After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 496 490. Ms. Sakura's wave is somewhat personal.

Chapter 496 490. Ms. Sakura's wave is somewhat personal.

After that, the two joined the staff, and the female staff supported Sakura Ayane, who was sprained, all the way back to the camp.

Everyone was very worried about her, Taneda Risa even hugged her for a long time, and Sakura Ayane looked at her guiltily.

Part of it is that she caused trouble for everyone, and the other part is that she feels guilty because she suspects that she and Mogami Kazuto did that kind of thing.

Taneda Risa is her best friend, and Sakura Ayane doesn't want to create a gap with her.

If what Kazuto Mogami said was true, their behavior just now was just an accident, then that would be great.

And Sakura Ayane also believed that Taneda Risa would not lie to her.

Hidaka Rina stood in the distance for a long time, looking back and forth between Sakura Ayane and Mogami Kazuto, silent.

Until Mogami Kazuto felt a gaze on her and turned around to check, her smile was still polite and gentle.



"Totsuka-kun, can the ingredients be cut into this size?"

Kazuto Mogami was skewering meat on a steel skewer, he tilted his head and glanced, and praised: "Oh, your knife skills are good, Hidaka-san."

"Hey...thanks for the compliment."

Hidaka Lina smiled smugly.

Sakura Ayane noticed this, she was a little dissatisfied, and suddenly increased the intensity of chopping the meat.

It seemed that what was on the chopping board was not the ingredients, but that annoying guy.

Because the skirt was cut by a tree branch, Ayane Sakura changed into a spare outfit, and the stylist applied her makeup again.

She turned back into the proud and beautiful Sakura Ayane.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon. Although it was delayed for a long time, the filming finally proceeded smoothly.

Mogami Kazuto was a little worried that with her cutting method, she would lose her fingers, and she would cry when the time came, which would be another trouble.

Putting down the steel pick, he walked to Sakura Ayane.

"Miss Sakura, this will cut your hand."

Ayane Sakura looked up at him, and there were still cameras around at this moment, so Ayane Sakura naturally didn't want to be awkward.

"Then Totsuka-san, come and show me a demonstration."


Kazuto Mogami took the knife from Ayane Sakura and neatly cut various ingredients into appropriate shapes.

The staff in front of him carried the camera, focusing on the pair of white and slender hands.

Sakura Ayane didn't look at Mogami Kazuto's hand at all, all eyes were on Mogami Kazuto's side face.

It wasn't until she remembered that she was recording a program at this time that she looked away embarrassingly.

When all the ingredients are processed, the carbon on the side is almost ready.

Kazuto Mogami put on the skewers on the grill, and finally ushered in the dialogue part of the show.

Although it is a cooking show, what the audience wants to watch is not cooking.

There is nothing more interesting than watching a male voice actor who is not good at touching women, jumping around in the middle of three female voice actors.

It is human nature to speculate on CP to watch fun, from the point of view of inviting three female voice actors at one go.

In this area, the production team of the program can be said to control the sexuality of the audience to death.

What is the audience's favorite thing to watch?
It's "rivers of blood".

As a result, Hidaka Licai, who had already memorized the script, began to take on the role of today's hot spot.

"Totsuka-kun, have you ever had outdoor BBQ experience before?"

"Hmm... When I was in elementary school, I had it with my family."

"a family of three?"

Mogami Kazuto was stunned for a moment, and then said: "There is also a neighbor's family who lives next door. For things like BBQ, it's happier if there are more people."

"Hmm, that's true, but for children, just wait to eat." Hidaka Licai said with a smile.

"The job of being in charge of baking is also very interesting, Miss Hidaka, would you like to try it?"

"Huh? Me?...Um, can I do it?"

Hidaka Lina showed a look of hesitation, but eager to try.

After all, he is still a child, Mogami Kazuto thought so.

Mogami Kazuto gave up some space, and Hidaka Rina stood beside him with a natural expression.

At this time, Sakura Ayane was in touch with Taneda Risa, and she frowned quietly when she caught a glimpse of the scene here from the corner of her eye.

"Totsuka-san, I'm hungry, when will the roast be ready?"

"The staff meals in our store are not given to those who don't work."

Kazuto Mogami's words drew laughter from the other two voice actors and the staff present.

Sakura Ayane suddenly became unhappy, thought for a while, and walked to Mogami Kazuto's right hand.

He was sandwiched between Hidaka Lina on the left and right on the right.

"Then I'll help too."

"Are you sure you are helping and not making trouble?"

"Stop looking down on people!"

Kazuo Mogami was afraid that she would say something strange in the show, so he minimized the interaction with Ayane Sakura and turned to look at Rina Hidaka beside him.

"Miss Hidaka, can I entrust you with the half of the ingredients, please don't burn them."

"I will work hard!"

Nan Tian Lisha paced back and forth around the grill, compared a cute scissors hand to the camera, and smiled charmingly.

"Hey... Today is really the right time, only I can sit back and enjoy the success."

"Just wait for the sauce, and let you try my craft."

"I'm really counting on you."

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her: "Miss Sakura, you didn't do anything except watch."

"How dare you say it! I'll show you my hand!"

So Ayane Sakura stared at the bunch of grilled corn in front of her, flipping it up and down.

Grab the barbecue material on the side and pour it non-stop, looking confident.

"Kang Jiang, wait for me a little longer, I will be the first to let you taste it."

Taneda Risa looked at the string of strange objects that gradually turned black, showing a respectful and distant expression.

Ayane Sakura might be fine with cooking home-cooked food, but BBQ is clearly not within her scope of business, and Kazuto Mogami has already discovered this.

But since it's a program, it still needs some program effects, so I deliberately didn't remind her.

Hidakari kept flipping the skewers: "Totsuka-san, is it okay to look like this?"

"Hmm... let's roast it for a while, you can sprinkle seasonings."


"Looking at Ms. Hidaka's technique, it seems that she can cook at home." Mogami Kazuto praised.

"Hey... Didn't I say it last time on the show, doesn't it mean that Totsuka-san doesn't believe me?"

Hidaka Lina puffed up her cheeks, but there was no dissatisfaction on her face.

"Uh, sorry."

Seeing that he had been talking to Hidaka Rina, Sakura Ayane deliberately kept silent and ignored him, silently turning over the corn in her hand.

"Caiyin, I think it should be almost there."

Naneda Lisa said worriedly.

Ayane Sakura had a fierce look on her face, staring at the corn in her hand without blinking.

"Not yet! We have to burn this guy to ashes!"

"Burn to ashes?!"

She was somewhat personal.

 Waiting for the leader to add more changes, the last four chapters are left.

  Victory is imminent!When I finish making up the lord plus update, I can restore the double update!

  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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