here with your big head!"

Sakura Ayane just walked a few steps, then turned back, threw a bottle of mineral water to Mogami Kazuto, made a face at him, and ran away with her skirt.

Kazuto Mogami looked at the mineral water bottle in his hand and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Ya Lie Ya Lie, troublesome girl.

Being disturbed by Ayane Sakura, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to take out the novel and read it quietly.



"Totsuka-kun, what are you doing?"

The footsteps approached and disappeared two meters away from him.

Kazuto Mogami looked up and saw Hidaka Rina bending over, blinking, staring curiously at the novel in his hand.

The long dress she was wearing was exactly the same as the one that people remembered Sakura Ayane.

The temperament of the two is very different, the only thing in common is that beautiful skirts are always pleasing to the eye when worn on beautiful girls.

Kazuto Mogami lifted the book so she could see the cover.

"Hmm... is it interesting?"

"It can't be said to be interesting, it's just to pass the time."

"That's it."

Hidaka Licai nodded with half understanding.

If the word "interesting" is used to describe Haruki Murakami's works, Kazuto Mogami always finds something weird.

"Aren't you with Taneda-san and Sakura-san?"

"I'm a little tired from playing, and I want to find a place to rest. I saw Totsuka-kun sitting here, so I wanted to say hello to you."

What a polite kid.

Moreover, a social distance of two meters was maintained, and Mogami Kazuto lamented in her heart that her social skills are really amazing.

"We're here to work."

"Hmm! I know, I will help Totsuka-kun handle the ingredients during the filming!"

In the distance, the staff member was calling Hidaka Licai's name, she answered and left slowly.

 League leader plus more 10
  Have you ever felt that the latest update frequency has changed?

(End of this chapter)

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