After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 497 491. The imitation contest of voice actors.

Chapter 497 491. The imitation contest of voice actors. (Four more ask for a monthly ticket)
Filming is in progress.

It is October at this time, the weather is not hot, and the cool autumn wind blows on the body, which makes people quite comfortable.

Kazuto Mogami handed the finished skewers to Risa Taneda who was on the side. After thanking Risa Taneda, she immediately showed off in front of the camera.

At this moment, Miss Sakura was still struggling with the bunch of corn.

Even with the effect of the show, Kazuto Mogami couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to remind him.

"Miss Sakura, it's too late to stop now."

"This is Sakura-ryu's special grilled corn, laymen should not point fingers."

The staff laughed and focused the camera on Sakura Ayane's dignified side face.

Mogami Kazuto no longer cared about her.

Hidakali Cai was sipping the grilled skewers with his own hands. His eyes, already full of magic, bloomed with incomparable colors, and he was excitedly facing the camera.

"Mina-san, it's really delicious, as expected of Totsuka-kun."

This exaggerated reaction is more or less a performance, but it also proves that the taste is indeed delicious.

"Thank you, these are the achievements of Ms. Hidaka."

"Does Totsuka-kun want to eat too?"

Hidaka Rina picked up a bunch with a smile and handed it to Mogami Kazuto. Mogami Kazuto took it without hesitation, trying not to touch her fingers.

"Then I'm welcome."

"Please use."

In fact, barbecue is almost the same taste.

If it tastes good, then that level, and if it tastes bad, it won't be so bad.

As for the guy next to him still battling the corn, that's no longer a BBQ.

"Totsuka-kun, is it delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious."


The girl's smile was really seductive, making Kazuto Mogami afraid to get close.

Listening to the conversation between the two people beside her, Ayane Sakura squeezed the steel pick with the corn in her hand tightly and said nothing.

It's just the effect of the show.

Get angry and lose.

Gengtian Lisha came over and chatted with the two of them. After all, she was also one of the guests on the show and was responsible for leading the topic.

Only Sakura Ayane remained silent, still struggling with the dark substance that seemed to come from another dimension.

Kazuto Mogami thought that maybe after this influence spread, Ayane Sakura would be labeled as the Lonely Star again.

"Miss Sakura, please try it too." Mogami Kazuto handed him the freshly roasted beef.

"Wait a minute, I'll be distracted."

Well, it's really on the bar, right?

"Recently, I often see Totsuka-kun at auditions."

Hidaka Lina said suddenly.

"Well... because it's a voice actor."

"I heard that a new song and the latest volume of the novel will be released this month. It's really hard work."

"I don't want to slack off at work. Everyone in the industry is working hard. If you are too slow, everyone will rush to the front without knowing it."

"Work hard at home~"

Mogami Kazuto was a little embarrassed by the praise.

Taneda Risa suddenly thought of something, and looked at Kazuto Mogami with a smile: "Speaking of which, I heard recently that Totsuka-kun would give a self-introduction with all his strength before each recording."

"Ah! Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L

Taneda Lisha smiled and said, "My suggestion is not bad."

"I will tell them the truth, just say that Miss Taneda asked me to say it." Mogami Kazuto responded.


The atmosphere here was good, and Sakura Ayane, who was alone, suddenly felt a little bored.

As a good friend of Ayane Sakura, Taneda Risa naturally wanted to talk to her, but the dark matter became an obstacle between them.

She probably didn't really want to eat that stuff for herself.


Following Sakura Ayane's high-pitched voice, everyone's eyes focused on her.

"Miss Sakura, don't play with the charcoal, it's dangerous."

"This is corn!!"

Mogami Kazuto was shocked, and the surrounding staff laughed wildly.

The photographer deliberately took two steps forward to take a long close-up of the material that Sakura Ayane is holding.

"I feel that there is a possibility of being mosaiced in the later stage."

"Growing sauce is too much! I did it for you!"

"We are friends, right? Well..."

To be honest, Naneda Lisha's reaction hit her hard, and she herself was vaguely aware of it, but every time she wanted to bake for a while, just for a little while.

When she came back to her senses, this mass of dark matter from another dimension was born.

Sakura Ayane put down the corn in her hand in frustration, and Taneda Risa handed her a skewer of meat grilled by Mogami Kazuto.

I took two bites and it was really delicious.

Even though Ayane Sakura tried hard to hide it, Kazuto Mogami still saw the unwillingness in her brow, and sighed helplessly.

"Let's play a game," he said.


"Well, let's make it simpler."

"Since it's a game, will there be rewards?" Ridaka asked curiously.

"Well... there are no rewards, but there are punishment games."

"Punishment game?"

"The loser eats the corn grilled by Miss Sakura."

Taneda Risa and Hidaka Rina took a look at the string of dark matter, and their eyes sharpened at the same time.

"Wait...! It's too much to treat my food as a punishment game!"

All the staff at the scene were laughing, only Ms. Sakura felt that she was being ridiculed by Kazuto Mogami, and tried hard to suppress the displeasure in her heart.

In his heart, he had already scolded this annoying guy beside him ten thousand times, but what was exasperating was that he had taken the initiative to kiss him in the woods just now.

Really kissed the dog.

Taneda Risa panicked and said, "Totsuka-kun, are you playing too big?"

"That's more interesting, isn't it?"

"It's not bad, I think it's very interesting." Hidaka Licai smiled.

"Wait a minute, I didn't agree to give you the food I baked so hard as a punishment game."

"Then Miss Sakura, do you want to eat by yourself?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

Sakura Ayane originally wanted to say yes with perseverance, but even she really didn't have that kind of courage, so her voice gradually dropped.

Hidaka Licai blinked her beautiful eyes: "Then what should I play?"

Kazuto Mogami rubbed his chin: "Everyone is a voice actor, so let's imitate the voices of other voice actors."

"Ah! So cunning!"

"You can't beat Totsuka-kun like this!"

Taneda Risa and Hidaka Rina protested, while Sakura Ayane also looked at each other coldly, needless to say.

Kazuto Mogami is good at imitation, which is well known in the seiyuu industry. At first glance, there are indeed some elements of cheating.

He said helplessly: "Then imitate a female voice actor I don't know, you guys come first, I will imitate your imitation, so you can come."

Kazuto Mogami said so, and they thought about it, but they also felt that it might be a solution.

"Miss Sakura, how about you? Do you want to participate?"

"Of course!"

Kazuto Mogami looked around: "Then please ask the special staff to be the judges, and the ranking will be determined according to the number of votes of each person."

Zhongtian Lisha pursed her lips, thinking: "Then who is better to imitate?"

"It can only be Takahashi Mina." Sakura Ayane blurted out.

"Indeed, there is no one more easily imitated than her."

"Agreed." Hidaka Licai didn't have any objections.

The three women agreed at once, but Kazuto Mogami didn't know who they were talking about.

Although I have heard of this name, Mogami Kazuto's memory is not good enough to memorize the voices of every voice actor.

 League leader plus more 12
  More will be added before dawn.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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