After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 495 489. Don't hug me with the hands you've hugged other girls.

Chapter 495 489. Don't hug me with the hands you've hugged other girls. (seeking a monthly ticket)
Everyone has their own forest, maybe we have never been there, but it has always been there and will always be there.

Those who are lost are lost, and those who meet will meet again.

Mogami Kazuto went around, and finally found a girl squatting on the spot leaning on the trunk behind a tree.

The arrogance of the past can no longer be seen on her body, and the torn pure white skirt tells the weakness and helplessness of a girl.

Kazuto Mogami walked in slowly, and the girl raised her head slowly when she heard the movement.

Those bright eyes were full of tears, and the little face was stained with stains that I didn't know where it was rubbed, it was a bit embarrassing and funny, but it also made people feel distressed.

The heart that originally wanted to reprimand her for causing trouble to everyone suddenly softened.

"I really don't know what you're doing?"

"Hey... I lost my way, sprained my foot, and fell down, I..."

The tip of her nose was red and twitching, biting her lips desperately, she was obviously weak to the point where she couldn't be weaker, but she still pretended to be strong.

Sakura Ayane is such a stubborn and unyielding girl.

Mogami Kazuto squatted down with a soft sigh, patted the weeds off her head, and said softly, "Okay, it's fine, let's go back."

Mogami Kazuto tried to support Sakura Ayane, she stood up with a painful face, feeling guilty for causing trouble to everyone, and just about to apologize, Mogami Kazuto suddenly laughed out loud.

"Your face is too dirty, you can't throw your whole face on the ground."

A strong sense of shame emerged at this moment, and it reminded her of the scene she just saw.

The guy in front of him actually hugged his friend when he was not around.

He is simply a big bad person who messes with flowers and grass.

He pushed him away angrily, but fell backwards with an unstable center of gravity. If the back of his head hit a hard tree trunk, it would be no joke.

Mogami Kazuto hurriedly took the girl's hand and pulled it into his arms, fearing that she would be hurt.

Sakura Ayane struggled twice, but did not break free, and raised her hand to hit his chest.

"let me go!"

"What are you fussing about?"

"Huh? Who's making trouble! I'm going to molest! Bastard!"

"Did you hit your head?"

Sakura Ayane got even more angry when she heard it, and hammered him relentlessly.

"Don't hug me with the same hand you've hugged other girls!"

"Are you talking about Miss Taneda?"

"Bastard! Scum! Scumbag! Why don't you hate me, say I'm cute.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw you playing tricks on other girls!
That's what you say to everyone anyway! "

"Miss Tantian's matter is a misunderstanding, if you are willing to listen, I can explain."

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen."

"Then I won't say anything."


Miss Sakura's eyes widened, and she looked at him in disbelief, one after another, the crystal water drops slipped silently.

Each one is brilliant and dazzling.

Mogami Kazuto sighed inwardly.

She is obviously not his lover, but she still has the feeling of wanting to explain to her.

Maybe, I have really become a different Mogami Kazuto.

He couldn't see the girl's tears, so he reached out and wiped away her tears.

The girl just stood there quietly, staring at him, letting his hands wipe her face back and forth.

"Crying is not for you, Sakura, you still look better when you smile than when you are angry."

"I'm just angry right now."

"I know, no wonder it looks so good."

She still pursed her lips tightly, even though he said something that made her heart throbbing, but thinking that he might also talk sweetly to other girls.

His chest was like a deep well blocked by boulders, no matter how he shouted, he could only hear an empty echo.

She raised her hand and patted his hand on her face, her beautiful black eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she stared at him intently, as if urging him to give an explanation quickly.

Mogami and Xinxin understood, and spoke in a leisurely manner.

After listening to Ayane Sakura, most of the anger in her heart has disappeared.

The former Mogami Kazuto had no patience to do such a thing.

He is now willing to listen and talk, and Sakura Ayane can also feel the change in his attitude towards himself.

The girl gradually softened her body, put her forehead on his shoulder, and whispered softly.

"Don't... make out with other girls in front of my eyes... You bastard."

Kazuto Mogami didn't answer, just patted her on the back and looked up at the sunlight above his head.

It was so dazzling that he couldn't look straight at it.

Holding the troublesome girl in his arms, he suddenly thought of another girl.

Everyone is like this, want to monopolize someone, want to take someone as their own.

He had already seen such a girl and hurt such a girl.

Now that things have happened, he occasionally regrets the choice he made at the time. He should have a better way to deal with it instead of just walking away.

Escaping will never solve the problem, so the current Mogami Kazuto will no longer evade.

In the distance, Yin could vaguely hear the shouts of the staff.

"Sakura, we should go, everyone is worried about you."

Sakura Ayane was unmoved, her fingers clenched his coat tightly, and the plump mountains squeezed more and more on his chest.

"Young Lord..."


"I'm sure, I'm a troublesome girl.

I caused trouble for everyone, delayed the shooting, and got angry with you because of the sauce.

Obviously nothing, but put on a girlfriend's attitude.

You must think I'm capricious. "

Girls want to make a change, not overnight.

But for a girl like Sakura Ayane, the word change might not be appropriate.

She is a gentle and kind child, but she doesn't show it in front of men.

When she meets someone who can make her open her heart, maybe that will be the most complete Sakura Ayane.

Some are savage, some willful, some are weak and delicate.

A real girl of flesh and blood.

How can it be a weak sentence, a few mysterious words, can describe it clearly.

"What are you still talking about, Sakura is a troublesome girl, I already knew that."


"I'm used to it, so you don't have to feel guilty. Compared to these, let's apologize to the staff in a while."

"……I know."

Hearing the approaching call, Kazuto Mogami was about to respond, but Ayane Sakura blocked his mouth with his hand.

Kazuto Mogami lowered his head to look at her, and there was an indescribable look in the girl's eyes.

"In that case, let me be willful again."

The lake was sparkling, and the wind was rustling, blowing into her ears the searching cries of two female voice actors in the distance.

The sun was lazily falling, kissing their cheeks through the mottled shadows of the trees.

She stood on tiptoe and kissed Mogami Kazuto on the lips.

(End of this chapter)

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