Chapter 519 513. You and Me in Spring.

In the narrow compartment, Kazuto Mogami breathed the smell of clear water and sand, and looked closely at the girl who was once his lover.

She was getting closer and closer to him, Kazuto Mogami could only hold her shoulders with both hands, silently resisting.

Little by little, he pushed her away from him.

In the end, the girl with infinite grip turned into the weakest existence in the world at this moment, accepting Kazuto Mogami's push and push without incident.

He could no longer bring his body close to him.

Kazuto Mogami looked at the disappointment in the girl's eyes, and wanted to reach out to touch her head like he did in the past, but he stretched out his hand halfway, and then retracted it resentfully.

"Kazuto-san, compared to me, I would choose Neru-san."

"Yousha, falling in love is not a matter of who chooses whom, but who wants to be with."

"It's the same, there is no difference for me, Kazuto-san feels that being with Neru-san is happier than being with me.

That's all. "

Perhaps the words of clear water and sand are too explicit, but what she said is the truth.

Mogami Kazuto can always feel an invisible sense of oppression when he is with Shimizu Arisa.

On the contrary, in the process of getting along with Sakura Ayane, he is not so restrained, he wants to say what he wants to say, what he wants to do.

Occasionally tease her, say a few words that will make her raise her eyebrows and get angry, and no matter how nicely she comforts her, everything will seem like it never happened.

Even though he hadn't dated her, Mogami Kazuto was able to experience the original form of the word "love" from that girl.

Let him can't help but think about it.

Ah, this is love.

Through the window of the car, Kazuto Mogami saw a girl in white with twin ponytails, walking back and forth in the cold wind at the end of October.

At one point, he picked up his mobile phone and wanted to dial a number, but then chopped off his foot angrily, and swung his arms angrily, venting himself.

Mogami Kazuhito couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Seeing this, Qing Shui You Sha followed his line of sight and saw the beautiful figure outside, his eyes added a bit of loneliness.

"Get out of the car, Senior Miyano and the others should be here."

Kazuto Mogami said so, opened the car door, and walked towards the annoying female voice actor.

Qingshuiyousha sat in the car, and there was no movement for a long time.

She just stared blankly at the man Zeng Jin who spoke sweet words to her, and walked towards another girl.

No matter how weak and weak he was showing at this moment, it was such a distressing expression.

He won't even see it.



Kazuto Mogami put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked quietly. When he was ten meters away from Ms. Sakura, he stopped and watched her kicking stones from a distance.

Even if he couldn't hear her voice, Mogami Kazuto could imagine that she was cursing himself, and I really hoped that she wouldn't blame him for kicking the toe of her shoe afterward.


Well, it's kind of interesting.

Just watch it for a while.

he thinks.

Suddenly, kicking the stones far away, the girl flicked her clever double ponytails, and was about to get through to that annoying guy's number.


A familiar voice came from behind, causing Sakura Ayane to stop her fingers that were about to dial, and turned around quietly.

Today, she is wearing flat-heeled shoes with round toes, and with the height of the heel, Ms. Sakura is still less than 1.6 meters tall.

With her neck raised, the tip of her characteristic white nose twitched slightly, and a cute little crease appeared on the bridge of her nose.

She subconsciously took a look behind Mogami Kazuto, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't see the figure of Shimizu and Yousha.

Immediately, her eyebrows stood upright, wishing she could swallow this annoying guy in front of her.

"Why did you call me!"

"What are you doing, aren't you waiting for me?"

The girl raised her jaw proudly, her white skin looked like a boundless snowfield, and one couldn't help but want to leave a mark of walking on it.

"Huh?! Who's waiting for you! Don't put money on your face. I'm here to attend Miyano-san's celebration banquet. What does it have to do with you!"

"Okay, then I'm leaving."


As soon as Kazuto Mogami turned around, Ms. Sakura reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes, looking up at him with her mouth pursed.

"What's the matter? Ms. Sakura..." Mogami Kazuto said with a straight face on purpose.

"Hey...he's such a bad guy with a bad heart."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Is there anyone else but you!"

"Then I will not bother you for now, a bad guy with a bad heart."


Ayane Sakura's face suddenly collapsed, and the emotion of "if you dare to leave, you will die" was written in her beautiful eyes.

Seeing that teasing her is almost enough, if she pushes further, she will probably lose her temper on this occasion.

Kazuto Mogami chuckled, and gently took away her hand that was pulling the hem of his clothes, and held it in his palm.

Ms. Sakura struggled to break free a few times, but she was so weak that she couldn't take her hand back, and immediately glared at him: "What are you doing holding my hand, let go, you bastard!"


Mogami Kazuto let go without the slightest hesitation.

Sakura Ayane took half a step back, blushing withdrew her hand, and quietly put it behind her back.

The twin ponytails are swaying, like two beams of holy light falling from the sky, which is really sweet and beautiful.

"It's the first time I saw you with double ponytails."


"Quite good looking."

"Of course I know it looks good, in your terms."

"Why are you so angry? I don't seem to provoke you today."

Miss Sakura's eyes widened: "You haven't provoked me yet?"

"for example?"

"Who told you to take the car of your ex-girlfriend."

"There's no room for the company's car, so I can only take her."

"You can take the tram, or walk."

"Don't say such difficult things."


Sakura Ayane also knew that she was talking nonsense, but she just wasn't happy. She had told him early on that she couldn't make out with other girls, but he didn't seem to care at all.

Although he is not his girlfriend, his attitude of giving in and accommodating to him is just acquiescing that they can be one step closer.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't kiss him again and again and give him benefits.

The more Miss Sakura thought about it, the angrier she became, and she kept stamping her feet.

"Mogami Kazuto!"

"I'm here."

"Do you like me or not!"

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the passers-by around him, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "You want to say it here?"

"Just say it here!"

"Is it necessary?"

Miss Sakura nodded heavily: "I have to say it!"

Kazuto Mogami let out a long sigh.

"What do you mean by sighing!"

"No, I'm just afraid that you will be embarrassed."

Sakura Ayane seemed to think of something, and suddenly her expression was shaken.

Kazuto Mogami was about to speak, but the timid Ayane Sakura's heart was beating non-stop, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand to stop it.

"Wait a moment!"

Caress your chest, inhale, exhale, and keep taking deep breaths.

The pair of ponytails behind them are wantonly enjoying the caress of the autumn wind, swaying in the wind.

a long time.

The autumn wind stopped blowing just right, and the time around her seemed to be frozen, and Ayane Sakura stood quietly in front of her.

The voice is soft and serious, with the formality of a graduate accepting an interview for the first time.

"I'm ready, tell me."

Kazuto Mogami thought of a lot of words suitable for this occasion, sweet words, as a creator, he can think of as many as he wants.

It's just that something doesn't seem right.

At least not between him and the annoying female voice actor in front of him.

What is it that connects them together?

Kazuto Mogami thought for a long time, and finally found the answer.

What happened between them always seemed to revolve around that novel.

Perhaps this answer is not so correct, but in front of this girl in front of him, it should be the most suitable.

The wind in late autumn is always cloudy or cloudy, so you can leave when you say it, and come when you say it.

Like all the different girls.

"Will it be cold?"

"Well... a little bit, why do you suddenly ask such an inexplicable question, don't you want to change the topic again?"

She was still so impatient.

"Winter is coming, and it will be colder in the future."

"Huh? What inexplicable words are you talking about? I didn't stand here with you to blow the cold wind just to hear you say such things."

"After winter comes spring."

"Isn't that nonsense?"

"Wait until spring, let's go play together."


"Going to the wilderness in spring, I spread a picnic cloth on the lawn and filled it with the bento I made with my own hands. If you walk alone, if you really meet a bear, you and I will be bothered, and maybe you will snatch me away. Your bento.

So here it is, I borrowed a stuffed animal from an amusement park and put it on, with fur like velvet and round eyes.

Imitate Da Shansang's voice and say to you: "Hello, miss, can you roll and play with me?" 'Then, you hugged me and rolled down the clover-covered hillside for a whole day.

Do you hate such an answer? "

 What Zozo people.

(End of this chapter)

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