After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 494 488. Humans are used to chasing after things that will disappear.

Chapter 494 488. Humans are used to chasing after things that will disappear.



Kazuto Mogami put down the book in his hand, looked up and smiled.

"What's the matter? Miss Taneda."

"It's nothing. I just saw you sitting here motionless, so I came over to take a look. By the way, thank you for allowing me to participate in the recording of this program."

"It's the production team's decision, and it has nothing to do with my will. The response to the special episode last time was very good. I think the audience loves Miss Taneda very much."

Taneda Risa smiled: "Totsuka-kun has become more and more talkative."

Kazuto Mogami shrugged, maybe so.

"Even so, I still want to thank you, I haven't been able to get dubbing work recently, so I can only do radio programs and the like.

Although I am not troubled by money, it is indeed quite difficult. "

The girl smiled optimistically, but Kazuto Mogami saw a little loneliness in her eyes.

It is said that her family is quite well-to-do, and she only became a voice actor out of hobby. Not being able to get a dubbing job is a big blow to her.

Humans are used to chasing after things that will disappear. For Naneda Risa, her voice, her career, is in a state of transparency, which is about to die.

Kazuto Mogami is not good at comforting people, unable to speak beautiful words, so he had to convey his true thoughts to her.

"Miss Taneda's dubbing ability is unquestionable, even if there is no suitable dubbing job right now, the hard work is real.

Even in this industry, hard work cannot be exchanged for rewards, but as a soldier, working hard to hone our acting skills is our most important job.

Moreover, with the strength of Miss Tanada, I believe that I will receive a job soon.

Well... although I can't promise you. "

Zhongtian Lisha was a little dazed when she heard it, and finally burst out laughing.

"Totsuka-kun, if you want to comfort me, the last sentence is a bit redundant."

Mogami Kazuto smiled awkwardly, he had already said that he was not good at comforting.

"However, after listening to your encouragement, I cheered up a little bit, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Tengtian Lisa didn't want to disturb Kazuto Mogami's reading, and just turned to leave when her heels stepped into a piece of soft soil, and she lost her balance.

Accompanied by a rapid exclamation, he actually fell beside Mogami Kazuto.

When the incident happened suddenly, Mogami Kazuto didn't even resist her approach, and subconsciously reached out to catch Naeda Risa.

The weeds were flying around, and Naneda Lisha, who thought she was about to fall, slowly opened her eyes, and saw that Kazuto Mogami was hugging her, and suddenly became flustered.

Mogami Kazuto subconsciously brushed the weeds off her head with his hand, and immediately noticed that his behavior was too intimate, but judging from Naneda Risa's reaction, she didn't seem to reject it.

Or maybe it's just not caring.

"Are you all right, Miss Tanada?"

", it's okay, thank you, ah!!"

Feeling her buttocks sticking to the man's hand, Taneda Risa screamed, hurriedly left Mogami Kazuto's embrace, stood up and took a few steps back in embarrassment.

Not daring to look into Kazuto Mogami's eyes, he hurriedly bowed and ran to the camp where the staff were.

Mogami Kazuto breathed a sigh of relief, suppressing the discomfort of being in contact with women, when there was a sound of footsteps gradually going away beside him.

He looked around, but saw nothing.



It was nearly twelve o'clock at noon, and the grills and ingredients for BBQ had already been placed on the open space, and several cameras were set up around it.

"Totsuka-san, please check the ingredients."

"it is good."

There are many ingredients and steel skewers on the stainless steel table, all of which have been cleaned. After the official shooting, Kazuto Mogami only needs to cut them into suitable sizes and put them on the skewers.

These are very simple tasks, he decided to use the three female voice actors to do them after the show started.

Let them sit and do nothing every time, then the money is too easy to earn.

"Teda-san, may I ask if you saw Miss Sakura?"

On the side, the conversation between the female staff member wearing a hat and Naneda Lisha came to his ears.

Zhongtian Lisha was stunned: "I didn't see it, did you go to the bathroom?"

"I went to the public toilets nearby, but I didn't see it."

There was a trace of anxiety in her voice, which made Mogami Kazuto smell something bad.

Mogami Kazuto nodded to the staff next to him to indicate that there was no problem, then Mogami Kazuto walked towards Taneda Risa.

"what happened?"

"It seems that Caiyin can't be found."

"Did you call?"

"Called, but no one answered." The staff responded.

Kazuto Mogami frowned.

According to what he knew about Ayane Sakura, she was not the type who would make mistakes at work, and she was dedicated to every job.

At this time, no one can be found, and even the phone is not answered. Something must have happened.

Immediately, I dialed Sakura Ayane's mobile phone number, and after a while of busy tone, it was transferred to a voice message.

"She seemed to be in the woods before, I'll look for it."

After leaving these words, Mogami Kazuto immediately ran towards the woods, without even noticing how flustered and eager he was.

The staff didn't delay too much, and immediately called the staff on the scene to find the figure of Ayane Sakura.



"Miss Sakura!"




Walking in the woods, Kazuto Mogami realized how big this dense forest was, almost completely a forest.

If you are not good at distinguishing directions, you will definitely get lost if you go deep.

"Hey! Sakura! Sakura? Where are you Sakura!"

Stepping on countless dead branches that fell to the ground, with a creaking sound, Mogami Kazuto ran in the woods looking around, and had no time to appreciate the sparkling lake in the distance.

The noon sun shines down, and the shadows of the trees are mottled, like golden butterflies flying back and forth, kissing the earth.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly recalled the sound of footsteps leaving in a hurry when Taneda Lisha fell on top of him.

While lamenting her troubles in his heart, he quickened his pace.

In the woods of Noda, voices calling for Ayane Sakura kept coming and going, and Mogami and Kazuto ran deeper.

It was so deep that he couldn't hear the voices calling the girl's name behind him.

I didn't know how far I ran, and I sweated a lot. Mogami wiped his sweat with someone, and stood there blindly, unable to find where he should go.

Kazuto Mogami only knows that everyone has his own forest in his heart, but he never thought that there would be such a place in real life.

The description in the book is extraordinarily romantic and lonely, but the reality left him with only bouts of panic.

That annoying girl probably couldn't find her way back at this time, lost in this forest.

And he could only stand in that unknown place and keep calling Sakura Ayane's name.

 League leader plus more 11
(End of this chapter)

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